Tuesday, March 18, 2014

i gotta get it I GOT GOT TO GET IT...

I’m VERY ranty today and it’s only 1:30 in the afternoon but I feel like I’m done for the day.  So I go into Wal-Mart which I now officially hate. There are no more redeeming qualities and my mind is made up.  I called in the prescription for my mom Saturday thinking SURELY it will be filled today which is Tuesday.  Apparently the system only picked up one the 2 of course the one she is completely out of is the one that is missed.  So instead of the cashier helping me, he sends me to the drop off window where the lady apologizes and sends it to the system to be filled.  So I shop.  I get all the things I think I need and proceed to one of the very few cash registers open.  I see 3 dudes, I thought it was one order, but of course it was 2.  The 1st dude swipes his card as I lovingly place all of my items on the belt, it doesn’t go through… he walks away.  The 2nd dude swipes his card.  That didn’t work either.  I let the guy with just the Pepsi and M&M’s ahead of me.  The manager is called but they never seem to make it over, so the 3rd dude pays with cash.  **blank stare** The second order goes through without a hitch, the baby 2 people behind me starts to scream in a pitch reserved for small animals.  This cashier is pleasant enough and I say to her, I don’t know if I could do it, it’s just too much with these people.  And not ‘these people’ meaning any particular people BUT ALL PEOPLE!!  Keep in mind I have been a cashier in fact I have done pretty much every job known to man LOL ok not really but I have done a lot.  I go back to the pharmacy and the little boy looks at me like this is the first time he has seen me ever in his life.  OK no problem I give my name and date of birth.  OH this prescription is out of stock miss.  EXCUSE ME?!?!  Ummmm…. He goes to confer with the people behind the wall and they all look at me like it’s MY fault they don’t have the damn prescription.  So this is when I get loud, not nasty BUT LOUD!  I called the prescription in Saturday and I am completely out so you need to call another Wal-Mart so I can get it filled today!!  Then they all scramble.  The box from UPS just came in so they looked in there (they is 3 people behind the wall), the looked on the shelf, then the pharmacist said well I have to place an order so it will be in tomorrow.  Yeah that’s not going to work I NEED IT NOW!! So he in all his wisdom is like Oh well I can give you pills for a few days.  Ya think? Thank you and are you sure it will be in tomorrow? Oh yeah I need to place the order before I forget.  He then proceeds to say they changed suppliers, the system was down and whatever the hell else.  What I wanted to say but I didn’t is I don’t give a fuck!!  I really don’t.  Wanda Sykes did this whole bit on when she turned 40 she just didn’t give any fucks anymore and I’m 40 and I too do not give many fucks about very many things.  Why am I being penalized for your system not working correctly?  Why do I have to come back to this damn store in a few days which is not terribly out of the way but it is an inconvenience?  So then I stand there.  And then I ask the pharmacist WHY am I still standing here?  I thought you were going to give me a few pills?  So he was like oh yeah Christopher has to check you out.  Does HE know that?  Then the African lady who had been fussing with her insurance company since I came up the 2nd time deemed me her new best friend.  They raised her prescription from $25 to $50 and she was PISSED.  And I agree.  $50 is a lot of money and folk don’t have extra when no one bothered to tell them.  She had transferred from CVS and I told her I was about to transfer to Rite Aid.  There is just no hassle there.  She said this place is too much hassle.  So then Christopher finally finished with the OTHER African lady whose prescription was being filled and bagged just as he was trying to find it.  She was very patient with him.  Meanwhile 2 more people walked up to get in line.  I thought for a few seconds if this little boy makes me wait, it’s gon get real ugly.  So the lady fussing with me says I NEED MY PERSCRIPTION NOW!!  It’s $50 but I have to get it.  Then I chime in WHY AM I STILL STANDING HERE?!?! Christopher gets a little afraid and hell I would too with 2 angry black women about to beat him down.  So then he says to me well I am going to take her first.  I say IT DOESN’T MATTER WHO YOU TAKE JUST MOVE FASTER!!  The pharmacist was like please take her!!  So he rings me up asking form my name for a 3rd time. Really dude?  SO I continue YOU HAVE TO HAVE A SENSE OR URGENCY!!  I HAVE STUFF TO DO THIS LADY HAS STUFF TO DO (she nods in agreement) WE GOT STUFF TO DO AND YOU ARE MOVING TOO SLOW.  I HAVE SHOPPED AND I WAITED ANOTHER 15 MINUTES.   I NEED TO GET OUT OF HERE!!  I absolutely will be transferring to Rite aid because this is not even the 1st time the meds are out of stock and they look at me like well what am I supposed to do?!?  It’s just too much!!!

