Monday, August 19, 2013

this is a test...

this is only a test.  Please stayed tuned for your regularly scheduled content...

Monday, August 5, 2013

kindle skin church hair

Even though I am not a apple person per se, in fact I was quite anti-apple for a good while which is how I ended up with a sony mp3 player which I have to admit there are a few things that I miss about that functionality but I just got my Kindle Fired HD and this long ass run-on sentence is to say  I don’t think I like it.  I really really REALLY want to like it.  But it is taking more than I think is reasonable for me to get used to it.  SO I saved the box and I’m gonna give it a few more days before I decide if it needs to go back to HSN. DAMN YOU TODAY’S SPECIAL VALUE!!!  I haven’t had this much buyer’s remorse since… hmm I don’t know when.  OH I know… those damned orange shoes I bought!  Who needs orange shoes?!?!  NO ONE… EVER!!  I wore them one day and actually got a compliment and I looked at the person like You’re kidding RIGHT!?!  What makes me mad about the shoes is I read the reviews and still felt the need to purchase those shits.  So the Kindle Fire has GREAT reviews but it’s the small stuff like,   How do you delete icons?  And if you but the app from Amazon store where does it go? Where do they hide all the free books?  And WHY can’t any of the new electronics come with instructions?!  That is the biggest freaking pet peeve I have.  These things are NOT user friendly and I am not a dumb chick, but figuring this stuff out sometimes does require an advanced degree that I just don’t have!  And then when you read stuff from all the forums and blogs or watch a video on YouTube it’s like OOOHHH ok well that is pretty easy.  And then sometimes it’s not.  I just now remember that I hated Windows 8 which is what my new Dell laptop came with, but somehow I figured stuff out on that.  Some stuff is still really annoying like that screen the pops out of the right side when I don’t need it but can’t seem to be found when I do.  And the pictures and music has its own mind.  I have no idea where that stuff is and it is really quite funny when I am able to sync stuff.   But like I said I will give the Kindle a few more days.  I want to be one of the cool chicks at book club!  Actually I am the last hold out on the electronic reader LOL

I am having a helluva eczema break-out right now.  I don’t know why all of a sudden this has come about, but I know it hasn’t been this bad since I was a kid.  I can’t really pinpoint what I have done differently.  Soap changes usually don’t affect me too much.  But it could be stress.  I am rolling with the punches and I’m not really stressed out but my life has indeed changed caring for my mom.   I bought this eczema lotion and I think it’s working.  It is totally a vanity thing more than anything.  It’s really weird where they (the splotches) have decided to congregate.   These red splotchy crusty bumps on my hands, feet and booty (yeah the booty too LOL) are really gross.  Hopefully this flare up will be over soon.

While in church yesterday (yep I’m not a complete wretch undone) a few really random things occurred to me… such as: church is a really bad place to get a wedgie. You can’t play it off but so much when you stand up.  The woman who claps really loud (who I manage to sit behind all the time) ALSO sings very loud.  I know that is her testimony but really lady… you interrupted my thought process singing all loud I had to remember what I was praying about.  And speaking of singing, if you are on the choir stand and you missed the rehearsal that taught the song you don’t know, don’t try and pretend like you know the words!!  That tickles me all the time.  And I can always spot the dude or dudette that is faking the funk!! It was a dude yesterday!! And speaking of the choir stand, well let’s just say spanx ARE your friend or maybe let’s try not to wear very form fitting outfits in the first place.  I think we have all but forgotten about modesty.  And don’t get me wrong Jesus will take you as you are but the tight skirt the hits right below the crack of your booty may not be the praise and worship outfit you need to wear.  I’m trying not to judge but I know I do all the time and me and the Lord are working that out!! 

It’s been a little over a year since I had my last relaxer.  And as I have stated before, going natural was not necessarily a goal, it just kinda happened.  And to that end I watch a lot of youTube videos.  I have about the same reaction to most of the videos. These chicks use sooooooooooo many products!!!  And the process is sooooooooooooo long!!!  Sometimes I feel like I am doing something wrong, but my hair (in my humble opinion) looks pretty good!  It can get overwhelming and there are so many products to try.  But this chick right here is really rather cheap.  I know you can get the Shea Moisture stuff at Target, but it is expensive.  I’m not spending more than 5 bucks on something I’m not too sure about.  And the Miss Jessie’s stuff fagetaboudit…  I bought a sampler from Oyin Handmade a few months ago and 2 products have a funny smell!  OH yeah that’s another thing, it has to smell good to me.   I did just buy the 7-in- leave in conditioner ($7.99) from the Crème of Nature Argan oil line and that too had a weird smell, not bad weird though so I think I can get used to it.  I was intending on buying the whole line but I think I will hold off for now.    Someone recently asked me what I used and I said a little of this and a little of that.  But that is about the dumbest answer anyone can give so I had to recant what I said.  I like Wen and I still think it works for my natural hair, but I don’t think I will be purchasing anymore any time soon.  So thanks to my girlfriend who just gave me a new bottle because she said it wasn’t working for her.   I just purchased the Nourish Spa from Trader Joes.  At $2.99 you can’t go wrong.  The shampoo was nice, but the conditioner was GREAT!!  For the deep conditioning (which I do only about once a month) I use the WEN deep conditioning hair mask. Sometimes I use a leave-in sometimes I don’t .  If I do it’s the WEN or OYIN conditioner.  I use ECO ($2.99 which I guess is my price point LOL) with olive oil gel to do my two strand twist and coils.  Some people say it makes their hair crunchy but it doesn’t for me.  My hair is pretty springy when I use it.  And I use the Hawaiian Silky gel (about 5 bucks) curl activator for wash-n-go’s.  Daily I use either my olive oil/jojoba blend or Alikay shea butter pomade (which is not every day because it’s kinda heavy… but it smells SOOO good) or the Oyin greg juice (which has a patchouli-esque smell which in great quantities to me can be off putting).  SO as I type this it does seem like I use a ton of products to, but it is really spread out.  I’m not using 8 different things on my hair in one sitting.  I keep watching the videos and there is so much stuff to be tried, but I don’t want my bathroom to look like the hair care section at Wal-Mart.  I did get some coconut oil from Whole foods, but I need to put it in a smaller container and maybe even use it on my skin.  Everyone who uses it says you can use it for EVERYTHING!!  Hair, skin, smoothies… I always give them the side-eye like yeah OK!!  So I do need to try that soon.  My hair is getting a little longer which I think is better suited for two strand twists which stretches it a bit.  OH and that is a whole other thing.  People have so many versions of stretching without heat.  They blow dry holding the blow dryer a foot away from the hair.  The use little twisters stacked upon each other.  I did buy some little twisters from the $ store (of course) and I intend on trying but it is a whole lot of effort.  And plus I wash my hair pretty much every week so it seems like a lot of effort for a few days worth of payoff.   Only when my hair is in braids can I seem to go for a longer period of time.  When I initially got it cut back in February the woman who did it told me it would last 4 weeks.  It only ended up lasting about 2 weeks, plus I wanted to color my hair.