Tuesday, September 27, 2016

it's ok remember you got it!

I'm not really a political person.  I see all the posts that my friends and associates make.  Sometimes I agree and sometime I don't.  There as one post about the anthem where the person was so adamant about being offended for not standing that I just kept on scrolling.  Not really a battle I felt like fighting. Her are my quick and dirty thoughts on the state of things that go on in my head...

BLACK LIVES MATTER because they do and yes all lives matter, but I'm not beating anyone up for saying all lives matter because they do but MY life and the lives of people who look like me (which is Black) have been marginalized and undervalued and it is seen everyday in the media.  I am so afraid for all of my black nephews, cousin and any man that speak out or NOT and are just living while being black and die because of it.  And on that same note I am afraid for my nieces and all the women I know because I KNOW I have a smart mouth and that could be me just as easily as Sandra Bland refusing to do something cause the white office got mad because he lost (or felt he lost) control of the situation. 

The election - I have been registered since I turned 18.  Clinton was the first president I voted for and every primary and general election I have voted.  It was quite hilarious (or maybe sad?) to me that many people registered to be able to vote for Barack Obama.  Like there were so many other issues going on prior to this but you had absolutely NO SAY!  And now we have 2 major choices Trump and Hilary Clinton.  Honestly the only reason I'm voting for her is cause she's a grandmother.  There are probably more compelling reason to vote for her or not, but that's my reason.  There are SOOOOO many reasons not to vote for Trump.  He can't even get his color of his skin and that mop he has on top of his head together!!! Petty reasons I know, but again... enough for me.  What is so scary is folks won't vote and then complain.  Folks have disrespected Obama for 8 solid years but think Trump is the answer?  I'm afraid!!!!

The national anthem - we only sing that 1st verse which is very majestic and patriotic.   There are some stanzas (4 in total) that say some pretty awful shit.  I may be time for it to be changed completely.  Some have suggested America the Beautiful but there may be some questionable lyrics there too.

As I was writing this yet another black man lost his life at the hands of a police officer who thought he was a 'bad dude'.  So even though he was doing nothing, his car was in need of repair, his life was of no value and he was killed. I don't know what to do.  I am just at a loss... A friend posted a video of how an officer was so over the top. Thankfully the man didn't die in this case, but I still cried because the man asking question the officer was being a total dick and pulled his gun just because he could.  This is what is so scary.  You can be doing absolutely nothing and still DIE!!

After the 1st debate...
So I got home late yesterday and didn't catch all of the debate but I caught a good portion of it.  I really do want to hear what Trump has to say.  I mean I REALLY DO!  But he didn't really answer the questions and stop and frisk is NOT the answer.  I want to be like has that ever happened to you?  I mean I know it hasn't but when your civil rights are just stepped all on and ignored time and time again just because someone thinks you did something, then there is a problem.  My drop the mic moment was when HRC said "... I prepared to be president!.." I said well shit the debate can just end now!!

meanwhile.. the man who just sat down next to me smells SO GOOD!!  I might have to move. It's a little distracting LOL

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