Wednesday, February 15, 2017

daydreamin and I'm thinking of you...

Today my father would have been 76.  My sister posts this pic of him and my nephew when he was a baby.  I have an even more ridiculous pic of when I was a baby and my dad is holding my arm cause I was a wobbly little sucker!!  I honestly don't remember celebrating his birthday as a kid.  I guess I was consumed with other kids and getting cake and birthday parties and he was old!  Well to a 8 years old 40 IS old LOL.  Now at 43 not so much.  There probably was a home made cake of some sort.  My brother liked German chocolate and banana pudding, so my mom would make those every so often.  But what was my dad's favorite?  I just liked (and still do) regular vanilla cake with butter cream, maybe chocolate and vanilla ice cream. When he got sick, well the first time, he was on prednisone and he craved sweets in general so there was always something in the house even stuff like orange juice which I couldn't drink, that was for my dad.  To this day I drink large glasses of it.  And then when he got sick the last time, he was getting radiation and his taste buds were gone and all he wanted was a Big Buford from Rally's.  My grandmother (well both of them actually) always had sweets in the house too; ice cream, candy, cookies, cake, pie... JUNK!! But I don't know what his favorite was.  Maybe that's a think that happens when you get older is crave sweets, because I swear my mother never liked them all that much but now it's like punishment if she can't get a cookie or little piece of candy.  I know her favorites, but I'm a little sad I don't know his. Here's what I do remember, he like spicy mustard on his sandwiches, he like a whole lot of salt and pepper on his boiled eggs,  he like pistachio nuts, he liked the fish sandwiches from that place on Frankstown which I'm positive is gone, and he didn't say sandwich he said sammiches and he made everything fun for me as a kid... that's what I remember.  SO I guess it's ok that I don't remember his favorite dessert.

I've been blogging a lot lately cause I just have so much going on in my head that this is a good release.  Other releases are good to, but this is the easiest. 

Every now and then I try to do a clean up of food.  I buy so much and then it sits and spoils or expires, and that is hardly a cost effective (which has been my new saying as of late) way to do anything.  I just threw out a bag of spinach that was supposed to be for making green smoothies that I obviously never got around to making.  I have a freezer full and cans of everything so I think some soup is in the cards and maybe a regular smoothie too.

Ok so I was just staring at my screen and then I said to myself CHICK YOU GOT SHIT TO DO!!!! and that was probably LBJ's way of telling me to stop day dreaming...

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