Monday, December 12, 2011

2011 thank yous!!

hmmm last year I did a year in review... this year it's thank yous. What a difference a year makes!!

This is my 1st Annual Thank you Blog. Now some of this bull pucky is going to be sarcastic and other stuff is going to be very sincere. It is up to you to decide… :)

First and foremost I would like to thank Little Baby Jesus for whom none of this would be possible! And since this is the time of year where we are supposed to be celebrating Him, I thought it appropriate. This year has actually not been all that bad but as always I have faced some challenges and thanks to my girls Mary Mary, ‘Survive’ which has been my theme song for the past few months who help me keep it in perspective. Now my goal in life is to do more that survive, but some days I’m doing good to just do that.

So a year in review…
Jobs - Thank you for my temp gigs, one in particular that the chick flat out didn’t get (and I took good notes I just didn’t feel like learning nothing new) but yet they kept me around and were rather nice to me. Thank you to my now full time gig where they actually don’t mind me being the smart ass that I am as long as I keep most of it to myself ie: don’t tell the folks at HQ what I really think of the policies and (non-existent) procedures. Thank you to my part time gig as a bartender which went back to being the ‘fun job’ after a short (actually not so short when I had to deal with the folks who never having done waitressing or bartender they didn’t get that, uuumm YES I DO NEED MY TIPS!!) stint of being a ‘why-the-hell-am-I-doing-this-again’ job.

People - and I say this often but this one is really sincere Thank you to all my girls who allow me to vent! I say allow cause some folks won’t let you. I know we all got issues but sometimes I got shit I gotta get off my chest.

Bills -Thank you to Verizon for turning ALL my services off with you. I truly appreciate having one bill aptly named the ONEBILL and not allowing me to transfer anything from it so that if I missed paying my bill, which let’s face it I DID (it’s the holidays for crying out loud WHO reads their mail right before Thanksgiving), they turn it all off!! And quite honestly this has been a breath of fresh air cause all the other folks who be blowing UP my house phone have no idea of how to reach me… except for AMEX and BofA who just call my job so Thank you to them too while we’re at it!! So here is a good time to also thank Suze Orman who if you are not living your life wondering what would Suze do (WWSD) then you most likely living out of your means! So thank you for the harsh reminder that living within my means is so very necessary. Thank you to the lil Cricket salesgirl who didn’t even bother getting up from her desk as I had my few questions about the phones. I almost feel like going back in there like Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman and being like ‘do you work on commission bitch?!?!? Well you made a BIG mistake not waiting on me BIG MISTAKE!!! HUGE!!!’ Julia didn’t call those women in the movie bitch but sometimes you gotta drop a B in there to make it more effective!! That is a dream of mine to do that to some sales person who thought my pennies were not worth their time. I take customer service seriously so after I made her get up and explain a few more things to me. I said ‘oh OK’ and left!!! Hmm… that probably shoulda gone in the ‘People’ section

General Random - Probably most stuff should go here… Thank you Extra gum. I really appreciate the Polar Ice flavor that keeps me minty fresh. Oh how I wish everyone would pop you into their mouth after eating… I was going to say onions but NO all foods!!! Thank you Dollar Store for providing a great service to the poor and rich alike! I especially want to thank Lance for the 4 pack nekot peanut butter crackers and for being available at aforementioned Dollar store. Thank you to the the lil Mickey D’ dude who told me my total was $26.21 to which I said no it’s $2.12 so that’s how much I’m giving you and he busted out laughing!! WHO gets 26 bucks worth of McDonalds?!?!? That’s a whole lot of NOT cooking right there. Thank you to my grandmothers (gone but not forgotten) for teaching me how to cook. Both knew how to stretch a $ and make meals with the cheap cuts of meat and grabbing stuff from the freezer and pantry when times were lean. They didn’t let me starve EVER!! Thanks to my grandfather for feeding me sardines and crackers which I can’t even stomach the smell now but somehow at 8 it was a delicacy!! That kinda didn’t happen this year, but a long overdue thank you none the less. Thank you to th Baltimore County Library who allow me to use the free wi-fi no strings attached… well that is if you don’t count all the weird folks and loud kids and non-silence and general tom follery as strings. Thank you to Panera for also providing the good free wi-fi for the low price of the cheapest pastry item :) Thank you to my new neighbors for putting up reindeer village right in their front yard. And Thank you to my old neighbors who put up their regular lights that may not go down until about President’s day… in February 2012 OR LATER!!! Thank you to my cousin who provided me with the good SARC bag that works very well as a computer bag!! Thanks to my BFF who is letting me do a staycation in Charlotte. I might not never leave!! Thank you to little baby cousin who is supposed to be getting me a buddy pass or I may really be staying in Charlotte since I only got a one way ticket!! Thank you mom for getting me that one way ticket before the deal was done… Actually thank you mom for a WHOLE lot more than that. Thanks for hanging with me in the Dominican Republic that you insist on calling the Dominion!!

