Monday, March 12, 2012

general randomness 31212

WHY does Lionel Richie keep showing up as a thing I should 'like' on facebook?!?

How do blind people get jobs at the Social Security?

why do dirty vendors always want to shake my hand? eeewww I don't want to touch you EVER!!!

why do those same dirty vendors think I can't smell the 3 packs of cigarettes they just smoked before coming into my office?

why do cute guys not realize they are cute but the ugly ones think they are God's gift to the female kind??

why do smelly BO dudes not know that water and soap are their friends?? Dude really you left you house smelly like that?!? SERIOUSLY??

neck tattoo's are wrong. There is just no rational reason for it. And just let me clarify SIDE neck not back neck.

why is Bob's Burgers so damn funny?!? And why does Tina who is a 13 year old girl sound like a 65 year old man?!? Oh because a man is her voice...WHY??? bwaaaaaaaaaaahaaaahaaaaaaaaaa

why can't it ever just be easy?!?! why does it (whatever the hell IT is) require more thought than I was willing to give it??

a little research goes a LONG way!! I'm not asking you to split the atom just find out the basics before you ask me that dumb question that you already know is dumb!

simple food is always the best. Big shout out to Golden West Cafe for providing me with my Saturday breakfast (mom's bean pie... which looked not so good but OMG it was so freaking delish. and you know MY mom never made a bean pie but whoever's mom that was that provided that recipe, YAY!!) i was gonna go with the elvis pancake but the mom's bean pie was talking to me!

oh and since we're on the subject of hipsters (oh we are just stay with me mmkay?) how do they know that a pair of purple jeans and a red hat make them look cool? Or courderoy and a scarf with butterfly is in fact hip? i know their dress is supposed to be sarcastic and not to much thought, but I think they think long and hard about thier attire ijs...

now back on the subject of food yet ANOTHER shout out to the Artful Gourmet in new Town in a building I didn't even know existed. mmmm that was good!! I don't get why it's artful because all the art on the walls were cheap prints of like van gough and monet... but gourmet indeed because everything was freaking delish.

FREAKING DELISH is a high form of praise for food... FYI

i was watching kitchen nightmare with Ramsey Lewis... no wait Gordon Ramsey (who the heck is ramsey lewis??) why was everyone crying?

what happened to flight of the concords? That show was funny... Leggy Blond!! ok y'all know I'm on you tube totally distracted. My name is hiphophipottamus my rhymes are bottomless!! Who's the BOOM King?

hmmm and that's it!!

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