Thursday, December 21, 2017

no they won't be naming no buildings after me...

I just looked in my frig and I have eggs and Pellegrino... HOW AM I LIVING MY LIFE!!!  I am judging myself LOL I mean I also have juice and wine, but that really is about it.  I thought about the supermarket for about 2 seconds, but I always convince myself that I really do have food. And I do, in the freezer. I probably should pull something out.

It really is time to do a year in review.  Christmas is Monday and 2017 will be done soon after. Let's review.... So I moved my mom into an assisted living and my sister told me I was less mean, so that's a good thing!!  I was an extremely hard decision and i go look at her several times a week.  I say look because some days are good ones where she is feisty and has a lot of questions and conversations to the days where she just stares at me and I know she is locked in her brain ans whatever she wants to say just won't come to the surface.  Most days are in between where she tells me she needs to fart and she goes off to sleep!  On the job front they were all temp jobs, some bartending and some driving.  I was in straight hustle mode!!  And I got tired. And so I stopped driving as much but I never found a work home or work people that I wanted to call my own.  I sell jewelry Let me find my link real quick...  And I really enjoy that.  I have 6 partners for a business that is still trying to get its wings (like red bull) and it's a  little frustrating because I feel like I should be a millionaire (or at least a thousandaire LOL) by now.  Everything comes in due time so I also feel like something is really holding us/me back because we/I may not be completely ready.  WELL clearly I'm not ready because as much of an entrepreneurial spirit that I do have, I still think about having a J O B.  But it really boils down to, bills have to get paid and as much as I want to be like Oprah and do what I love, BGE wants their cut every month. On the dating front... wait I'm not sure what that is... so moving on.  OH here's something big... I bought a new car at the end on March.  Specifically March 31.  It was end of month and end of quarter so those men were not letting me leave the dealership without making a deal with me.  What's funny is the ownership changed, but I still rolled up in there like SO I STILL GET MY FREE OIL CHANGE, RIGHT?!?!?!?  I did get in a car accident so I almost feel like silver cars are cursed, because the silver Honda I had back in 90-something i got in an accident as well.  Neither one was my fault even though this go round I think I might be out a thousand because I haven't yet called state farm and geico to fight.  Claims have been submitted and denied, but I still need to fight!!  Thankfully I was not hurt, but I almost think I might have needed to get hurt in order for me to get any money.  And I don't even want to get rich off this, I just want to money back that I put in.  

Yall know I got distracted...

Some of my biggest pet peeves are ones that you should have learned to not do in kindergarten.  Like chew with your mouth CLOSED!!!  This is so simple but so many don't know how to do this. And then since your mouth is closed, there is really no reason for conversation... SO no talking with your full ass mouth.  Just EWW!!!  And you demand that I ask you specific (or pacific LOL) questions then I'm going to demand the same.  Don't start no sentence mid stream and think I know what the hell you are talking about even though I do, I'm gonna play dumb like I don't.  Everyone does not get your stank ass humor so stop being hurt when no one laughs.  People who over use sanitizer I always give a lil side eye like, just go wash your hands if you are that germaphobic.  Like I get it you want to be clean but it just grosses me out cause you need a few germs in you so you don't get sick. I was in the bathroom the other day and a mom says to her little girl 'do you want to just use the wipes we have in the car?'  I a was like SO you gonna walk ALL THE WAY to the car when the sink and soap is right here?!?  That is beyond nasty.  Thankfully because there was one of those dyson air dryers where you have to pull your hands up the little girl was like NO I wanna use that.  So the mom washed her hands.  And then yet another day I'm in there and the woman comes out having just flushed, checked her hair, and rolled out.  I looked around like WAIT HOLD UP!!! You really NOT gonna wash your hands??  I think I used extra soap and then used the towel to touch all surfaces knobs for the rest of the day.  YOU. CAN. NOT. FINISH. MY. SENTENCES.  You just can't so please stop trying!!!  This is not a peeve more of a LIKE; a good smelling man can get further with me even if he is not so easy on the eye!!  ok that's it for now

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