Tuesday, January 12, 2016

42 IS the answer!

My resolution for this year or maybe not so much resolution as this is how I want to live my life is I want to be able to hear what people are saying.  Sometimes I feel like my breath is just wasted on folks who only see things one way and not even consider that there is another option.  That to me is pretty limited and since I can’t change how others do things, I can change how I do things in my life. 

When I go to church… well you know I’m not always a heathen just most of the time… I pray that I get a fresh new meaning from the words.  Being a church kid having grown up in the church and conventions sometimes the same old scripture is just rehashed over again and again.  This past Christmas season I didn’t get much YES we know the Lord got Mary preggers!!  YES we know Joseph went on ahead and married her anyway cause all the angel told him it was alright!  There was more but I forgot!!


There is something very calming about the Bing picture of the day.  I don’t know what it is but it usually makes me smile!


It is the day before my birthday and I am feeling pretty good!  I think I have done a good amount of self-reflection and me and myself are ok!  This is good because sometime I feel out of whack.  42 is the answer to the Ultimate Question of Life so who really cares what the question is!?!?!  That is a total nerd thing and as I have realized I live in a nerd bubble that many folks do not reside.  If you care it is from ‘The Hitchhiker’s guide to the Galaxy’ a movie that came out in 2005.  I saw a few years ago.  It stars Zooey Deschanel and Mos Def AND Alan Rickman (they were in “Something the Lord” made the movie about Dr. Blalock (who by the way got a pretty shitty building at Hopkins LOL) at Johns Hopkins and the blue baby syndrome yes I have gone off on a tangent because He (Alan Rickman) is also part of the Harry Potter movie series more on that in a second) and a bunch of other actors.  It’s of course Sci-fi. 


I am now part of a new team at work.  They put the 3 (lowly) contractors on a team of people taken (or borrowed) from various areas to support the main team.  The one guy I have noticed because he’s kinda cute and has this body builder frame which it turns out he WAS a body builder.  When I first saw him I said He look like Krum… stay with me here because I am on an excessive nerd tangent.  So Viktor Krum comes to Hogwarts as part of the Triwizard Tournament from the Drumstang school (this was an all-boys school) and all the girls are like in love with him because he is a star Quiddich player even Weasley has like a man-crush on Krum but then when Hermoine decides she likes him Weasley is all ‘Krum is dumb’ because he sorta is a dumb jock.  So I meet my new team mate (full circle moment) and I say to him you know what I thought when I saw you?  He’s like no, what? I said you look like Krum from Harry Potter so he chuckles but then gives me this blank stare so I had to wikia Krum and show him and then he turned red!! I was like all the girls were falling for him because he was a quiddich player…. So you don’t like Harry Potter?!?!  He’s like Uuuhhh no.  I have to remind myself that there are only a few people that GET IT.  My nephew and new niece-in-law, a guy I went to college with and another guy I grew up with from church. Only 1 of my immediate gf’s have a clue about it the rest would give me a blank stare like WTH is she talking about now!?!?! I really geek out sometimes and get excited about stuff and folks are like WHAT??!  Like ‘Star Wars’ I won’t put any spoilers here and I would like to see it again.  But I went to house warming and there was a girl there who had just saw it and we were like kindred spirits!  I had to explain a few things to her from previous movies but there was a definitely twinkle in my eye as I got to talk about it.  I need a nerd support group I really do.  There is a podcast I listen to, FanBros which is the ‘voice of the urban geek’.  But they do a lot with geek culture heavy on comics and that’s not the kind nerd chick that I am.  I like the Marvel series (Avengers) but I only go as far as the movies and TV.  They recently did a top 12 of TV shows but it was heavy on British sci-fi and I hadn’t heard of most of them. Anywho…

It still takes me a lot to see a dude in meggins.  I was at Miss Shirley’s this Sunday meeting my fellow 1/13 birthday chick for brunch.  This really beat faced chick in heels comes in and then the dude behind her had on meggins.  I tried hard not to stare but I swear I couldn’t help it.  I just want to be like WHY?!?!  I mean I get it, they look comfortable but I can see your junk AND you wallet and anything else you may have in your pocket.  It’s just a bad look!!  There was another family with the interracial gay couple.  I try not to judge and I’m really not, but I for a second I was like why is this white guy telling this random black woman that he is getting buttermilk pancakes (oh my stalking goes deep LOL)?   So then I had to just take in the entirety of the family.  There were 2 older women sitting.  They were waiting for Dave who someone saw with the baby.  Dave drops… well not DROP, puts the baby on the floor and the 2 women are like LET ME SEE THE BABY!! The baby was knocked out and could not have cared.  There was the mom and dad (of Dave and/or his wife) and then the guy with the meticulous dreds in the very slim levi’s and the white guy.  It was all very regular and everyone seemed happy to see everybody else and that is family in the purest form.   AW hell now I got a thug tear threatening to roll down my cheek because I really do miss how my family used to be.  Just close and enjoying each other’s presence.  And not that we are suddenly NOT close, but it takes an act of congress for us all to be together on purpose. So they got called and went on their merry way.  Then there was a table of what I think were a bunch of my undergrad Sorors.  I kinda recognized one. They had so much weave.  Again not judging I to have what looks like a weave (no spell check I don’t mean we’ve) done at the good Braiding House at the good Security Mall where not 1 but 2 people zipped through the halls on their hover board because that’s how they live their lives. It took 5 hours although I thought it was only gonna take 2.  Thankfully I didn’t have anything else to do that night so it worked out. 

**this is so random I don’t even know why ALERT**

Part of a Dave Chapelle joke is that a man on the beach asks the women if they want to suck his balls because he has had cosmetic surgery and they are as smooth as eggs!?!?!? I just youtubed it!! Um yeah this is how I live MY life!!