Wednesday, June 29, 2016

I know.. casue I know CAUSE I KNOW!!

listening to a lil Lalah as I type the good blog... You can make it On your own!

What you won’t do is tell me you are a make-up artist in training and you have a completely naked face.  No ma’am…   your face should be beat at ALL times!! And then for those women who don’t already wear make-up, black eyeliner and mascara might not be a good entry point.  You have to ease into it. Start with a little gloss, do the neutrals and then once we get used to seeing that on you, then maybe a brown liner and mascara.  And then for the woman who was wearing the exact color combination that I was going to, thank you for being a cautionary tale for me.  Those colors looked horrible together although somehow I think I still could have pulled it off.  And this has been your make-up minute!!

It took me years to upgrade from a futon (from college) to a real couch.  And now I have (for the most part) a grown-up house!  I have furniture in all of the rooms.  Now my goal in life is to have a grown-up back yard.  I went to 2 cookouts this weekend and I now know what the bar is for me to reach.  Hardscaping is the way to go! And a water feature.  I intended to add bricks or stones of some sort several years ago but I wasn’t sure what I wanted.  Now I kinda do know what I want.  I’ve done 1 level of stones in the front and to my garden in the back but I really do want to add more.  Picking up the stones at the Lowes or Home Depot is not fun.  I need to have someone do it for me; either hire someone or go with them so they can figure out how many are needed. 

This is my favorite time of year which is evident in the amount of clothes I have.  One of my caregivers for my mom (well and I guess for me too) was like PLEASE let me finish washing your clothes!  They have been in the basement for 2 weeks.  Of course why should anyone have to plead with me to let them help me? So I let her!  What’s bad is I really didn’t miss any of what was in the basement.  I like color and I never really understand why people wear so much black when another option would be yellow or turquoise. I have a lot of vibrant colors and patterns and for the past few weeks I have gotten many comments.  What even funnier is a lot of the stuff is from QVC and HSN.  And on that note since my contract is coming to a close I need to go on a spending fast.  NOPE I don’t need that pair of shoes, or that dress. I mean I might WANT it but I need to be on a needs only basis. 

What bugs the hell outta me is being with people who can’t seem to ever put their phone down, but the second you text them you don’t hear from them for hours.  Like REALLY chick... or dude??!?

You know what else I don’t like busy bodies!!  Those mostly women (but men can be busy bodies too) who know everything about everything and let you know they know just in case you didn’t know they knew.  Yep I got it, you KNOW IT ALL!! Except they don’t.  They are usually misinformed and then look simple when giving out the info that only they know! 

We had cake today and I don’t know what it is but I don’t like it.  It had some sort of custard on in.  I am such a plain jane when it comes to cake, just give me a nice vanilla cake with chocolate icing. 

What you ALSO won’t do is be in the left lane while I’m in the right, make the turn and then try to get all up in my lane!!  NO ma’am sir!! Don’t underestimate this lil 03 Corolla or the chick driving cause she might jump out and beat the shit outta you!  I mean she won’t, but she says she will all the time!!  LOL  This big ass white pick-up decided that was how he was living his life yesterday and this chick wasn’t having it!  I blowed my horn and held my own like NO YOUSTAY OVER THERE!!

Friday, June 17, 2016


I’m used to being a contractor.  I really am.  It fits my gypsy lifestyle.  Not that I pick and move homes, but jobs, OH YEAH!! So I’ve been at my current location since 2012.  I count it by family reunions.  I have had 3…  My mother’s side of the family has been doing a reunion since 1978 on even year usually on Memorial Day weekend.  So in 2012 after giving a 4 month notice that I was going to Dallas my manager asked if I could change my day off to Wednesday NO ma’am I cannot.  I high tailed it out of there as soon as I could. Dallas in 2012, Memphis in 2014 and (sunny) Cleveland 2016. It is time to GO!   And wouldn’t you know it they didn’t extend my contract!  I am a firm believer that you speak things into existence so you have to be careful.  I have been saying out loud for some time that my contract ends 6/30/16 and for people on the team to not make plans for me after that date. So I have a few things I need to wrap up but I’m not starting anything new.  There are some embers in the fire that need to be poked and a few new ventures that might be really exciting.  MEANWHILE I am so ready for another vacation!!  Thank you LBJ for the account I use for playtime!  I just saw Travel Zoo listing for a trip to Greece. I would love to go back to Greece.  But that flight alone is more than I care to really think about.  I think what I will do is go to wherever Southwest goes.

