Wednesday, December 16, 2015

a buncha girls did and the shit looked fuuuuuuuuuunnnnn...

Random AF

So they said they didn’t like Jill Scott.  That right there is enough to drop everything and leave.  HOW do you not like Jill Scott?!?!? There are some things that are negotiable… Jill and Seinfeld are not 2 of those things.  If you don’t agree that Seinfeld was one of the best sitcoms (if not the best… well ok at least top 5) then we are not compatible. But then when they said oh you like Jill Scott?!?!  That one is a keeper!!

I really do feel sorry for my cubemates when I get in my singing.  I try not to do so loud but sometimes it just IS!

In addition I feel sorry for them after I had a milkshake… like today #bad

My mom/roommate has been getting quite cranky and kinda a bully when she wants a cookie. 

I have never liked the term daddy for a man who is not my daddy.  My daddy dead so I’ll just call you by your name.  How about that?!?

You should never ask a question that you really don’t want to know the answer to.  I have asked a few questions and gotten the answer and I’m like huh… yep I didn’t need to know that!  So now I have to make room in the vault to hold onto this info I shoulda just not even asked about.  What’s the vault?  Oh that’s where shit goes that only I need to know.  This is unshareable shit!!  This is take to the grave even if I’m water boarded kinda shit!

So here is something I can share… or rather ask.  Am I the onliest person who when I see pics of celebrities on the news feed on the facebook instantly think they are dead?  Usually it’s their birthday or they have done something noteworthy but morbid me thing… They DEAD!!

The black security guard was feeling some kinda way when I was talking a little too friendly to the white security guard.  I don’t even know how we became on a 1st name basis.  Probably because he was like how the heck do you say your name?  And he is nice enough, but it is really just small talk.  So relax buddy and don’t be saying hello to me all loud! 

I finally watcher The Wiz LIVE!, which was a revamped live version of The Wiz play.  I thought it was really good. Although I am in need of hearing the original… not the movie the original play music.  My sister has the album but I’m not too confident in my ability to get her to let me hold it.  I even have a record player.  But of course the YouTube has everything.  I just wanted to hear Stephanie Mills.  Her voice is just ridiculous!!  I mean she can just sang.  And I’m not taking anything away from that little girl who revamped the role, but Stephanie… just no comparison.  And then more on the YouTube is Jazmin Sullivan who’s voice at 11 was just like it is now… RIDICULOUS!!  She sang home for a school play or something. 

Speaking of music I randomly bought Kenny Lattimore’s new cd ‘Anatomy of a Love Song’.  It’s random because I just haven’t been swayed to purchase any of his music.  Listening to Will Downing’s music podcast I heard his song…actually was that the same time I heard Lalah?  Or wait was it Jill Scott?!?  I gotta go back and see.  There is one song that I think they are playing on the radio, but the one on this show was ‘You have my heart’.  You know sometimes you hear a song at the exact moment that you just need to hear it.  So then I bought the cd based on that one song but I have not been disappointed by the entire cd.  He has a little Lalah Hathaway in there for good measure, but the hilarious feature is Kelly Price.  When she was on that show RnB Divas it was clear that Chante Moore had problem with her ex Kenny Lattimore.  But you know sometimes I wonder if some of that was done more for show.   One of the main reason I stopped watching the show because it was just TMI.  I don’t need to know all this petty stuff about my singers.  Anyways, I really like the CD.

I am not a gadget kinda chick, I never have been but I just made 2 purchases that might turn me to the dark side LOL.  About 2 weeks before thanksgiving, my sister was talking about the food processor she used.  I was like HOLE UP you have a food processor?  I mean I watch the cooking shows and I know how much they make life easier, but the size of my kitchen has made me rethink buying extra stuff to put in there.  AND they always have the really high end ones on the show and the kid is not shelling out $500 for one little piece of equipment. I started doing a little research, you know at work, and found them on the good Amazon for under $50 so I got one.  I like onions and I cry a total river whenever I need to cut them.  For thanksgiving I made the stuffing which called for both onions and celery.  I used my new processor and it took literally seconds what usually felt like it took all evening!  On Cyber Monday I was again on the Amazon and saw a knife sharpener which I probably should have gotten before trying to carve a turkey but I digress. I read the reviews and this lil sharpener seemed to be like a good buy.  I don’t have high end cutlery in fact I bought knives at Sam’s club maybe 8 years ago so the knives have been in dire need of a good sharpen.  I used the fine setting and my knife was sharp as… well a KNIFE!!  I don’t even remember what I cut into but I was VERY satisfied!!

