Monday, May 23, 2016

a little monday random...

I don’t know why I keep going to the Panera in Pikesville.  Well cause it’s the Panera and a good sandwich or soup or salad is always good idea.  But for the life of me why do all of the geriatrics and people who don’t know how the pick up your food line works have to be there when I go.  So they call #454 the woman sees her food and is like perplexed about it and then she says to her friend I think that is mine.  I need for her to go pick it up because I don’t want her to stand there when they call 455 which is my number.  Then after I get my food I go and sit near some Delta’s who are discussing reclamation.  Something I guess we all go through.  A little elderly lady walks up with her cane puts it across the table and says I need this table.  No one is fussing or arguing with her.  The Delta’s are like OK!  So then she says well can you ladies make sure no one take this table and they say sure no problem.  THEN, this lady sits down which confuses the hell outta of all of us.  You just made a declaration that this is YOUR table so why then did you sit down? I think she was waiting for someone but no one ever came while I was there.  

My Res Pandora station seldom disappoints me.  Today is one of those days I feel a little bad for my cubemates.  I am singing right along with EVERYTHING!! And they just played some songs I haven’t heard in a while!!  It is taking a lot to not be like YASSSSS!!!!

So this past week was a really good one. I went to see The Read do a live podcast at Goucher College.  I still contend that Baltimore audiences ae not nearly as hype as others.  I have attended the same show in DC and the crowd be hype as hell.  But anyways I had a good time.  I adopted the kids that were in front of me in the long line.  It started out with 2 girls and 2 guys (I guess they were parking the car) came up.  And I’m not entirely sure how it started but they started looking at stuff on the phone and I was like wait I can’t see!  I am truly my mother’s child when it comes to befriending folks.  I went by myself because I honestly don’t know anyone who listens to the podcast and would have enjoyed it.  I have to re-listen to it on soundcloud.  Then last Thursday I went to the Howard Theatre to see Foreign Exchange.  This time by myself because I’m not sure if any of my friends know who they are and I didn’t feel like organizing.  Parking is always a challenge but I always seem to find good parking.  I checked with the security guards (there were 4 of them standing there) actually they were watching my every move which was a little unnerving but I still flashed my smile and said hey fellas is it ok if I park here.  Then the little one (cause the little one is always the boldest) says oh yeah you’re good.  I say thank sand then he’s like well we all can accept a $10 tip.  I said how about a smile and a thank you.  He was like yeah that works too!! I get to the theater and there is a line and I am thankful I threw on the pink chucks. I know it’s going to be standing room which is bull shit cause who wants to be standing.  Anyway there are a few couples but I’m standing behind this cutie who is tall, bald with the grey at his temples and has a great beard.  NOW I have come to realize the things that attract me to men have changed since I was younger. All I got to say is grey is good!! I am trying to figure out his deal because he stepped out of the line clearly waiting for someone.  I go on in and still fussing in my head about the standing room.  I get situated by the steps.  I need a place to lean and sit it needed.  I get my 1 little drink and post up and enjoy the sights.  Foreign Exchange draws a large straight men crowd and this makes me happy.  The guy who was outside is near me did end up with a woman but I knew that wasn’t his date just the way they interacted she was doing her thing and so was he… I started to do some hating on the girl who I don’t even know and I really had to catch myself!!  I didn’t know that chick and she wasn’t bothering me but women… we can do that and not even be able to admit why.  She did have on this crazy outfit but if she felt comfortable showing all her cellulite then who am I to judge?!? I know that was petty LOL ANYWAYS another woman comes and stands near me by the steps.  And then the crowd fills up.  At one point I see her get annoyed and I am feeling her pain.  For whatever reason, all the tall men in DC decided to stand in front of us.  I tap her and say why are all the tall guys right HERE!!  She was like RIGHT and all the tall men seem to know each other!! I can see the stage and they have monitors so it really was ok.  The show was AWESOME!!  Phonte is the front man and just keeps the flow of the concert going.  And then ALL of the men around me are singing loud and off key AND dancing!! Now some of the songs from the more recent cd’s I know but then some of the older ones I didn’t.  I ended up getting 4 cd’s including the newest by Zo! SkyBreak.  Yeah you just gonna have to google it all and or trust me when I say you missing out if you don’t know these people! 

I am ready for the festivaling this summer.  1st stop Capital Jazz!  I am going Friday and Saturday and might go Sunday if I can think about it real good and/or if someone already got me a ticket!!  The Summer Spirit fest with Erykah Badu, Jill Scott and nem… LOL I am ready!!

Thursday, May 5, 2016

amzement unceased...

