Tuesday, March 18, 2014

i gotta get it I GOT GOT TO GET IT...

I’m VERY ranty today and it’s only 1:30 in the afternoon but I feel like I’m done for the day.  So I go into Wal-Mart which I now officially hate. There are no more redeeming qualities and my mind is made up.  I called in the prescription for my mom Saturday thinking SURELY it will be filled today which is Tuesday.  Apparently the system only picked up one the 2 of course the one she is completely out of is the one that is missed.  So instead of the cashier helping me, he sends me to the drop off window where the lady apologizes and sends it to the system to be filled.  So I shop.  I get all the things I think I need and proceed to one of the very few cash registers open.  I see 3 dudes, I thought it was one order, but of course it was 2.  The 1st dude swipes his card as I lovingly place all of my items on the belt, it doesn’t go through… he walks away.  The 2nd dude swipes his card.  That didn’t work either.  I let the guy with just the Pepsi and M&M’s ahead of me.  The manager is called but they never seem to make it over, so the 3rd dude pays with cash.  **blank stare** The second order goes through without a hitch, the baby 2 people behind me starts to scream in a pitch reserved for small animals.  This cashier is pleasant enough and I say to her, I don’t know if I could do it, it’s just too much with these people.  And not ‘these people’ meaning any particular people BUT ALL PEOPLE!!  Keep in mind I have been a cashier in fact I have done pretty much every job known to man LOL ok not really but I have done a lot.  I go back to the pharmacy and the little boy looks at me like this is the first time he has seen me ever in his life.  OK no problem I give my name and date of birth.  OH this prescription is out of stock miss.  EXCUSE ME?!?!  Ummmm…. He goes to confer with the people behind the wall and they all look at me like it’s MY fault they don’t have the damn prescription.  So this is when I get loud, not nasty BUT LOUD!  I called the prescription in Saturday and I am completely out so you need to call another Wal-Mart so I can get it filled today!!  Then they all scramble.  The box from UPS just came in so they looked in there (they is 3 people behind the wall), the looked on the shelf, then the pharmacist said well I have to place an order so it will be in tomorrow.  Yeah that’s not going to work I NEED IT NOW!! So he in all his wisdom is like Oh well I can give you pills for a few days.  Ya think? Thank you and are you sure it will be in tomorrow? Oh yeah I need to place the order before I forget.  He then proceeds to say they changed suppliers, the system was down and whatever the hell else.  What I wanted to say but I didn’t is I don’t give a fuck!!  I really don’t.  Wanda Sykes did this whole bit on when she turned 40 she just didn’t give any fucks anymore and I’m 40 and I too do not give many fucks about very many things.  Why am I being penalized for your system not working correctly?  Why do I have to come back to this damn store in a few days which is not terribly out of the way but it is an inconvenience?  So then I stand there.  And then I ask the pharmacist WHY am I still standing here?  I thought you were going to give me a few pills?  So he was like oh yeah Christopher has to check you out.  Does HE know that?  Then the African lady who had been fussing with her insurance company since I came up the 2nd time deemed me her new best friend.  They raised her prescription from $25 to $50 and she was PISSED.  And I agree.  $50 is a lot of money and folk don’t have extra when no one bothered to tell them.  She had transferred from CVS and I told her I was about to transfer to Rite Aid.  There is just no hassle there.  She said this place is too much hassle.  So then Christopher finally finished with the OTHER African lady whose prescription was being filled and bagged just as he was trying to find it.  She was very patient with him.  Meanwhile 2 more people walked up to get in line.  I thought for a few seconds if this little boy makes me wait, it’s gon get real ugly.  So the lady fussing with me says I NEED MY PERSCRIPTION NOW!!  It’s $50 but I have to get it.  Then I chime in WHY AM I STILL STANDING HERE?!?! Christopher gets a little afraid and hell I would too with 2 angry black women about to beat him down.  So then he says to me well I am going to take her first.  I say IT DOESN’T MATTER WHO YOU TAKE JUST MOVE FASTER!!  The pharmacist was like please take her!!  So he rings me up asking form my name for a 3rd time. Really dude?  SO I continue YOU HAVE TO HAVE A SENSE OR URGENCY!!  I HAVE STUFF TO DO THIS LADY HAS STUFF TO DO (she nods in agreement) WE GOT STUFF TO DO AND YOU ARE MOVING TOO SLOW.  I HAVE SHOPPED AND I WAITED ANOTHER 15 MINUTES.   I NEED TO GET OUT OF HERE!!  I absolutely will be transferring to Rite aid because this is not even the 1st time the meds are out of stock and they look at me like well what am I supposed to do?!?  It’s just too much!!!

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