This is about the time of year I do a year in review.  This has truly been a year!  One of the main bench marks for me usually is a job.  I started with one and I’m ending with one. OH JOY!  I know the parameters should be a little higher than that, like did I change my life or the life of others around me?  Did I make a difference?  Did I lose 300 pounds and become the next Iron Woman?  Did I invent the next great gadget?  I don’t know something more than just a damn job.  A job aint nothing but work (LOL).  There’s that!  And of course as the main caregiver for my mother just making sure she is ok which… well ok her general ailments really were the cause of her fall in April, but for a while I felt like I failed her.  Like why did I allow this to happen? She had a stay in a nursing/rehab facility and while it was nice enough she left a little worse than she went in… WHEW this is getting dark as hell.  Hmmm…  Many lessons were learned.  There is always a mix of good and bad staff at facilities.  You always want the best but when you get the bad you roll with it.  You make sure they know you are present and know what is going on at any given time and when something goes wrong, tell someone!  The place was going through a bit of a transition but I never allowed anything to fall through the cracks.  I brought my mom home and the search for the caregiving staff was on.  Is has been a challenge since August and I don’t want to say out loud that I think I finally have a good mix, because something is always bound to change, but am less stressed about it.  I have gotten more active in my sorority probably more as a release from stuff at home.  And then I also found some other releases J well you know not just THAT but that is always a GREAT release!  But more of just giving myself permission to live my life.  This honestly took a long time for me to do.  Asking people/family for help or not!  And then also planning better.  I usually plan things out but actually scheduling time for myself sounds easy, but doing it can be a challenge because a myriad of excuses that can come up. 
There is more to my year but I just drew a blank… DAMN WORK!! so this is my blog from your favorite random chick!

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

no coincidence exist that we don't manifest...

It’s a gloomy day today.  I’m not sure why that makes any difference but it does.  It’s always a good day to blog, right?!?! RIGHT!!  And I had a lot in me from thanksgiving but then I guess I talked a lot that day so I was able to get it out of me.  But I can still stat there.  Thanksgiving was pretty great!  I usually pace myself a little better likes starting Sunday or Monday but I got all my shopping done and started Wed.  I made chitlins… chitterlings (okay no red wiggly line under that spelling!), greens, bean dip, spinach dip, corn pudding, relish tray, turkey and ham.  That’s what I did.  My sister came with the rest of the sides because black folk do the most!  And we are no different.  She came in with boxes of food.  Actually most of her stuff were sweets, but she also did the macaroni and cheese, sweet potatoes, green beans, potato salad, deviled eggs… it sounds so ridiculous written down but if something is missing it always feels like the end of the world.  Several things are done in the name of tradition.  OMG I forgot the stuffing that I made!  So this is the recipe written by my sister but is from what my grandmother did cause you know that generation of cooks just knew what to do, they didn’t follow to many recipes.  It is (or rather was) cornbread stuffing.  I attempted it last year and was not nearly as close as I was this year.  I was almost in tears this year because it wasn’t coming out right and then I ran out of freaking poultry seasoning, I called my cousin who walked me through the last few steps.  It turned out really good.  Now as the cook sampling food all day and waiting for folks to get house I did have food but then I don’t think I enjoyed it all that much.  BUT THE NEXT DAY…  I was a tired chick and I slept most of the day.  I got up maybe about 10 fix a full plate of leftovers ate it and mmmm’d and ahh’d through the meal and got back in the bed.  Later in the day I fixed another full plate… and it was just as good!!  SO that was the food.  I was able to get the roommate up and out of the bed which is always good.  She doesn’t do so well with so many people in the house and then there were two little people and she got fixated on the safety of the baby who is 2 and who was into everything.  He bumped his head (he was fine) but then she was concerned every time he walked by and told him to be careful.  But in general it was just a good day and weekend.  I got some much needed sleep.

I have scored BIG today!  It is Wednesday and I’m over thanksgiving food, plus not much is left.  Yesterday I got a grilled cheese and clam chowder at the cafeteria at my job.  Why was the clam chowder so good!?!?!  Today I went downstairs to toast my pumpkin pop tart found in a random Trader Joes bag I had and totally forgot I bought last month.  I actually offered it to a co-worker and then said wait.. nah you can’t have my pop tart!! As with most companies, when there is a meeting the admins usually have food I used to be the one ordering back in the day at a few of my 50eleven jobs.  So the admin who ordered was trying to avoid having to move all of the food back to her building so she was giving all the stuff away.  There were muffins, pastries, parfaits, mini quiches.  I grabbed the mini quiche and the parfait which turned out to be plain greek unsweetened yogurt so not so good! But the quiche AND the pop tart was good.  SO then this afternoon as I look at the clock knowing it’s too late to run to the cafeteria, another admin from the group I sit beside was bringing cookies and sandwiches!  SCORE another one for me!! So I had a cookie, this good pesto chicken sandwich, chips, AND more clam chowder.  A sista is going down.  I am getting the sleepy eye!!  Itis is real!!


