Wednesday, June 29, 2016

I know.. casue I know CAUSE I KNOW!!

listening to a lil Lalah as I type the good blog... You can make it On your own!

What you won’t do is tell me you are a make-up artist in training and you have a completely naked face.  No ma’am…   your face should be beat at ALL times!! And then for those women who don’t already wear make-up, black eyeliner and mascara might not be a good entry point.  You have to ease into it. Start with a little gloss, do the neutrals and then once we get used to seeing that on you, then maybe a brown liner and mascara.  And then for the woman who was wearing the exact color combination that I was going to, thank you for being a cautionary tale for me.  Those colors looked horrible together although somehow I think I still could have pulled it off.  And this has been your make-up minute!!

It took me years to upgrade from a futon (from college) to a real couch.  And now I have (for the most part) a grown-up house!  I have furniture in all of the rooms.  Now my goal in life is to have a grown-up back yard.  I went to 2 cookouts this weekend and I now know what the bar is for me to reach.  Hardscaping is the way to go! And a water feature.  I intended to add bricks or stones of some sort several years ago but I wasn’t sure what I wanted.  Now I kinda do know what I want.  I’ve done 1 level of stones in the front and to my garden in the back but I really do want to add more.  Picking up the stones at the Lowes or Home Depot is not fun.  I need to have someone do it for me; either hire someone or go with them so they can figure out how many are needed. 

This is my favorite time of year which is evident in the amount of clothes I have.  One of my caregivers for my mom (well and I guess for me too) was like PLEASE let me finish washing your clothes!  They have been in the basement for 2 weeks.  Of course why should anyone have to plead with me to let them help me? So I let her!  What’s bad is I really didn’t miss any of what was in the basement.  I like color and I never really understand why people wear so much black when another option would be yellow or turquoise. I have a lot of vibrant colors and patterns and for the past few weeks I have gotten many comments.  What even funnier is a lot of the stuff is from QVC and HSN.  And on that note since my contract is coming to a close I need to go on a spending fast.  NOPE I don’t need that pair of shoes, or that dress. I mean I might WANT it but I need to be on a needs only basis. 

What bugs the hell outta me is being with people who can’t seem to ever put their phone down, but the second you text them you don’t hear from them for hours.  Like REALLY chick... or dude??!?

You know what else I don’t like busy bodies!!  Those mostly women (but men can be busy bodies too) who know everything about everything and let you know they know just in case you didn’t know they knew.  Yep I got it, you KNOW IT ALL!! Except they don’t.  They are usually misinformed and then look simple when giving out the info that only they know! 

We had cake today and I don’t know what it is but I don’t like it.  It had some sort of custard on in.  I am such a plain jane when it comes to cake, just give me a nice vanilla cake with chocolate icing. 

What you ALSO won’t do is be in the left lane while I’m in the right, make the turn and then try to get all up in my lane!!  NO ma’am sir!! Don’t underestimate this lil 03 Corolla or the chick driving cause she might jump out and beat the shit outta you!  I mean she won’t, but she says she will all the time!!  LOL  This big ass white pick-up decided that was how he was living his life yesterday and this chick wasn’t having it!  I blowed my horn and held my own like NO YOUSTAY OVER THERE!!

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