WHY do I like this Miguel song How many drinks? It has Kendrick Lamar, but the lyrics... LAWD ‘how many drinks would it take you to be with me to; yeah you look good and I got money but I don’t wanna waste my time. Back of my mind I’m hoping you say 2 or 3’ LOL And I so get it I don’t got time to waste neither!!  So what we doing!?  And then Kendrick says ‘no no no I aint judging if you do decide that we will be f***ing tonight’ But men do judge!!  I’m listening to a playlist well someone’s playlist cause I still can’t figure it out on the Spotify. They always look at you different if they can hit it quickly and then the ones you make wait are usually whack!! Actually this play list is pretty good.  I’ve had to skip a few songs but I mean for something I didn’t specifically create it’s not bad... like now Body party by Ciara gets a skip LOL BUT I Still Love You by 702 gets a sing along.

I’m back to me being a contractor and I was thinking of the things I will miss.  Not much… LOL  A few people (and I do mean a few!), the scenery from the 4th floor kitchen which is very lush and green and uuuuhhhh… yep that’s it.  Maybe the occasional cute security guard oh and the cute black manager (yes there is only 1). 

So I just signed up to get an update when Hamilton tickets are available.  It’s on Broadway and I want to see it because everyone says it’s great.  I think I might go up one day and just do a few shows and a little hopping.  YES, me shop LOL.  I made a rationale to myself that it’s not that I don’t like shopping I just don’t like malls but I do like the act of shopping. 

I am listening to one of my podcasts, The Friend Zone, and Fran (@heyfranhey) just said something that hit real close.  She is talking about journaling.  I guess I use this as a journal to an extent but I do find that I edit myself because I just do. The journal by my bed is the one where the shit unedited. REWRITE YOUR LIFE!!! That’s what she just said. Write everything down even the things that are embarrassing.  How do you want your life to be.  And what caught my attention as I was listening is that she said sometimes life is so heavy and that you can’t catch a break and that Does God hare me!? IS this a prank? I for real FOR REAL feel like this some days.  Yesterday I was thinking God must be letting satan do me like he did Job because this is too much for it to actually be real life right now!! And I mean I get through it (my good days outweigh my bad days) but it’s those times when the bad just over power me that I think nope… I quit!  I’m done being an adult!!  Let me go find a park and just run and play let someone else worry about the real shit.  And that is what I need to do, rewrite my life! Even the relationship piece I really do enjoy doing things by myself and I often wonder why I am even trying to be with someone until I am and that closeness and intimacy is great and I know that being with someone is what I do want, until I don’t. See right there I was about to say something and edited it because it was way too personal.  Just think of the India.Arie song Brown Skin... that’s where I was!! Men are just as complicated as women.  They don’t say what they want maybe because they don’t know.  I asked the question WHAT DO YOU WANT and the guy looked at me with a blank stare like I was asking him to jump off a cliff.  I need to stop settling and/or doing things that don’t create lasting relationships.  One guy was like can’t we just be friends and I was like well we never were friends so why we gonna start now? So I know it’s me sometimes and HIM most of the time LOL  I’ve created a nice little wall that gets chipped away at and then I start rebuilding when he (whoever the he is) start acting dumb or at least what I consider to be dumb.  I was real ready to cuss this one guy smooth out and I caught myself before I got to the crazy chick point because he is not going to hear and receive what I have to say with me at 100 and him at 15. So I chilled!! And I’ma be chilled!

Friday, June 3, 2016

and I hope this message stays in your mind...

Someone had a ‘Carcetti for Mayor’ bumper sticker this morning. I’ve been wanting a shirt that said that.  I also was a ‘Vote for Pedro’ tee shirt.  Here is where my randomness might not be for you because I’m sure I already lost a few and we just begun.

