I'm sitting here trying to understand why a co-worker felt the need to give information to a manager that was not really relevant. Which turned into a whole office conversation...which turned into everyone chiming into something that didn't need everyone's opinion. And then after I left the conversation that I knew was no longer necessary and sat and thought about it, it occurred to me that she doesn't know yet that everything you think doesn't need to be said. As simple as this statement is, it is a learned thing. I remember back when I was a lot younger and if I thought it, it came right out of my mouth! Sometimes in a tone that either was nasty or sometimes out of sheer ignorance but I said whatever popped into my head. It took me many MANY years to learn HEY CHICK... It's okay to not say shit to everyone about everything. It just is!! So I came back out to clarify a point to the pointless conversation and it was said that the way the young co-worker said what she said made it seem very negative. She only heard a portion and pipped back up to say how it wasn't negative. Even though it really was. This was a very important lesson for me to learn. One that had I just kept my mouth shut, I would have kept a job that I really didn't like (well no wait I didn't mind the job it was the horrible wig wearing bad toothed manager who didn't even want to hire me in the first place... but I digress). And I am at the point in my career and with these current group of younger co-workers that I am done saying what I think needs to be said to them. They are going to have to learn just like I did and every one else did. Hopefully they are self aware enough to learn those needed lesson.
Being self aware is not something that we all possess. For a long time I thought it was and I know that I have written about it before on this here blog. But a conversation with a close relative made me rethink it. He was convinced people know what they are doing and why. I disagreed. People are sometimes petty, and mean or nice or whatever and have no idea why they are acting in such a way. Some people are really unsure about why they do anything that they do.
The above has been a draft just waiting anxiously and patiently in my draft file since 2018... It is now late spring 2019 and I am just logging back in and have more shit to say. I am really rather busy here at work but I can't seem to get my shit together enough to start my day. I just drank an iced coffee from Taco Bell that was both not that good but also not that bad... just kinda meh! I have my iPod touch playing a random ass mix of whatever is on the lil thing. I haven't updated that in a long while. But every once in a while it will play just what I need. I was singing my heart out yesterday until one of the managers interrupted my self serenade. Don't even get me started on these managers... I just have never been in an organization that I was gonna say didn't care about it's people but that's not it. Its bigger than that. I almost want to sit in at the shareholders meeting to see what people who have money invested think of their investment. The people in charge are just so far removed from the people who actually do the work in so many regards. We provide a service yet the one at the top are the only ones who seem to reap the rewards for a job well done. Anyway... my time here is numbered.
I bought 5 bags of mulch that have been hanging out on my grass for the past few weeks. My lawn dude who all he does is cut the grass asked when I was going to move it. I would ask him, but he literally only cuts the grass and sometimes the bushes in the back. I told him eventually! I also started some seeds in April that are about ready to go into the ground but the 2 bags of soil also need to make their way to the back and that might not happen until the weekend. I'll get my nails done after I move all of this stuff. So that is incentive to get this done because my nails look a mess.
Okay, so I am going to get some water. Take an airborn. Start my day... In that exact order. Or I might just stare at my screen for another 10 minutes.
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