I did not realize I did not post since April!!! WOW I have been either keeping a lot in or venting and ranting to a whole lot of other people... Ok so here goes!!
I'm recruiter for positions that pay just about minimum wage. But if you are looking for a job here are a few things to keep in mind: 1. Make sure you have space on your voicemail. B. Make sure your phone accepts calls! iii. If you DO get a call from a random number during your job search DO NOT answer the phone 'Who dis?' It is a COMPLETE turn off and even if you are qualified for the job, I'm probably going to find a reason to NOT hire you because you have no fucking phone skills. These are bare essentials. A few other things: Act like you actually want the job!! One person I asked if she was really interested in my field or if she was just looking for job? She said just looking for a job. There a few other ridiculous things she said but I was like ooh, ok we are looking for someone who has a little more experience. I posted on the Twitter that I felt like Peter from Office Space. So basically Peter had 8 bosses who all would let him know when he fucked up. He forgot to use the new TPS cover for the reports and everyone let him know he had messed up. This past Thursday I had 5 people tell me what was needed and how urgent the need was. After the third email I just looked at my computer like ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDINGME!!??? I GOT IT!!! I understand the need and urgency, but that didn't stop the regional VP and the Senior VP from sending additional emails letting me know what I need to do. I just thank LBJ that I can work from home and cuss at the people in the privacy of my own little space!!
IS that enough abut work? hmmmm.... I guess I could talk about coworkers and how several of them do not know how to conjugate verbs. One said TOOKEN and I just looked at her like she was crazy. The other one says won't FOR EVEYTHING!! I can't even think of a good sentence right now of how she butchers the English language. One thinks if she doesn't do everything nothing will get done. Yet another can't think through anything. Like ma'am please stop looking at me for an answer. Then there is the one who drops the F bomb every chance possible, and who really is an asshole but no one realized he is a clueless prick. There is the toothless one who really is too old to require a reaction from everything she does. Like ma'am really, you are not that funny or cute. Cut it out!! There is the lovable grump who feeds me so, ok she's alright with me LOL And then there are a gaggle of nincompoop managers who are just NINCOMPOOPS!!! I am really digging this new word!! And speaking of my word usage, I find using ma'am works real well instead of bitch!! And sir... well for bitch too. Men can be bitches too!! I say it quite often and it sounds pleasant and polite but just know I probably thinking BITCH in my head!! Not always but 85 - 90% of the time LOL
This past weekend was a bit MUCH!! It wasn't horrible, (only a little bit horrible) but at one point I just needed to sit on a barstool and eat seafood nachos and drink a few orange crushes which were both amazing!! After that I went home and had an AMAZING nap. Sunday afternoon naps can be pretty great but this was especially good. I slept hard and when I woke up I knew I needed to get myself together to go back to sleep. I actually went to the ROFO and the intense smell of fried chicken almost made me nauseous. I left out to get food for my cat, because you know, it's not a good idea to starve your pets. They had a lil ass box of cat chow that I was like... nah she can wait until tomorrow. But I still had a little energy so I went to Giant. What I needed was cat food. What I got was that and dove bars, really green bananas, a few extra sweet teas, and a 5 lb bag of jasmine rice. Why?!?! because it made sense last night LOL Now not so much. But whatever. Ima be making rice y'all!!! I go to the self check out line and scan everything and then realize NO WALLET!! I wave to the cute lil security guard and say HELP!! I am good for leaving my wallet on my passenger seat. He guards my foods and I run and go get my wallet and a bag, because I do try to help save the earth and package up my stuff and leave. I get home, shower and crash!
This heat has been really disrespectful!! I put the window unit in my bathroom and I have portable one in the hallway which has been keeping the upstairs cool. The rest of the house is HOT!! I still need to get the central ac fixed but for right now the budget it the portable and the window unit!! I do have a few numbers so we will see how this works for this summer!!
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