Wednesday, December 17, 2014

the most wonderful wonderful wonderful WONDERFUL day (not time) of the year!!

I’ve been watching the show House of DVF which is the search for the brand ambassador for Diane von Furstenberg brand.  Let me say Miss Diane fires people the best!! She hands you a little parting bag and then you are gone! The bags have gotten bigger as the episodes go on and she is soooo nice about it.  What’s funny is all of the women feel so entitled like OF COURSE I should be the ambassador! But out of the last 3 left, I really don’t know who should be the ambassador.  I went online to see some of her dresses, she is known for a good wrap dress and it stops at size 14 AND they are like $250 for the cheapest dress.  SO maybe that won’t be my thing.

I bought a Christmas tree the other day! It’s not that I have been anti-Christmas when it comes to a tree, it’s just that the day after Thanksgiving comes and goes so fast and then it’s December 25 and then it’s way too late.  I bought a little table top tree a while ago and that has been what I used for that past several years. But then my mom (aka the roommate) said, I think we should get a tree!!  We means me.  So Monday at lunch in a dress I go to the Home Dept.  I went there because my seester said it was less of a hassle than going to a lot.  Thankfully there was a dad (who was actually kinda cute) buying a tree and he was helping me and I guess I was helping him.  The cashier was actually pretty helpful and then they had 2 extra workers who were also helpful.  I NEVER get that much help from the Home Depot crew so clearly this was my day!  The one dude cut the bottom and trimmed some branches and the kicker was that it needed to go in my backseat.  The trunk had stuff from the Sam’s Club AND the wheelchair and there was just no way it would fit there.  I don’t know if it was the smell or what but I had a smile on face!!  He put it in the backseat and I had to roll the window down, it really is a little tree.  I get it home, leaned it against my ottoman and didn’t put it up until after my sorority meeting.  It worried the roommate and even though she was in the bed when I got home, she wanted to get up to hold it in place so that I could screw in the screws at the bottom.  I told her I was fine and that I didn’t want the tree or her to topple over.  The next night I started decorating and it again worried the roommate.  She insisted on helping even though she couldn’t see the green hook to put on the green tree.  So she pointed and said just follow my point!!  So the lights and some balls are on the tree.  I need a few more hooks and balls and it’ll be complete.  Paisley hasn’t ventured to mess with it which I guess is a good thing, but we’ll see.  Christmas is next week! 

SO this whole Sony thing is both sad and hilarious!!  Basically there is a movie about to come out called ‘The Interview’ with James Franco and Seth Rogen.  The quick and dirty is that they are plotting to kill the North Korean dictator.  And then Sony files and emails got hacked and Koreans are being blamed. I have several layers to my thoughts.  1st off getting a script green lit in Hollywood takes a lot of effort.  You go through many levels of people who read the script and decide who is going to do what and at every level people said Yep that’s a good idea!!  Sounds good to me!!  Strained relations with North Korea?!?!  OH no problem, it’s just a movie and it’s funny so yeah let’s go ahead and spend millions on this bullshit even though we just turned down a really good script because no one looked like the one presenting it and we just can’t see it but James Franco and Seth Rogen, people like them so yeah GREEN LIGHT!!  That right there gets major side eye. After all of this the movie gets made and the North Koreans are not happy.  I mean would you be?? It just smells bad to me.  2nd Sony executives have had their files and emails hacked and all kindsa stuff is coming out about all the celebrities like someone said something about Angelina Jolie, they made fun of The Smith kids being home schooled, we find out the points for ‘American Hustle’ the men got 9% but the women got 7%.  AND THEN they are making a plea to the social media outlets and CNN to stop reporting on it.  REALLY GIRL???  I just don’t feel sorry for them.  Nothing is private and you have to be careful what you say and do.  Big brother is always watching.  I read this article on the whole Elf on the shelf phenomenon and that’s a whole nuther thing…. Basically it’s saying you are setting your kids up to not question authority and to be cautious and always do good because that thing is watching you.  Whew I digress…So yeah I forgot what I was gonna say next (imagine that LOL)!!
Sony has pulled the movie all together!  WOW  is all I can say.  I had no intention of seeing the movie because you seen one Seth Rogen James Farnco movie... you seen em all.  But this right here is interesting!!

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