Friday, October 21, 2016

a twofer... 10.21.16

I just posted a blog I wrote last week, but I have more stuff in me!

I had been reading some old posts from this date 10/21.  My goal in 2013 was to post more blogs, 3 a week to be precise.  WE all know how that one worked out LOL.  In 2015 I rehashed my experience with all the critters squirrels and mice that seemed to want to live in the house with me, Paisley, and the roommate which would be a great title of a book!!! LOL

I had a really vivid dream last night or more like right before I woke up which is probably why I remembered it.  So all of my family was around this island in this kitchen.  The specific people I remember were my nieces and my brother but the house was full so I know there were others there.  And then there was this little light skinded baby who I think was mine (?) then this light skin man with a red beard (he was black but he had red hair) who I think was also mine, but then I kept flashing forward and back so at one point I was pregnant and then the baby was there.  It was weird and I have no idea what it means and NO there no way I'm pregnant not no way!!  SO yeah I have no idea what this means. My mother... err I mean roommate had a pretty vivid dream the other day.  She was running down some steep steps to get to the blue Dodge car, she needed to get it in the garage. This issue with her dreams is that she usually thinks they are real. When I say to her well it was a dream sometimes she gets really belligerent and other days she can accept that yep it was a dream.  This particular day she spent most of the day trying to convince the caregiver that she needed to get out of the bed and move the car into the garage. The caregiver indulged her for the most part and even as she left she was trying to comfort her by saying she would take care of the car.  Now me being the daughter and also caregiver, I have to bring her to present day reality. Lady you have not driven a car in at least 7 years, your son has your car, the house with the garage is in Pittsburgh has been sold, my car is a blue car which she kept telling me NO IT WAS A DODGE... so yeah ALL OF THAT!!

I am a YouTube chick!  I watch shows on it and then start following the people (content creators and actors) on the Instagram and Twitter.  One station in particular (Black & Sexy TV) took their content to VHX and has a yearly subscription. Another Issa Rae just created a show on HBO called Insecure and the tagline is "She's trying hard AF!!"  It has gotten rave reviews!  But it took for FREAKING ever and I was able to watch the process.  SO go RIGHT NOW to HBO and watch.  I actually had to stop and think about black people in general being on the TV and this year has not been too bad.  I mean it always could be better.  Actually it seems network TV is more inclined to putting black men on than black women. This show celebrates black women who don't have it all but that's ok cause we all DON'T have it all, nor are we all sassy, and angry and loud and secure.  We are not a monolith! And we like to see that there are other types of black women other than the sassy sidekick.

There was a man that said or rather typed something rather crude about how my mind could change based on the time of month.  I actually let it go, I didn't even cuss him the fuck out even though it will happen sooner or later.  Let me explain to ALL who read this, I am tired of having to explain myself as not being angry or mad when my opinion differs from yours.  I'm tired feeling like I have to lower my voice to make you feel comfortable because GOD FORBID if I raise it I am clearly on my period and emotional and/or trying to take on wifely duties because I'm telling you what to do.  Trust me I don't want to be your wife! Nor am I trying to tell you what to do.  I'm tired of having to put a smile on my face because again, I feel the need to pacify.  I have had conversations with other black women where we say well we gotta be the ABC (angry black chick) today or try not being the ABC because no matter how 'nice' we are, folks will see us as angry and it is so exhausting.  I give up!  I'm done trying to make you feel ok! ALSO I am going to say what I want when I want which is what I usually do, but there are a few folks who I still tend to censor myself but NO MAS!! (which is Spanish for no more LOL)

I have a cousin (our grandmothers were sisters) who I never met but who I was friends with on Facebook and Pinterest.  She passed away a few weeks ago.  It is very sad because she has a ton of 1st cousins and I think they are in the same boat as me as never having met her.  Her birthday is today and it is popping up on Facebook and it is just sad.  She has young kids and no one seems to be saying anything or at least the family that I am close with don't seem to know anything.

Someone needs to give me their Netflix code so I can watch Luke Cage. There is NO shame in my game!!!

This man has decided to hack up all of his lung and I must now go!!

And now I want chicken...

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