Friday, May 9, 2014

random for EOB ;)

I was all set to talk about my random day(s) on the FB. And here goes…

So the average age of the people at the Pikesville Panera is 75.  I turned to look and there was an 85 year old in a SHORT tennis skirt with varicose veins and jiggly legs.  I can’t unsee that and I do not appreciate whoever sold that skirt to her AND for the people she was with to let her leave the house with said skirt on.  Then there was the 80 year old man.  They called his number and tried to give him his to go bag.  He is standing there looking at the Panera dude saying is it for here or to go?  For here or to go??  Panera dude starts taking the sandwich out of the bag and then stops and says well sir what did you want?  Old dude says oh well I just wanted to know if I could eat it here or did I have to take it to go?  Panera dude AGAIN says sir what do you want? Old dude says OH well I wanted to go!  Panera dude thrust the bag in his hand and I’m standing there like I CAN’T!!

To the lady with the bad wig and fisher hat, YES as a matter of fact you did just take my spot so don’t look at me crazy like you don’t know what’s up. 

Something that has really been bugging me lately are assumptions.  Don’t assume anything about me, NOT ANYTHING!!  Because as well as you think you know me I am just as likely to switch gears as I am to do what you think I’m going to do or say.  Just ask me.  This stems from a few things but most recently a coworker comes up to me and says ‘so you didn’t put up the signs in the bathroom and it is so unlike facilities to do something like that’.  I stood there like wait I DID put up the signs!  So a little background; the women’s restroom has been a point of contention for me for some time.  The women have been less that tidy.  When more people were in the building the restroom was cleaned a few times a day.  Now because we are the foster children of the company we have all of the 2nd and 3rd string workers and they don’t do the best job.  But there are less women so you would think the bathroom would not be so nasty.  OH BUT IT IS!!  After seeing more than anyone should in bathroom I made up a sign that said ‘Ladies we need to do better.  Please make sure ALL the contents of the commode are flushed including the liner’. I posted them and for the most part it‘s been not so bad.  So what made her think I didn’t have the where withal to do that?!  I’m not ashamed so it’s not like I’m hiding it, but she assumed I didn’t and didn’t ask me so I just said ‘WELL I think it has made a difference’ and carried my happy ass in the stall because need I remind you, I don’t like bathroom chatter (and I have a shy bladder). LOL

There is so much flesh that is exposed now that it has gotten the least bit warm.  I am trying to figure out why I get so offended by people who just do not dress appropriately? WHY DOES THIS BOTHER ME? Last week I went to Hershey Park for a lovely little outing and the theme of the day were booty shorts and leggings.  **LOUD SIGH** First off it was not warm enough to have on booty shorts, it just wasn’t.  And as for the leggings they are just wrong on so many levels but yet people still wear them like the look good (including me for my birthday, but I was harnessing my inner Solid Gold and I DID look good LOL).  Just please make sure the shirt or top is long enough.  In my thought process I tried to determine why it bothers me and I still can’t figure it out.  So like in my previous blog I’m gonna stop hatin for no good reason.  HOWEVER I will continue to hate on meggins OH YES THEY EXIST!!! And they too are wrong on so many levels and for so many reasons. 

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