Thursday, March 13, 2014

mic please...

I am not a hoarder… but I do have hoarding tendencies.  I can rationalize just about anything to keep or buy or not throw away; which is why last spring when I had someone come help me with my lil issue it brought to light just how much shit I had.  So 95% of the people in my office building are moving and with that comes massive amounts of shit that had in their office, cubes, closets and general team areas.  It has been SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO hard for me to not pick up the stuff they are throwing away.  SO hard!!  And to my defense I have passed a lot of it up mainly because it was crap.  But for some reason I am still stuck on cups.  Do I need them no of course not, but did that stop me?  NO OF COURSE NOT!  I have 3 new travel mugs that are mainly for cold drinks and I have rationalized that they would be good for my mother…err I mean roommate.  She needs more incentive to drink water.  That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.  I did pass up tons of office supplies because my basement is already cluttered with the booty they I got from closing an office a few years ago.  Today I have rationalized the need for a rolling file drawer.  I mean COME ON, it has wheels!  So actually this is a good find! AGAIN… that’s my story and I’m sticking to it. 

There is this new campaign to ban the word bossy.  I must admit, I’m not real sure about the whole thing. I have seen a few of the ads and it does make me cringe; probably because I have been called bossy or some version of it my whole life.  Recently while dealing with my mother and some of her needs it was said to me and  I let it slide because I thought well if I’m NOT bossy then shit won’t get done.  It never occurred to me that this word can make girls recoil and not want to be the leaders that they can be.  Even now, this project I’m on at work I defer to my white male co-worker because I never want to come across as the angry black chick or the bossy girl.  I just don’t want to rock the boat.  I have wanted to fly below the radar and just make sure things are easy peasy even though I know questions need to be asked, meeting need to be held, accountability needs to occur for things not getting done.  Sometimes extra assertion is needed and no one should be labeled as being bossy.  Words mean things so maybe this is a good campaign to get people to think about how girls and women are thought of by the words used.  Many women of influence are on this campaign because they are the main ones that have risen above that and any other label.  For the average girl I’m sure it can be hard.  Just watch what you say to the little ones.  It can have a bad connotation. 

So I think my Tribe Called Quest lyric titles are randomly lost on my random readers so maybe I need to some other randomness for the titles??!?!

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

before this, did you really know what live was?

I wouldn’t say I am feeling like a slave today but at very least an indentured servant.  I’m on a project that keeps morphing into new things daily.  It’s always good because when I’m done with this I will be a freaking expert. 

I am getting to the point way quicker than I thought that I am getting sick of my hair!  JUST SICK OF IT!!  And then I go online to see new styles and new whatever and these people doing these videos can be quite hilarious.  So I got stuck on videos of pre-poo and pooing which means before you wash or shampoo OR co-wash because God forbid if you actually use shampoo to wash your hair which is a WHOLE other conversation OH and using vs not using combs.  It just gets to be a bit much.  Back in the day my mother would wash my hair, comb it, brush it, grease it, press it and whatever else.  The only time my hair fell out is when she relaxed it.  My little virgin tresses did not like or take it very well.  Then I got this hideous bob cut that I got joked about, my ‘friends’ said I had a Beatles hair cut LOL.   Then my head became a head of steal!  I got used to getting relaxers and color… until my hair started breaking off again. 

