Friday, February 8, 2013

Yay Friday!

my blogs are long as HELL!! I'm sitting here at work working REAlLY hard and reading some of them from last summer. I got BOLD and bullets and... well randomness but that is to be expected

I'm glad it's friday!! The week wasn't bad it's just always a very welcomed day.

Tomorrow I'm taking my sister to see the Alvin Ailey Dancers. I think the last time I saw them was in Pittsburgh and I was a kid.

I went to a non-musical play on Tuesday and was left with WHAT THE HELL JUST HAPPENED HERE?!?! The quick and dirty of August: Osage County is the patriarch goes missing and then dead; and he's an alcoholic. The matriarch pops pills. Basically there are just secrets that all families have, but the one that stood out the most for me were the 1st cousins carrying on a relationship and it turned out they were brother and sister. As attractive as I think my family/cousins are I can't imagine kissing let alone having sex with them. And my brother?!?! I am sick to my stomach. The other sister was engaged to a man who I could tell was about to mess with the 14 yr old niece. I would kill a fool if he put his hands on any of my nieces, nephews too!!! So it was a good play, but I think I'll stick to the musical variety!!

There is a 2 hour delay for schools in this area, but no snow O_o

So glad I bought 4 bottles of wine on Wed!!

The office people are STILL complaining about the cubes they put in front of them

It's probably a good idea to NOT be writing my blog or looking at FB or tweeting or not working when 1 of my managers walks by. Yeah that's a good rule of thumb. Even though I am somewhat of an orphan, this is the one that authorizes the time sheet so yeah.

I'm addicted to a new vlog on youTube, BeatFaceHoney. She is a make-up person and her tips are really good. I actually thought she was in drag, but I think she was born with all girl parts! I need to step up my make-up game. For some reason the spots that are on my face seem to get bigger by the day. NOT REALLY, but a lil concealer and foundation aint never hurt nobody!! When I was working from home, my aunt told me to wake up everyday shower and put on some lipstick!! Which I usually did!!

people say the dumbest shit on FB and the meanest nastiest shit on twitter and on the comments of YouTube most likely becasue there is more anonimity. I guess people think they are protected by the computer and feel fearless. But TRUST if I wouldn't say it to your face, I wouldn't write it to live on forever and ever in cyber space! Maybe that's just me. Then once said, folks be surrying around to explain what they meant or, take downa comment that was offense. WHO has time for that, just DON'T say it in the first place.

1 comment:

  1. Again you have put a smile on my face... So how we are going to get you a TV, web, radio deal somewhere...
