I should have posts everyday cause i have random thoughts everyday. Actually more than one.
This is my nativity scene. I jacked it from my jobs Christmas in July. The reason, it's Little Baby Jesus wrapped in swaddling clothes man!! Something about a baby that just brings about hope. And who better than Jesus. And I need hope right now. That and then some.
I am sitting here now ready to go. IT'S FRIDAY!!! One of my supervisors brought in some lunch so late in the day that smells awesome. And I had spaghetti but a Chick is hungry again and I forgot my snacks at home and I got a buck and some random change in my wallet so a snack purchase is out of the question. I could go down and get some free popcorn and some soda, but I kinda want a meal right about now. Yep i gotta go get some of that popping corn...
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