It has come to my attention that a lot of folks still do not know that my roommate is my mother!  A soror came up to me recently and said who IS THAT PERSON!!!  They sound horrible sometimes!  And I said well she IS horrible sometimes, but it’s my mom!  Putting it into context makes some of what I say make sense.  I have another friend that asked WHY would you get water for your roommate?  And I said because she gets real helpless at night when she is sleepy.  Which she really does.  All day she can manage but as soon as I walk in the door she needs water, or kool-aid, or a cookie OR just anything that will make me walking in the door a task.  Some days I just go upstairs. It’s like I know you have needs and you are probably ready for dinner but I need a minute.  95% of the time I can get it together quickly, but it’s that 5% where I am praying to all the Jesus’ that I need help because I just feel I can’t do it no more.  And I know I hide behind humor a lot, maybe too much sometimes because folks really have no idea.  But it’s funny to me and on the days it’s not, then I don’t laugh.  But here is this 71 year old woman that for a good 30 years of my life was vibrant self-sufficient and then slowly she stopped being like she was.  I think the clue that she stopped being as independent was on that winter day that she totaled her Aveo… then there’s the fact that she bought an Aveo!!  I think they stopped making that car and for good reason, it was a dumb little car LOL She needed some chicken wings, and I mean come on who doesn’t?!?  The Chinese place she was going to was literally down the street.  She got in the car I think there were flurries that day, the car spun around and hit the curb, I think.  She did major damage but I think it was more so that it was such a small car.  Totaled that dumb little car… IT WAS JUST DUMB!!  And small in not even a cute Mini Cooper kinda way… WHEW I digress.  It was a lot of little things until she fell broke her shoulder yadda yadda yadda… then came to live with me. ( I yaddaed a WHOLE series of events LOL)  Now saying that my mother lives with me is not a bad thing, maybe it sounds better than a 40 year old having a roommate which I honestly don’t know which is better or worse.  I do have pretty stern thoughts on people my age living with their parents but sometimes it’s what just needs to happen.  And my mother lives with me, which is different and I started the whole roommate thing as a joke.   I still think it’s funny but maybe not.    She just says and does such funny stuff!  So The Voice is on.  Last week she said ‘Usher is kinda cute!’  This week she asks me Do you think Usher is cute, I said not really she said ‘well he is!’  I mean how do you challenge that?

This project I am on is making me question my sanity.  I know I am not a crazy chick but 3 emails ago my team lead said 1 thing and now he is saying something completely different.  And I am in a total fuck it mode so… good luck with anything getting done today.  After the back and forth emails that we had this morning I have decided I aint doing nothing today!!  I just got caught up on my Black & Sexy series, that would be on the good YouTube which has, and I know I’ve said before, a great deal of content.  I need to get caught up on my Wendy Williams, but the good Kindle decided it needs more juice.  I left my Kindle at work last night and was really concerned about it still being here.  I had a theft at my little desk.  Someone took my charger and the charger adapter.  I know it’s my fault for not locking it up, but really it’s not even for an iPhone.  It was just very random and a violation of my space.  The Kindle was in my desk, so I prayed that no one would take it.  I got it on HSN and it’s not even available anymore.  I was doing some heavy duty calculating on how much a new one would be; thankfully it was where I left it LAWD what was my point? OH so I have to let it charge more so I can watch Wendy! And other shows  because I am (I totally just went on a IMDB digression to look up that character from Office Space whose name I already forgot… and it should be noted when I gave notice from where I work now back in the late 90’s I totally took a ½ day and went to see Office Space… when he had his interview with the ‘consultants’ after he had been hypnotized he said I don’t like work and I’m not gonna do it anymore… yep that’s how I feel right now LOL)  Ummm if you can follow this thought stream then you are special like me!

95% of the people in my building are moving to another building, but not me and 2 of my co-workers.  Why?  Because we are lowly contactors.  They could not be bothered to make sure we had a new home like everyone else.  It’s so funny to me because it just is.  I think either 2 days before or after ‘they’ are gonna be like OH YEAH what about those 3 people?!?  My 1 co-worker thinks they are just gonna move us and not tell us and when we get to work Monday all out stuff is gonna be gone.  The only thing the new building has is water and ice that you can get from the frig without having to touch anything (you know like an ice scoop) and a fuse ball table.  But this aint Google or Zappos, ie FUN places to work so I can bet that those fuse ball tables don’t get used at all.   This brings me to I really wonder how it would be to work at a fun place.  I am searching my brain for all 150elven (see more than just 50eleven) jobs I have had I can’t think of a place that was out and out fun.  The restaurants had fun people working there, but then you had to contend with management.  Even bartending it was the fun job but at one point it stopped being fun too.  Corporate jobs are never fun.  The Country Radio station in Richmond where I interned is about the closest to FUN.   A few years ago, probably when I wasn’t working I google fun jobs and I came across a site that you could shadow people in the field you thought you wanted to work.  I can’t remember how much it cost, but there was fee.  For instance, if you wanted to open a Pizza shop in Baltimore then you might pay to go to a restaurant in Chicago for a week to see what it really takes.  The concept is great. For some it might be OH YEAH and others like OH HELL NO!!  I have worked around enough kitchens to know that is not the type of fun I want, but I still think I have it in me to open a little bar/lounge.  It wasn’t just food related stuff either, it might have been a personal trainer, or a zookeeper; just a whole lot of things some people may never even think about.