Soulful Symphony… almost forgot about this.  I have known about the Soulful Symphony for years but have never gotten myself together to get tickets.  This year after I missed the purchase of the block of tickets one of my Sorors had I just went ahead and bought some tickets and went.  All I can say is I have missed out in ALL of the years I didn’t go.  It was AMAZING!! First of all, even though I know my singing voice is not up to par, I do be thinking in the back of my head that I can just audition to be somebodies back ground singer.  I don’t know why I have this thought.  Not nobody told me I could sing and I haven’t been in a choir since my days at Rodman St. Missionary Baptist, so this is a confidence I have that is rooted in misplaced arrogance.   Usually the background singers are BETTER than the main person.  So anyway there were several featured artists, the main one being Ledisi.  I knew Ledisi was going to sing but I really thought she was going to sing the whole time.  How it works is there are people from the choir who come up and sing the solo.  They ALL could sing.  I mean REALLY SING!! Darin Atwater is the conductor/composer and has curated such a great show.  It gave me orchestra, choir, church, jazz, standards, and new!!  It was just amazing.  SO yeah I won’t be auditioning any time soon only to get my feelings good and hurt LOL  My only gripe and it wasn’t even with the performance but the place, Meyerhoff, please stop selling Fritos!!  That was all I heard for a few minutes as it began.  The people behind me had what sounded like several bags of Fritos!!  And I gave the ½ way head turn like REALLY Y’ALL!!?!?  Then it got quiet and someone else decided they needed a corn chip.


I need for Arnold Schwarzenegger and Mariah Carey to not be on my Kindle peddling games! 

It’s still gloomy and foggy and I am ready to crack open some wine and get myself under the covers!! I was listening to something on and the singer just said ' no coincidence exist that we don't manifest YES!!'  Aint that deep!?!?!?

So I published but didn't share the blog... I had more to say.  I am having sucha  slight caregiver issue only on Wed.  So the company I use has been sending me a bunch of different folks that some weeks I'm like EWWW I wish they would send her back or like today I was like yeah... they don't need to send her again!! Sometimes I know in my heart it is just a matter of fit and other times I'm like that woman was an idiot!!  So today the first sign was she wasn't on time.  That throws my day off.  Well actually what threw my day off was I went to iron and the fuse blew so I had to run to the basement.  It was so close to 7 that I chatted with my night person and decided to wait for the person that was going to be here during the day.  So she is late and she parks on the side of the street that has NO PARKING signs.  I mean giving her the benefit of the doubt, I know they are there, but when you are unsure don't you look for signs? So she rushed in and I'm like NO you need to move your car now!  I can't have someone's car getting towed on my conscious and I DAMN SURE don't have any funds to give because you didn't pay attention.  So she comes in and is nice enough but then she is OVERLY excited about everything... calm down lady!!  I'm showing her around and she is like well I can just lift you mom up and bring her to the living room.  UMM AGAIN I think simma down now!! what I always say to all of the people coming in my home to care for my mother is, call me!  Her are all my numbers I always have my phone on me so call the cell.. and call she did.  I was at the light just up the street and she called to see if she should give her breakfast.  YES give her breakfast and help her eat.  Then she called because she asked for fruit (which is better than cookies LOL)... well yes give her some fruit, no wait it's close to lunch give her lunch and then the fruit in a few hours.  And then she called me for something else I can't remember.  I get home thinking everything went well and it did but she is sitting in the living room.  She said, your mother said I talk to much and to leave her alone!! And I look at her like well YEAH that is how she is sometimes.  Then she says oh I didn't do the laundry because I didn't know about the machine.  **BLANK STARE** Now what now?!?!  Part of the tour is... the washing machine is in the basement and it is very regular.  Nothing fancy or high tech.  So then she is like well I can just wash now.  And I'm like NO I need to wash MY clothes so don't worry about it.  What does she do?  She goes to get the basket and proceed to go to the basement.  **BLANK STARE AGAIN!!!** Ummm... I said don't worry about it my person tomorrow will do the laundry and I just said I need to do my laundry so take the basket back to the room.  She is apologizing and I'm like it's fine!!  and it gets to the point where it's just TOO MUCH like ALRIGHT ALREADY!!! I'm like well did you go to the basement at all?  She was like no I didn't even go.  OK Fine just stop apologizing.  So yeah and then it is time for her to go and then she decided after she clocks out that she wants to have a conversation... OK bu-bye now.... I SAID BU-BYE!!!