Thursday, June 28, 2012

random 498762252.1

I got so much trobule on my mind. I REFUSE TO LOSE!! - Public Enemy

Actually I don't have trouble I have RANDOMNESS!! so here goes:

-my co-worker said she was stressed because our manager asked her to move some things in an email account to a folder in a shared drive. I told her YOU DON'T KNOW STRESS!! This aint stress this is cake, and I will have another slice thank you!!

-the mosquitoes bit me on my FACE!! them sob's danced around everywhere I sprayed and get their blood from my face

-YES as a matter of fact I DO want to see Magic Mike. Channing Tantum!!! Matthew McConaughey!!! And that other (well several other)cutie patottie!! YES PLEASE!!!

-my doctor...well my hematologist (my primary care just wants to be sure I am close to healthy as possible because right now she says I am healthy-ISH) asks me what I like to do. So after I stop looking like a deer in the headlights I said 'well I know saying watching TV and drinking wine are probably not so good, but that's what I like to do... AND GARDEN!! because that sounds good, right?' He was dying laughing!!

-the nurse at this place took my blood and then apologized for sticking me... ummm, I didn't feel a think you did a GREAT job Nurse Katie!!

Tahj Mowery (you know Tia & Tamera's lil brother) is on a new show on ABC Family. But why does he look Asian and not black?

Why have I been watching ABC Family? I am kinda addicted to 'Bunheads'

Cedric's new show is GREAT!! I love Cedric!!

Why oh why does my neighbor pop out of freaking NOWHERE to say hello?? I really wish I could take him up on his offer to mow the lawn, but I need to know his situation. Is that your wife/girlfriend/sister/cousin?!?! And NO I am not tryna holla (why can't my neighbors look like the dude in Janet Jackson's Anytime video... or any other video she made in the 90's LOL) but I just don't wanna feel indebted. I mowed you lawn so now let's go upstairs(boooom chikka WOW WOW)!!! UUUhhhh nooo (LOL)

Ok it's not really stalking if I have no idea where the cute tall dude sits. But I was driving right behind him and I have his license plate memorized (ok yes that teeters on stalking... but only if I do something with it. It can play around in my brain forever!! LMBAO) Plus it looks like a family car... although he is TALL so a sedan doesn't necessarily mean 'I have 10 kids'.

I at least am working with men but there are really only a few cuties. One guy is still there from when I worked there in my 20's. I had a little crush on him and when I saw him again last week I was like eeeewwww what on earth was I thinking?!?!?

finding stuff out about the old job is both hilarious and confirms I made the right choice to leave.

to my dog friends, i know you love your dog, I KNOW, but can you ease up on talking about how amazing they are?!? I mean they aint got opposable thumbs which is what I tell my cat. My mom says I talk to her like she's a human. I'll say why are you trying to pick that up you aint got opposable thumbs chick!! OH wait did I just go to the dark side of talking about how amazing my pet is?!?!? (I mean she kinda is; anything that can lick their lady parts is pretty freaking amazing!!!)

if english is not your first language I am going to need for you to listen to the WHOLE question before you answer "YES"! Don't use context clues... just listen. And really that goes for native english speakers as well!

I am addicted to QVC, but don't tell anyone!! I just got my 2 petite maxi dresses and they are PERFECT!!! even though I am a tall chick i prefer my dresses not drag on the ground!

the intention was to open a bottle of Gollywobbler tonight and that didn't happen. Oh yeah the intention was also to make a lime simple syrup for the raspberry lemon drop i was going to test.. OH WAIT I have some simple syrup in the frig... hold on...hmmm maybe I don't need simple syrup since the lemonade is pretty sweet... (adjusting recipe in my head)

i am sooo sleepy right now. There is more but this is gonna hafta do for today!!

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