Thursday, June 15, 2023

Flowers, just because it's Monday

 I wanted to celebrate myself on this day because a year ago on 6/15/22 I had my last menstrual cycle, my period, Aunt Flo’s last hurrah!! And… Oh hole up I also meant to do a disclaimer!

**WARNING** This blog post is about lady parts and lady things.  If you are not a lady KEEP READING because it might have already affected the lady in your life or its coming!  And if you are a lady also KEEP READING because all of our experiences are valid and similar in some why OR maybe not at all.  And we don’t talk enough about the good the bad and the ugly of this time in our lives.  We have to mentally prepare we are physically changing and it can be a whole damn lot. So here is my story…

Since about 43 my cycle decided to stop being regular.  I would miss one here and there and then be real heavy and it was the pits.  Then I noticed it getting lighter and I was ALL for that.  I mentioned to my doctors because one thing about me is I’m gonna see my doctors and make sure everything is working the way it’s supposed to work.  My primary care sort of dismissed the notion that I could or should be in perimenopause so early and my gyn, who was a midwife also was like well you won’t know for sure until it completely stops. Nothing was out of the ordinary so I kept on doing what I was doing.  And then the hot flashes.  A hot flash is never quite properly described.  Some women say it’s an internal heat that swells within.  You get hot, you may sweat; it may last for a few minutes to a whole lot longer.  And even though that is the actual feeling is just, not really that.  For a while when I started getting the flashes around 45, I would stop, ask people around me if they were also hot and just tell myself this surely isn’t what I think it is!?!  Right?? Nah, cause my mom would sweat profusely!!  That was a HOT FLASH to me.  That is what I grew up thinking, they were massive events that required dress shields to avoid the pit stains, and rolling the window down in the winter to get a little air, me running around the church getting my mother paper towel because she was drenched within minutes and her being mad at me because I didn’t move fast enough.  A HOT FLASH was a terrible time!!  It was not something I wanted nor looked forward to.   My mother ended up having a full hysterectomy because she just had a whole lot of things going on with her lady parts. And I was so very happy because that meant no more HOT FLASHES!!  I remember one of her teacher friends also had hot flashes, but hers were like nothing.  She just announced she was having a flash and a few seconds later it passed.  I was confused because NO MA’AM that was not the HOT FLASH I was used to so you must be a fibbing ass fibber because I KNOW what a HOT FLASH is! Fast forward to my sister going through it. She was again nothing like my mother with the sweat, but shirts came off more often than I care to mention and she would sit directly under a fan.  So while she didn’t have a HOT FLASH, she did have hot flashes! And then went back to being cold all the time. This was all I thought perimenopause was going to be. But, it’s that and more.  First of all the mental preparation of my body being done with being able to have a baby when I never had a baby weighed heavy on me.  It’s such a rude and personal question to ask any woman why she either doesn’t have or never had kids.  It could be so many reasons from not wanting kids to not being able to conceive.  And I am not less than a woman because it never happened for me.  I never went out of my way to have a kid and maybe the men I dealt with in the past were bad swimmers!! I mean because it’s not always us… I digress LOL So, yeah that part of my life is over.  It is final.  And I have so many more years left to live, but carrying a baby is not ever going to be part of my life and I’m ok with that.  Secondly, the hormonal shift.  My hormones can sometimes be all over the place!!  I’m mad then happy, then aggravated and this could all be in the span of an hour. And MY hot flashes.  So as previously mentioned, I thought I was preparing for HOT FLASHES and instead I got ho flas… So this caused me great vexation because for about 3 years I went around doubting that I was in fact having hot flashes AND that I was pre-menopausal.  And then I got HOT flashes!  And I knew what was going on and that my body was doing what it do!  I got to the point of DON’T TOUCH ME!!  I AM HOT!!  Then to WHY IS IT SO DAMN HOT!!! Then I had the night sweats and the one leg out, fan on water by my bedside because this is some real bullshit!!  I even had nerve to tell my manager (more than once) to turn off his heat if we are having the meeting in his office cause I’M HOT!!! And I work with men, any mention of lady troubles and they fall right in line because they all have mothers, wives, and/or daughters. Somewhere along the way I started following Oh Hello Perry and Black Girls Guide to Menopause on Instagram. These site gave some good information, because sometimes I really did think I was crazy.  The Black girls guide is extremely useful because we do experience menopause differently. I have been talking to women who have gotten the pellet under their skin to help with the flashes.  I wanted the pellet which was some form of estrogen, but instead I went the natural route.  I tried black cohosh, menopause support which had a lot of different things in it and finally bee pollen. NONE of those things did anything.  I just kept taking them trying to feel the no hot flashes and wondering why it was taking so long, but nothing.  Also, my primary care prescribes something but it interfered with my current meds and what I was not willing to do is shift what I was already taking for hot flash relief. I took it for maybe a week.  I was pretty miserable for almost 2 years.  Just recently I changed gyn doctors and she prescribed me progesterone which did nothing. I don’t understand why it takes several weeks/months for these meds to work.  I called my new doctor and she prescribed an estrogen patch a very low dose patch.  It started working within 2 weeks!! And life was good UNTIL… The fucking side effects!  The first night I felt woozy.  Like a little dizzy and not myself.  I slept really hard that night but things leveled out after a few days. I always felt a little sleepy.  The next thing is a big overshare, but hey, it is what it is.  My nipples were MAJORLY sensitive I mean to the point of I couldn’t even touch myself.  And not in a sexual way, I mean, when my bra was off as I often like for it to be, whatever shirt or gown would rub against them, it was painful. And in a sexual way the ta tas were off limits!!  Like sir you can’t put those there and NO I’m not gonna do THAT!! I’m a stomach sleeper and I could barely lay on my stomach and no shifting of the girls worked or helped.  For many nights I tossed and turned because of the sensitivity.  Then I had a shooting pain in my left breast and 2 breakthrough cycles.  I took the patch off and stopped taking the progesterone.  So we’ll see… I ‘m not sure when or if the flashes will come back but that along with general sluggishness was not a good thing. 

Even though I sorta had a cycle, I’m still celebrating the end of an era! Being a woman is not always easy. Any slight sign of emotion and we are swiftly told to calm down when we weren’t fucking riled up in the first place.   I have to measure out my words on a constant bases because in addition to being an emotional woman, I don’t want to also be the angry Black chick.  My body has gone through some changes.  I have gained weight, lost weight, I have rolls and cellulite a couple chins (and hair on the 1st one), skin discoloration, eczema, dry skin, brittle nails, my hair not quite as thick in some spots, I’m gassy some days and bloated on others, my eyes are bad but I don’t have glaucoma or cataract like my grandmothers (nothing is ripe), but I do need my progressives to see, and there is probably so much more.  I would change a few things (I was about to lie and say I wouldn’t change a thing… I mean I ain’t going to go get no BBL (cause women really be out here getting BBL’s like REGULAR women)) but I am comfortable in my skin! It was a journey to get here! I didn’t always love the skin I was in.  I try to not do negative self talk and when I do, I get myself together!