Thursday, November 3, 2011

sober random...LOL

have you ever watched people watch you do something? You think well you too can do… whatever it is, but not everyone has the same gumption, so they don’t. Mostly for me it’s travel. I have been a lot of places seen a lot of things and in no way am I close to being done. I won’t even let the fact that I really ain’t got no money hold me back. It blows my mind when people say they haven’t been to certain places. Like I really do take it for granted that EVERYONE has been to New Orleans, or California or Las Vegas or even New York since that is at least on the east coast… but that is so not the case. Really what prompted this are my tweedles… the women who sit up front. I could call them co-workers BUT WHY when tweedle is so much more fun!! The main tweedle has such a fond attachment to her desk that when she does get up it startles me. So naturally when I leave the office for lunch or just cause I need some air the looks I get are rather interesting. Early on (keep in mind I’ve only been here since March… and my gypsy spirit is ready for a change but I must continue to appreciate what I have because jobs are indeed hard to come by!!) I would wait until like 1:30 or 2 starving to death because I wanted to make sure the ladies up front got a proper lunch. But I soon discovered that all they did was heat up their food and plop back down at their desk. Eating at my desk has never been something I liked to do. First of all I am a messy eater so I need to not grease up all the papers on my desk. Second, a break from my desk is so very necessary. The simple act of going somewhere for even 20 minutes can clear my head and think about other stuff that is not work related. Third, one time (at band camp) at a job I was trying to finish up something and ate my salad at my desk and those SOB’s called me to the HR office for me to be let go. SO here I am trying to work hard for a company that did not have any value for me or the work I was doing so… from then on I take my lunch NOT at my desk. I feel some kinda way about the whole lunch thing LOL.

I know money is tight and I truly brown bag it on most days. But like yesterday, I went out to hop in my car and it was so freaking beautiful that I walked on over to McDonald’s. BIG MISTAKE!! So I walk so that act alone is good for my health right? So I’m like I’ll get one of those fruit soothies. WHY is it that what I want is not available? So the little dude behind the counter who it’s clearly his 2nd day asks the manager Cha’taquinetta (I know that was mean but I couldn’t figure out if it was a weave or lace front… it looked good thought cause you know I have a whole separate thing on people and their hair) if the machine had been fixed. So she proceeds to say ‘I am gonna punch you in your throat! I JUST TOLD YOU IT WAS BROKE!!’ So I’m standing there dying laughing cause that shit was funny AND trying to defend little dude so I say well he is asking for me because that’s what I want. So she cuts a look at me, but really I think she thought that I was not the one so she just went on about doing what she needed to do. SO THEN I settle for a McFlurry with oreos. Well damn if the oreos were out… JUST GIVE ME THE M&M’S. I order the snack size and little dude proceeds to try to sell me a snack wrap. I kept saying no a snack mcFlurry. So he looks at the menu… you do know the line is out the door by now… and he says so which snack wrap do you want. so AGAIN I say NO A SNACK McFLURRY!! Cha’taquinetta had to come back over and use her excessively long nails to punch her code in so I can actually get what I wanted which wasn’t really what I wanted but I was settling because I really did need a snack at that point. But I really do not like cold M&M’s so I had to eat my snack size McFlurry slowly

General Randomizations:
• Mr. Dude sitting next to me at church as I try to get my Jesus on, please refrain from texting and/or twittering and/or facebooking while they are passing out communion. Try connecting to the Lord instead and DE-Connect from the world wide web
• why were the PetSmart people really eager to help me today?! Now had I actually had a question them fools would have been nowhere to be found
• to the dude who was actually a little cutie (I am glad today was make-up day… to bad it wasn’t hair day) who showed us how to use the copier we already knew how to use, basic black is always a good color to wear for your pants selection. light grey pinstriped quasi-denim is not a good look… ijs
• it is flu season and I have said this before, I get that the reason you feel bad is because of allergies… but if you cough on me, or sneeze on me WE GON HAVE SOME ISSUES!! cover your mouth and go ahead and use that hand sanitizer on your desk before you start touching shit in the office.
• I am soooo glad I bought a case of 2 buck chuck in Virginia which was actually more like 3 bucks and some change, but HEY it was still cheap AND pretty darn tasty and since I can’t get it in Maryland or PA
• if I ask a question about your products then assume I want to purchase otherwise I would have kept walking and not said anything. That is sales 101 for the vendor who missed out on a sale from me cause he was not interested in giving me eye contact NOR answering my questions. All your stuff looked like a neo would buy it cause they just went over 2 days prior and need to have AKA or DST in big letters cause they are brand new! I aint no new soror and I have seen it all so the little bags you had you LOST BUDDY
• why am I still smelling the stink from PetSmart in my nose… or is it in my clothes?? eww AND why were the dog beds cuter than the cat beds. Paisley won’t know the difference I gotta go back and get one.
• and speaking of stink…. Ima need for all the critters living in the vacant space near my office to not come and die up in my ceiling and then have their tails hanging all out!! Can you say TRAUMITIZED?!?!?
• Jango is my new favorite music station!!! Thanks Chelle for turning me onto it!!
• my hair does look really crazy today. it probably would have been a good idea for me to run a comb through it this morning… I have gotten lazy working in an office of women. what I need to do is chop it all off and maybe dye it blonde… LAWD I need a change!!
• I have started the Firm express again (this is only the second time) and screaming DON’T YOU QUIT ON ME really doesn’t make me want to do an extra lunge
• I have been productive today but this blog has pretty much consumed me so let me sign off…

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