It truly tickles me when folks say YOU FORGOT TO ADD THIS TO THE BLOG!!! And then I’m like did you really want my spin on it cause maybe you don’t… OR maybe you do?!?!?  SO it is wedding/prom/graduation season.  I haven’t been to a wedding but I have been to a graduation and a prom send off.   I went all the way to ATL to see my nephew #2 graduate from Georgia State University. I did a kinda sorta embarrassing pic on the Facebook mainly because I am so proud of him.  One of the things I said was that it was expected and it was!  Graduating from high school and then going to college was always expected in my household.  I don’t even know if I knew there was a choice.  It got to a point when I was really indecisive that my mom was like if I didn’t decide I had to go to Pitt (University of Pittsburgh) which in retrospect I still would have had to apply, but I felt like she knew the right people that I could have just went.  She also said if I didn’t go to college I would have to work at Giant Eagle. All I could envision was working in the deli shaving up chipped ham LOL  I am glad that my oldest 2 nephews have degrees. Now I’m not sure what is going to happen with my nieces because they live different lives were I’m not sure if education is an expectation.  I want them to finish high school and go to college and I want them to be AKA’s (my sorority) and I want them to know there is a big world out there.  But they might not have that same expectation that I had.  The 16 yr old, I need for him to GET IT and finish high school and he will go somewhere most likely on an athletic scholarship.  And the god babies… well they have no choice either.  Onto the proms… So we have seen all the pics on Facebook and Instagram maybe even the twitter.  One of my girlfriends has a son who is about to graduate so he of course he went to the prom.  She decided to do have food and drinks at her house.  This mofo (my friend not her son) did not have a wine opener in her whole ENTIRE HOUSE!!! I don’t know how she lives her life day to day with only an electric wine opener that decided not to work when she had a house full of people who were demanding wine, but she does.  The good thing is I live literally about 5-7 minutes from her and got one for her to HAVE.  I mean the wineaux that I am I usually carry a wine key with me at all time cause you know just like condoms, you never know when wine might come up.  Did I just compare wine to sex?!?!  hmmm… YES!!!! I remember my wine key getting confiscated at the TSA one time when I was travelling a lot for work and I mean I get it, it did have a knife on it and I could have hijacked the plane and no one wants that.  So yeah…  other than that her son was handsome, he did a black on black and his date did black and white with the pink hair which on her looked appropriate.  A 50 yr old maybe not so much but then again she had a girlfriend from high school who had bright red hair but it looked good on her.  I don’t know some people can pull off the crazy colors better than others and not even crazy.  Everyone can’t pull off blond and/or red based on their skin color and tone.  I have digressed so much. LOL

This past weekend was my family reunion in sunny Cleveland!! As always I had a great time!  And not to embarrass him but my brother was having several emotional moments.  At one point it was like WTF are you crying about now?!?!? He and another cousin just had to talk out things that men sometimes just don’t on a regular basis and it was cleansing.  It’s just good to see everyone the older family members who are still looking good and the babies who just got here!

I just brushed my teeth but I missed my tongue so it really feels like I need to go redo it.  Plus I really hate brushing my teeth in the same bathroom that someone is pooping in a stall near me.  Life would be so much better if I had my own personal bathroom.  And it will happen when I start ChickiCo! 

I Binged (the same as googling) my name.  It is funny and scary at the same the information that popped up.  Nothing too crazy but if I had a stalker they might actually be able to find me.  Thankfully only one picture… Hmmm my curiosity got the better of me I just goggled and more pics popped up : O so yeah be careful what you like on all the social medias. WOW!!

Why do men become 100% more attractive when you find out they have a girl/wife!?!?  I’m not that chick to be dating married men (well you know not ON PURPOSE… I mean it has happened kinda sorta on accident… don’t judge me LOL).  They also become more of appeal when you know they don’t want you no mo which works both ways.  I am moving on and he is professing his undying love. **LOUD SIGH**

It is Capital Jazz fest this weekend. Tonight is King, En Vogue, and New Edition… I’m cueing up some King now!! Tomorrow is Lalah and Erro… hmm I wonder if they will do their duet together?? I wonder if the rain will go ahead and stop being a bitch and just let the sun come on out?!?! I wonder where my plastic wine pouch is? And I wonder if the little boys they hire for this big event will chill out and let me slip my libations in without too much hassle?  I wonder if there will be any available cuties there?  I know they exist. Single men are not unicorns!!  EWWW… I wonder if the dude from the concert a few weeks ago will be there?? I wonder if I talked to him if the cellulite girl would have got made?  I wonder why I act like I aint got cellulite?? LOL  ACTUALLY though I am pretty tight except for those few annoying dimples. My booty don’t jiggle.  I wonder if that is the problem?  But the booty don’t lie.  I wonder if I will get any work done today?  I wonder if I shoulda stayed my booty home and pretended to work? I wonder what the heck I’ma wear tonight?  AND tomorrow… what I’m gon wear? I wonder if I am hitting the right note as I sing along with King?  Prolly not!!!  LOL