I have already had a pretty interesting week and it's just Tuesday. So yesterday I'm driving to my temp job and a suv is blocking the way. It looks like he about to move but then he just doesn't so I roll my window down and say CAN YOU MOVE!!! I have a little bit of attitude because I am on time and this fool is making me late. He was kinda cute but though... He says 'Do you work here?' I say YES!! And then as I roll my window up I'm saying to myself out loud 'why the fuck else would I be trying to park here!?!?!' The attitude escalated!! Then I see all the police cars as I'm walking into the job and my co-workers looking out the windows and I'm like AAAHHH HELL!!! What is REALLY going on here?!?!? So I stroll in and sit down and they let me know that all the police are here because 42 is about to enter the building!! Oh you know who President Bill Clinton!!! And I get a little excited and giddy and think back to the fact that he is the 1st president I voted for when I turned 18 right off the good VSU campus. But then the idea was quickly dashed of me meeting him because the motorcade and police escorts were already in place and they parked the plane the opposite direction of the building so no one even got to see him except for those few people that were supposed to. So I started my day. And about a 1/2 hour later waved to the car/limo that may or may not have had him! So that was cool. I can say I met him y'all wouldn't know!!! And then the day just got busy. I work in an hr department for an aviation company. A little girl (they're all little girls and boys to me) comes in to have unemployment paperwork completed even though this fool didn't even work a full 2 days! In a nut shell she was supposed to start training, she had a death in the family; the company was willing to work with her and push out her start date, but according to the paperwork, she said they fired her; which they did not. They ignored her calls for the rest of the day (notice I said they... I aint have nothing to do with that!!) so the afternoon came and she stormed in the office and demanded to speak to the hr manager who didn't really know the circumstances but still proceeded to say you have wasted our time and money BUT we are STILL willing to work with you. This lil TRICK goes into a full meltdown tantrum!! She starts yelling, screaming and then crying AND THEN she throws he keys and phone on the floor and runs out. We look at her stunned!! There was a male manager who went after her because all the women (there were 3 of us) looked at here like she was crazy and allowed the tantrum. So yadda yadda yadda (that means there is way more to the story, but you getting the quick and dirty) the police come take a report only after she calls the manager a bitch and says she is gonna sue her because she hurt her feelings. The last time I checked, you can't sue some one for hurting your feelings! I mean if that were the case I would have many suits pending both ones I filed and ones people filed against me. That was just a bit much! Also I am doing a pre-screening of applicants and one of the questions is 'Have you resided in the US for 5 years?' With people with noticeable accents they say yes I have and I move on... OH BUT not the dudes and dudettes born here. RESIDE so like what that mean? No I haven't resided here. Well what other countries have you lived? Oh the USA. So you have lived here for the past 5 years? OH YEAH!!! Words mean things, but I didn't know the word RESIDE would trip up so many. So now I say LIVED!!
And TODAY... I was in customer service hell. One company I got transferred 5 times in about 5 minutes, so the last lil girl they transferred me to, I started laughing. Well she didn't like that but I didn't give any fucks. IT. WAS. FUNNY. I still didn't get to the right department, I'll just try again tomorrow. AND then I ordered something wrong and attempted to correct my order, after several transfers they gave me someone who not only spoke English as a second language but he was also snippy! At one point I said WE CANNOT BOTH TALK AT THE SAME TIME AND I AM NOT FINISHED!!!! At the end of an absolute waste of time call this fool said 'can I place the order for you?' I said Nope cause that's not what I need and I am tired of talking to you!! He then goes into script mode with were you satisfied with the call? Have I resolved your issue? Yadda yadda yah.... I say NOPE... but you have a good night! He still kept talking and I hung the phone right on up!! LASTLY this one manager who I guess doesn't realize his shit stinks like ALL of ours decides to let me know what needs to be done to complete an order he could have let me know hours before as I am closing down and putting on my coat I say OH yep, I will get right on that and leave!!! LIKE MUFUCCA I ASKED YOU HOURS AGO what was needed and I have had ENOUGH of you and you people in this lil ass office. So it will wait until i remember to do it tomorrow!! It's just Tuesday and the only reason why I'm not having a drink is cause I have been getting these horrible sinus headaches when I drink... Although I didn't this past weekend.
This past weekend, I helped celebrate one of my friend's 50 birthday. I actually bartended Saturday, but the sangria made (I didn't make it) Friday (oh it was an EVENT!!!) didn't cause any headache pain so I was hella happy. SOOooo... Ima talk about the party even though he might be one of my readers?!?!? Iono not really anything bad, but black folks, we can be so extra sometimes for no GOOD reason. And I know at events like this you have your folks who drink and those who don't. But ma'am sir EVERYTHING right in front of me has likka, so if you wan't non alcoholic, go over there to the water and tea. YES that is the only thing with no likka! Yes the sangria has wine! UH YES the light stuff has sparkling wine AND coconut rum. YES!!!! The martini has vodka... which is likka. Oh you wanted NO LIKKA... YES the water and tea is right there!! Yes coconut rum means alcohol!! Oh you want a taste?!?! You know this has alcohol right?!?!? OH IT'S GOOD?!?!? OF COURSE IT IS!!!! I MADE IT!!!! It actually was a fun night and my friend had a blast!! He worked a whole lot for his own birthday AND they didn't cut the cake but it was a really nice event!!
And onto the roommate aka Barb who has been living in an assisted living for a while now. I go in there most days my girl is sleep and/or sleepy. But some days I get very lucid very informed conversation. So one of these lucid days she says, 'Do you have a boyfriend?' I am hella shocked because even though we did used to talk about boys and men back in the day, the past 5-7 years not so much. I say NO!! And then she says 'Well you need one so he can take you to dinner!!' I say yes mom you're so right cause I do like to eat LOL She be knowing!! so I guess I need to get myself out there so I can be found!!
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