There is this little Indian woman who has been here where I work since probably even before I was here the 1st go around.  And I see her do this with everyone but she’ll just start talking to you like mid conversation like she is either picking up from the last conversation she was having or that’s just where she wants to start.  I know she has kids (probably even grandkids) and she is so maternal and I just appreciate her.  She will fuss at you if that’s what you need or just talk.  I am in a hellified mood right now and emotional as hell so I am appreciating a lot today that on a normal day I may not.  I have come to a realization that this blog is really for me.  It’s nice if folks read it, but it is a release for me and today is one of dem days that I need to release.  It’s gloomy outside kinda doing a rain mist thing.  My heat has not been working so I am concerned about my poor ailing mother who is actually just fine with her little space heater.  I’m just pissed that the dude who put my new furnace in last year was in Trinidad and didn’t have a back-up and then his wife’s aunt passed so they stayed there and I’m just pissed.  I had unplugged my electric blanket because I didn’t need it, but I plugged it back in so me and Paisley have been taking advantage of it!  I just hate living my life where something is always freaking going on.  It has been something for the past few weeks ALWAYS SOMETHING!!!! And it is frustrating when it keeps happening while I’m PMS’ing.  And it seems to be hitting so hard here lately.  I mean I am so close to going into full meltdown on more occasions than I care to share.  My co-worker caught a tantrum I was having and she was like ARE YOU OK!!?!?  I wasn’t but I got it together quickly.  And today as I sit here sipping on this not horrible but also not great Starbucks trying to get my eyes to fully open so I don’t look like I just hit the bong before I stepped into this place.  I don’t do that but my eyes right now couldn’t convince anyone otherwise. I’m listening to my NeoSoul cafĂ© and it might be a little more mellow than I need but mellow is good.  OH and then I added Periscope.  I am trying to keep up with the new tech but I really am ok with the Facebook, Instagram and twitter on occasion.  I added snapchat and am SOO clueless about that.  So periscope had a bunch of notifications that I was no trying to see.  So I’ll just check every so often to see if someone is talking that I want to listen to. So here is the thing with the social media and just society today, everyone thinks everyone else wants to hear their opinion on everything!  I know that was a pretty broad statement.  But so like there are pastors, motivational speakers, people who have done things worthwhile (and maybe not so much) and they all got shit to say! And people actually listen!!!  This is a phenomenon that is so fascinating.  It is mind blowing.  SO you open your app and decide you got stuff to say AND PEOPLE login and listen.  I can’t really wrap my head around it…
I’m getting my nails done today.  I think I might get tips or at least an overlay.  My nails have been breaking like crazy.  I got my hair did on Tuesday OH and the woman who did it worked in Pittsburgh under a guy I grow up in church with.  This world is so small!!  I’m tryna look cute for my nephew’s graduation this weekend in Atlanta!!
Walmart never EVER ceases to amaze.  I needed to get some cash for the above mentioned nails. The shop is close to the Walmart and my banks are in the opposite direction.  I call the customer serve and ask ‘What Bank is it for the ATM in the store’ The woman says ‘Well we don’t have a bank we have an ATM’ I said ‘RIGHT IS it Bank of America? M&T? PNC?’ She was like oh I don’t know… she then proceeds to transfer me to a nonexistent customer service person.   I hang up after a few seconds.  I decided to go to the store buy something and not pay whatever the service fee is for the ATM.  I hop in line after a lady who has on a few things and I grab a milky way and chili Doritos (don’t judge my PMS food choices LOL).  A man (black guy) in a little funky khaki cowboy hat gets behind me.  A random (African lady with an accent) lady hops behind me and puts her stuff on the belt and says ‘My children are on the school bus, please sir PLEASE’ I thought she was with the man.  Then she says again ‘Please SIR PLEASE’.  She starts to plead with the cashier and we are looking at each other like WTF is going on here. She is saying I need to go next. The cashier says well you need to ask the man. HE says ‘But you didn’t even ask me you just put your stuff on the belt’ MEANWHILE I am having issues with the card reader.  They are random af… sometimes you have to put the chip in other times you don’t. The lady in the line 2 lanes down says… ‘you can come over here and get in front of me’ the lady in line is grateful, grabs her shit and goes to the other line.  Now I look at the dude and say I thought she was with you.  He says to me I THOUGHT SHE WAS WITH YOU!!! And I would have let her go but she didn’t even ask!! He says, just cause I have on this cowboy hat don’t mean I’m nice.  I just need some cash I don’t really NEED the Milky Way and Doritos but I say OUT LOUD… WALMART NEVER CEASES TO AMAZE ME!!  He laughs and says yep!