Thursday, October 20, 2011

ummm... 1 and 1/2 glass of jumbo wine... YES on a thursday!!!

last week my reason for going to happy hour with my GGG was because I didn't drop kick no one... This week has proven challenging but again I Have not drop kicked anyone. But the people need it... I'm just saying!!

the Walmart commercial with the sign that says 'just take one' and the little boy dressed up as batman takes 1 but then think HEY no one is looking.. THEN the little girl dressed as a bumble bee take like a HANDFUL of candy and the little boy say 'It says only take one' and she says 'I can't read!' and then take one more for good measure makes me laugh soooo freaking hard LAWD I don't know why.

the Old Navy commercials have taken a horrible turn... I need for the advertising company who thought these were good one to be fired ASAP!!

my cat is confused when I start dancing... she doesn't know if she should say and watch or run away. And if I clap she really is in a tizzy!!

so I have given up on trying to mack the cute UPS dude. I sit in my little office and it is WAY to obvious when I come out to to something random in the front of the office. there is new hope for the cute deer park dude... sadly this is my life LOL several years ago I would anticipate the office supply dude who had crazy tats and gold teef.. OH AND he looked like DMX. He was so hood but I felt a little tingly when he came around

so i 'discovered' the Total wine in my area... my like columbus, it was always there I just didn't know about it!! I was quite the giddy school girl a few weeks ago as I perused and purchased. I am going to go tomorrow!! It's friday AND pay day WHOO HOO!!!

i am finding my inner Ethel (my paternal grandmother) as I collect and justify my collection of mason jars : / not a habit I wanted to take up... but a good jar is a good jar AND a bag really need several uses before being tossed

my inner Barbara wants to quote scripture to the ungodly.. but sadly I can only paraphrase what Jesus and the disciple and nem had said : /

LAWD did I just say the disciples and nem!?!?!? SEE this is why I know there is a God and why He loves me... I take my religion and spirituality seriously but sometimes... not so much!!

it is Grey Anantomy night... why the other day on the radio they said the little cutie with the blue eyes used to be a teacher in Philly. If he was my teacher I would never get NOTHING done!!!

And speaking of radio WHY this morning I almost crashed cause the dude said someone let exotic animals out in Columbus... wait was it Columbus?!?!? yeah I had to google right quick. So this fool said 'White people... jogging is canceled for today... Wait until a black person tells you it is ok to go outside.' I LOST IT!!! I can't remember if it was Ricky Smiley or Steve Harvey show. He ALSO said if the animals make it to Cleveland there would be a sale on bear skin rugs for $39.99 and leopard shoes for $29.99. I was LOL literally... oatmeal flying out my mouth and everything.

Fresh Market in freaking towson has a jelly belly jelly bean section AND jumbo cupckes!! I am trying not to use food to medicate but that just makes me soo very very happy!!

some women just should not wear heals... if it makes you look like 2 sausages holding up a turkey just wear flats

uuummmm... I think that is it!!

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