Thursday, January 12, 2017

random musing of a perimenopausal drama queen!

I am having a lot of feels today!  A regular emotional basket case!!  My birthday is tomorrow and I don't have much planned except I think the spa and going to drink somewhere with some friends if they decide to come out.  I'm also having an Eeyore moment "thanks for noticing me"

ANYWAY... Here's why I'm feeling old. I was 13 when Dirty Dancing came out, one of my most favorite movies.  Picture it Summer 1987...  I think I was spending a week or weekend with my older sister and brother. This was the summer before I went to high school. My sister's boyfriend was staying or came for a visit but he was like ew... that movie sounds dumb.  I was like how can anything with singing and dancing be dumb but I am a musical kinda chick I guess I always have been.  My brother was like well, lets go see the movie anyway. So I had a date at a theater somewhere in Silver Springs with my big brother!  I FELL IN ABSOLUTE LOVE WITH THAT MOVIE!!  I loved Patrick Swayze, I loved Baby I wanted to learn how to do the Pechanga and rumba and salsa and any other dance that was in the movie, I loved the hating ass hating sister, I even loved Jerry Orbach!!  I still want to do a summer at a resort which probably doesn't exist like it did in that movie.  it just was a feel good movie with a happy ending and at 13 I was there for it!  Now fast forward 30 years YES 30 YEARS and the movie is having a viewing I think next month for the anniversary THIRTY YEARS!!!!  I remember when I was younger and I wanted to be able to say 5 years ago, or 15 years ago or whatever.  I grew up with grandparents and older people who would always say stuff like back in 1966 (or whatever random year)... blah blah blah.  NOW tomorrow is will be 43 and I can say 30 ( 3 and a zero) years ago I saw Dirty Dancing in the theater!! SO yeah I'm feeling a little old.  Not that it's a bad thing, I thank LBJ everyday for allowing me to see a new day.  I having been doing a lot of self evaluating and while I know I have accomplished a lot, I still feel like I haven't done a damn thing.  I keep thinking this is going to be my year!!  And it very well may be but most I have a lot of doubt.  I don't know what that one thing or series of things need to happen to make me feel complete but once I do, I'll let you know!

Today I went and picked up my moms (aka the roommates) fur coats. Before I got to the shop I made a  pit stop at Fresh Market.  I love this store!  I really is a gourmet.  Sampled some coffee and chicken salad and the little boy at the bakery counter even gave me a lil strawberry cupcake.  Life is good!!  I think I had more on this...

I had a whole thought process of a whole lot of random, but what I really want to do is lay on the couch ride out the last few days of my Netflix and just chill!!

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