AND…I know theres more but my general attitude of gratitude is at it’s height right now!!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

friday music mix


I have been singing myself silly with this mix I’ve been listing to. I have scoured the internet to find sites that are not blocked by my companies firewall which totally sucks!! But hey I get it; They want you to work not be on facebook all day. But WHY then do they have a twitter linkedIN and Facebook presence that I can’t even see cause all the shit is blocked?!? I don’t get it (even thought I had just said I DID get it) ANYWAYS me and Seal were being kissed by a rose on the grave… a lyric I have no good idea what it mean but I be feeling it all the same!! Me and George Michael were carelessly whispering. I freaking used to LOVE that song. Back when you could only see videos on like video juke box, oh no wait I had my MTV. Probably one of the few people back in the mid 80’s that did in fact have cable. I used to watch the video and as a kid I was so clueless about what songs meant. It took me a while to GET that he was cheating on his girl with some other chick. What's hilarious now is when they play Careless Whispers at a wedding. I cringe I’m always like NOOOOoooooooo not this song!!! Don’t you people hear what they are saying. just like I’ll always love you (whitney version of course). These are not wedding song but people still be rocking them at the good weddings that I bartend at… Ummm how did I get on the wedding theme?!?!? hmmm. this is DJ Tommy Bones and I really need for him to have more mixes since he is not blocked. He normally does the good house mixes, but this was a ‘Quiet Storm’ mix. Now I usually do NOT do sex songs at work. I can’t focus on ooohhing and ahhing AND try and get my daggone work done…There musta been an angel by side!!! Sade interrupted me right quick.

Ok so this was definitely what I needed today. It’s been a mellow day not to many calls, but this week has been one for the books. I have to say I do get along with my supervisor which is a great thing, but she gave me my freaking review and that put me in a mood. I don’t know what it is but I have always ALWAYS always hated reviews. I want you to tell me my flaw right then and there don’t wait til a year later to say I screwed something up back in April. I guess because I have worked everywhere for every type of person I’m just always on edge with what they are going to say ESPECIALLY if it ties into me getting some more money which we all could use a little more, right?!?? And I am not a people pleaser which may work to my detriment. Only here lately have I learned it’s ok to not tell you where you can shove whatever it is that may need shoving. I just keep it to myself and vent with my friends who allow me to vent and keep it moving!

Chris Rock who dropped out in 9th or 10th grade… actually I’m not sure how his mother who I thought was really strict allowed that to happened but anyway he had this bit where he said there is a difference between a job and a career. I think he used to wash dishes at like Red Lobster or something… and having done my stint there I know how it is. Although my Red Lobster had the most hoodiest people working for and coming through where folks thought no matter how expensive the meal or how hard they ran me, 2 bucks was a good tip!! Man I had fun though!! After having been fired from my 1st job (LOL) for reasons I still scratch my head about… I mean I know but I kinda don’t really know. I went to the dreary unemployment center where the walls were fake wood paneled and everything else was a dreary shade of brown including the people who were not all black folks. And then I got the bright idea to go down the street and apply at the Red Lobster. So I didn’t hear anything for like 3 days so I took my bold self to the restaurant during the lunch rush and demanded that I speak to the manager who hired me on the spot!! Trust me it has never worked like that again. But it was a job. Although what Chris Rock said is a job there are too many hours in the day… you look up and think you have worked 2 hours and only 15 minutes have passed. Whereas a career, there are not enough hours in the day to work on your ‘projects’. This week I have been thanking little baby Jesus when 3 rolls around because I can handle 2 more hours! Right now it is 3:39 and I can do a little under 1 ½ hours. It will be all good!! Red Lobster holds a lot of memories for me… most good including the date where he said order whatever you want on the menu! To which I gave a blank stare and thought IT’S RED LOBSTER DUDE!!! I know the intent was genuine he kept saying do you want a shrimp cocktail? Do you want a drink? Dates… ahh I remember those LOL. Then there was the time we almost got put out of the Red Lobster cause we were 3 drunk LOUD obnoxious chicks who had way to many bahama mamas!! I think our tip might been 3 bucks that night!!

I have started the mix again!! Aaliyah’s ‘At your best’. I miss the star she would have really become. She may have tripped up early and you got married at 15 but she was on a good path. She died too soon. I had to google her real quick she was a Capricorn!! Janet is on now.. ‘Funny How time Flies’ is on. NOW A new one by Eric Roberson… I gotta put my pennies together and get his new CD. I missed the 1st song, it was Vanessa Williams and Bobby Caldwell Honey (or baby) it’s cold outside. DeBarge!!! Time will reveal!!! In 5th grade you couldn’t tell me they weren’t the best group EVER!! As I have said before… I wanted to have beige babies with El!! Ok back to Seal… umm a kiss by rose on the GRAY?!?! I thought he was saying grave? Now you know I just googled the lyrics!! Reading the lyrics makes slightly more sense now!! Lawd I can be slow sometimes. Break of dawn by Michael Jackson. Sweet Thang original CHAKA version. Actually I’m just skipping through now… Amerie I forget the name. I have the Sweetest Love. Robin Thicke who I really do like but I need something more from him… I’m not sure what. Can you Stand the rain NE version!! Quiet Storm Smoky Robinson WHO I might add was on the SingOff and sang with the already offed Afro Blue… They were the best!!!

Ok I’m rambling now and getting tired of typing