Thursday, June 22, 2017

Oh my my, Oh my... SHE FLY!!

I need to just dump today!  So much on mu mind good, stuff, bad stuff, stuff I can change, and shit I can't.

Last week I pick up a little boy and take him near Edmonson Village. He was in the back listening to music and I guess just checking texts or whatever on the phone.  Then I hear snoring!!  My dude was tired which I so understand because I can get that tired myself. So as we get close to the address I am asking for confirmation and he is just knocked out!  I picked him up at Wendy's and I know those fast food places can really work you.  He is going to the Dollar General and I was prying he wasn't going to work more, but he was meeting his wife and then I had to get a better look at him.  He was young but I guess 20 year olds can have wives.  So anyway that was it.  I pick another little boy and this fool says something about people being older in there 40's and I'm like WAIT I'M OLDER CUASE IM IN MY 40's?!?!?  And then the convo turned to sex... UH what I won't do is discuss sex with YOU baby!! OH is that right you had someone who was 47!??!  That's nice.. Where do you work?  OH really she thought you were really good for a young dude.  (in my mind probably not but whatever you say!!) SO... you been working there How long?!?! OH yeah... blah blah blah... And then I turn around and get a real good look at him.  And I'm like YOU ARE WAY TO YOUNG AND UNCUTE FOR ME LIL BOY!!!  Have a nice day!! **LONG SIGH**

I have 50eleven jobs we all know that, but the main 9-5 is a place that has some of the nicest people.  I mean EVERYONE speaks which is such a departure from other places.  I can say HELLO and look directly at them in the face and they look beyond me to speak to the person they know... This is at the other place.  Here folks will wave you down to make sure you know they were speaking to you which is kinda nice.  But there is this one woman who looks like a monchichi... They were those little monkey like toys back in the day (the 80's oh what a wonderful time to grow up!!).  I think it's her little forehead that makes me think this.  And then there is the woman who let me know she didn't vote.  NOW what you won't do is constantly complain.  I would have had more respect for her if she said she vote for the orange turd.  But I take my civic responsibility VERY seriously and I have no time for her and people like her!! There are high cube walls here and it's very petty how some of the offices are arranged.  Like I am right by the window by I still have to get up and look around to dee outside.  But I'm really not complaining.  My short ass attention span I would truly be watching the birds and squirrels and people coming and going AND EVERYTHING ELSE!!!.  OK someone has chick-fil-A and now that's what I want... but I know that line is hella long.  ALSO I have to keep reminding myself that today is Thursday because it feels like a Friday and I'm inclined to not come in tomorrow LOL and I need my lil coins!!  I
 am gonna head to RoFo... I need some chicken now!!

American Gods - I'm glad I gave it a chance and even GLADDER I found a dude on the YouTube (Mike B) who breaks down every episode cause a chick be lost as hell!! And people in the comments add good stuff to also.  I was like OH old gods and new gods!!And then Orlando Jones... well no all of the cast is really good!! If you like sci-fi and/or fantasy and/or mythology AND religions then this is the show for you.
Downward Dog -any show based in Pittsburgh or Baltimore I am gonna watch!!  This one is based in Pittsburgh and the dog talks like he is really going throw a lot with the relationship between him and his human.  It is a cute show.  I hope it lasts
Sneaky Pete- This is on Amazon. When this fool decided to go to grandma and grandpa's house and say HEY IT'S ME PETE!!  I just about lost it I laughed so hard.  His name is Marius but has assumed the identity of his old cellmate Pete so he wouldn't get killed.  I should already be done but I am not a good binger LOL

I am so annoyed right now.  I go to ROFO in the hopes of getting fried chicken wrap.  WHY is this so hard?  Either I order a grilled chicken wrap and tell you I want fried or order the fried chicken sub and tell you I want a wrap.  NOT ROCKET SCIENCE RIGHT?!?! Oh you would be wrong!!  So the little guy standing there is like no well we don't have that, BUT can you just make it anyway sir? Tell me how you want me to order it and I will.  So after a few minutes he says well just order the chicken sub and I'll make it a wrap.  COOL!! I do.. well the picture of the sub has lettuce and tomato so WHY would I think I needed to add that to my order? I get in the car take a bite NO TOMATO OR LETTUCE!!!  Now do I be petty... WELL YES LET'S BE PETTY.  I march in and ask for lettuce and tomato because you forgot to put it on my wrap.  Well it don't come like that.  BUT the picture has it so why would I think different? Well I can just remake it. NO I already took a bit just give me the lettuce and tomato.  So you just want the lettuce and tomato!??! YES JUST HAND ME SOME LETTUCE AND TOMATO BEFORE YOU START MAKING THE NEXT SANDWHICH!!!  LOL actually though it is pretty good now!! I know I startled him, but oh well!!
I went to the grocery store and actually had food every day last week.  This week I didn't do so well.  I did well with breakfast which was a breakfast quesadilla, but not lunch.  I'll strive to do better next week!!
While we're on the subject of lunch.  I am not an eat-at-my-desk kinda chick.  I think I do more now because I want to leave but for the most part I take a 20-30 minute break and eat somewhere other than my desk.  The woman that sits next to me eats at her desk everyday.  Now this wouldn't be a problem if she didn't crack open a can of tuna at least 2-3 times a week.  I have never been a tuna chick.  It smells bad and the flavor of canned tuna never sat well with me.  I will eat it, but it's not my favorite.  This fool opens a can eat a few bites, covers it with a paper towel and then proceeds to go to a meeting.  WAIT WTF just happened.  You crack the tuna seal let the stink permeate the air and then leave?!?!? No ma'am NO MA'AM!!  So when she gets back I says to her...uhhh... do you have some Tupperware? Then she says OH was it smelly?!?!  YES IT WAS  But I covered it... IT WAS TUNA, IT STILL STANK!!! Oh sorry.. YEAH DON'T DO THAT SHIT NO MORE (I didn't say that but I wanted to LOL).  She got the picture cause she hasn't brought it in no more this week

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