Friday, October 18, 2013

I's FREE except I might get bullied...

So you are a convicted felon for MURDER and you and some other dude just walk out of prison because you got some documents forged?!  That is both funny and sad to me all at the same time.  When they reported on this on the morning news I chuckled a bit.  We see this in movies and TV shows all the time, but when it actually happens in real life it’s just funny.  And who is the mastermind behind all of this?  It had to be someone on the outside.  Those two look scary.  Well the one does the other looks like a big bear.  And I’m not saying thug or thuggish people aren’t smart but these two don’t strike me as idiot savants.

And then we have the matter of these kids killing themselves over cyber bullying.  Someone is going to have to splain this to me like I’m 4.  I get a regular playground bully.  Someone is either bigger than you or teams up with other kids to gang up on you and you are either to shy or to whatever to not take up for yourself.  I get that.  What I don’t get is if you have a phone or computer can’t you just not look at it or not accept these people as friends on Facebook,  Instagram, twitter, tumblr or whatever?  First off all these kids have too much access to technology.  I know this is the sign of the times but does it have to be?  Can’t parents just say no if an 8 year old asks for a smart phone? I just don’t get it!  And then the cyber bully, what the heck are your parents doing to make you be so mean.  And the whole ramifications of things happening online that never go away.  SO you say and do some really dumb things at 14 that affect you for the rest of your life.  I don’t think kids today care about what may happen in the future.  I just read the article about the most recent case where the little girl just committed suicide but I still don’t understand.  I truly feel for the families, but I just don’t understand.  I’m watching Cyberbully The movie now…  maybe that will provide some insight.

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