Wednesday, May 22, 2013

henry thoreau misquote and other shenanigans...

If this woman say just ONE MO GIN how she doesn’t understand what I don’t understand I am going to pull every tacky dyed red hair out of her tacky head!!  We both can’t be clueless and you’re the team leas and you LOVE to make sure everyone know you know so much so yeah I’ma need for you to work that out.

I know the little loud woman can talk low so why can’t she just do that ALL the time?!  I need to not hear here when I’m trying to think.  Or when I’m on the phone. 

Sometimes I be stalking so hard I forget why I went on their FB page in the first place.  What was dudes name with the red shirt who did the knee massage?!?!  I am checking every Kappa’s page LOL

I was in line behind someone at the dollar store a few weeks ago and they got a decal that said “Go confidently in the direction of your dreams”.  Actually the lady before me at one job had that very decal on the wall and I looked at it for a year cause she left it on the wall in the office I took over.   So why out of the blue it just freaking hit me!!!  I AM NOT GOING IN THE DIRECTION OF MY DREAMS!!  Was it yesterday a question was posed if you had no fear what would you do?  Without much thought I said (well to myself) quit my job and move to the Bahamas!   The big PowerBall for almost $600million was up for grabs on last Saturday.  It got reset back to $40million. I would totally be happy with whatever annuitized amount I would get from that.  Top of the list would be get my brother’s house completely finished, move my sister someplace new altogether.  Make sure my mom was good and settled.  And then pay off all the debts for the nephews and set up funds for all the other nieces and nephew AND THEN for me move somewhere where I don’t have neighbors ghetto fabulous or otherwise… and this just turned into a money thing and a lottery thing which neither are part of my dreams per se, but it would be nice to win… I’m just saying.  When I was little and I watched my grandmothers and my mother and my aunt run things at church I decided that that was what I wanted to do, be a boss!! And that’s what I said ‘when I grow up I want to be the boss’  Not like these silly ass rappers and 12 year olds who say they are a BOSS, but I wanted to run things.  They were in control and I wanted to be in control.  Fast Forward to the Ally McBeal years, YES the TV show.  So the premise was a law firm where everyone was young and hip and the length of a suit for all the women was just under the crack of their ass.  One of the characters who started the firm was Richard Fish, he was going through some legal troubles of his own and the culture of the firm was changing.  He said he wanted to start a law firm to have fun and make money!  That is so not the culture of most places.  Where I am now, the people seem so miserable.  Hell they won’t even speak in the halls.   And I am watching a fellow bartender just do the damn thing as he is growing his business.  I have 2 friends that are picking up and just moving!  One to another country WELL ACTUALLY 2 are moving out of country… And the other to another state.  I have nothing NOT A THING holding me in Baltimore but yet I stay.  Back to Ally McBeal, another character was the secretary and she would come up with these off the wall inventions like a face bra!  When Ally questioned her, she said she would rather be known for her off the wall inventions than a tired secretary that never accomplished anything.  I am in self -reflection mode!  I am 39 and I have said a few times that 40 is when stuff was supposed to happen or have already happened.  I now I have to edit that because I know (well I hope… pray) that I won’t kill over and drop dead on January 14, 2014 and I can do things once I turn 40.  I mean I’m a homeowner, some people can’t say that at any point in their lives.  I’m a college graduate.  And I have a cat!! AND A BLOG that my faithful 5-10 people read!!

It is almost 5:30 and I am still sitting at work because I needed to get all (well not all but a lot) of my thoughts out AND because I really didn’t want to go to yoga even though I really needed to but now it’s too late.  I want to hit up a likka sto, get some Golly Wobbler (summertime in a bottle baby!!) get some hotdogs and throw them on the grill. 

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