so like I wrote this a few weeks ago and clearly I suck at uploading stuff...
We already know I am not feeling this cube nation
situation I am in right now. And this is
for the chick I don’t even know (cause I honestly don’t know no one over here)
who talks on her phone at a volume of 8.5 outta 10 ALL THE TIME what you won’t
do it give me and my co-worker a side eye when he is giving me
instruction. He speaks at a volume of .5
so he’s not being too loud so GTFOH before I snatch your bad red boxed colored
hair with your kmart shoes and socks on!!
See this is what I be thinking, It’s not nice and I can’t
say it out loud. I mean I COULD but not
really. I have given a few looks to this
chick and she has about no more times before she gets the wrath of RANDOM
CHICK!! And I’m pms’ing!!? LBJ be a fence all around her!!
This is a must see.
It was a little outside of my lifetime, but it is well within my
mother’s lifetime and that’s who I took.
I need for all of my nieces, nephews and little cousins to see this
movie. It is very relevant and a good
representation of what was going on at that time. People fought, marched, got hurt and killed
for our rights as black folks to vote.
All of this struggle and you still had grown people (Tyler Perry was one
such person…) just register to vote so that they could vote for Obama. WHAT?!?!
How stupid is that? There are so many issues that you must weigh in on
at a local level, at a state level and you and your dumb ass just wants to vote
for the 1st black President?!?
I mean I guess it’s admirable, cause he won both elections (he said so
in the SOTU address the other night) so now does this mean we can’t be bothered
to come out to vote? And back on point, this movie lets you see what was going
on, in the south where Jim Crow was in place to make it hard. It was like there was a constitution that
governed the USA, but then there were a separate set of rules that only applied
below the Mason Dixon line. The whole civil rights movement was a big
deal. It was interesting to see that
some people disagreed with MLK and how things were handled with the
movement. I think it showed these people
as people, including the president and J. Edgar Hoover who WE KNOW was
instrumental in keeping tabs on MLK and Malcolm and any person who they deemed
a threat.
Dark Girls and
Light Girls
There was a documentary a few years ago called ‘Dark
Girls’ and now as a follow up I guess there is one called ‘Light Girls’. Is this still a thing? Am I missing the point and boat? In 2015 is this really the conversation we
need to be having? I mean I just don’t
know. I only saw a little of Dark Girls,
mainly because I kept missing it and then the new one Light Girls felt like it
was all over the place. They talked
about skin bleaching, which included Asian women, and then people in the
Caribbean how it is there. I am
attempting to watch it now so maybe I will have more thoughts.
This is a new show on Fox. I will start by saying I do like the
show. I am very interested to seeing how
everything plays out and in general it is a good story line. But I haz questions… First off I am still
trying to get the ages of the boys together.
The baby was at least 1 or 2 when Cookie went to jail OR was he
older? The middle boy was maybe 4 or 5
and the oldest was 7 because that’s just a good round age. So after 17 years of Cookie being in jail, Hakeem
is 18/19 AND he is doing a whole lotta underage drinking… ijs. Jamal is like 21/22 and that is about the
right age for a college student. And
then the oldest is 24 which is kinda young to be all married and what not. So there is that. Next question WHAT THE HECK REALLY
HAPPENED? We still haven’t seen the
whole story. Why did Lucious… why is his name Lucious?!?!... divorce Cookie?? And since I am on the name Lucious which is
such an OLD name, I mean why his name couldn’t be Mark? Or Sam? And the
language in this here show at times sounds like it is not in the present but a
throwback show. So who uses sissy these
days? To call someone it OR to refer to
yourself as one is not really a now kinda thing. When Jamal called himself a sissy I was like
really? Queen, maybe but sissy nah. Lee Daniel you got that one wrong. There were a few other things I can’t remember
in those 1st 2 episodes BUT that 3rd episode when Lucious
said ‘Don’t stand there being COUNTRY DUMB’ I almost fell out the bed. I was like Did that fool just say Country
Dumb?!?! That was something that I felt
like my very southern grandmother would say, or any of her very southern cousins
would say. COUNTRY DUMB!! I just can’t with that one. And then why does Lucious have a perm? I get why Cookie still looks like she is
living in the past, she been in jail!!
And why did Bunky wear that big old dookie chain? Why was he stuck? Well he dead now, but
I’m watching more of this documentary and while I’m sure
they did a good job, I have decided I don’t the documentary format. It just feels like it is all over the place
and then I always want more.
I can be really petty sometimes… I mean MOST TIMES and I
really have to have a conversation with myself about just how petty I can
be. It’s even bad when other join in the
petty fest. But when we both can
recognize that it’s petty then it really negates the pettiness, right? No probably not. That Is really flawed logic right there. But I feel like I need to put that disclaimer
out there sometimes.
So you ever see someone, in this case a woman and she is
so unattractive but in your mind you are fixing her up? There is this one woman who I just get stuck
on what she needs to do to look better.
Now I have no idea what she thinks of herself, but it really can’t be
much. I just want to comb her hair, I
think she has a relaxer, and get it out of struggle mode. Get it cut into a
nice style. Then I want to take her to
the MAC counter. We’ll start with
concealer for the blemishes, because I have seen her pick at her face, then a little
foundation and then just some gloss. I’m
not talking major changes here just small ones.
I mean anyone can go crazy at the MAC counter, but a little lip
gloss/lipstick aint never hurt no one. I
remember when I used to work from home, my aunt told me to get up, shower, and
put on some lipstick. I guess I was
supposed to work nekkid, she didn’t say nothing about clothes LOL. But just doing that can make a woman feel
There was this guy who I initially thought was handsome
and then he opened his mouth. **loud
sigh** AND it wasn't even the teeth cause that can be a major turn off. He just sounded stupid and him trying to come
off as charming was really silly and corny.
And the more he spoke the more I wanted to be like STFU!!! Just close your
mouth young man!! Cause even though you are clearly older than me, you sound
like a little boy.
There is this woman here who looks like an oompa
loompa. I keep trying to not stare and I
actually rode the elevator with her this morning. She’s not orange but she does have these
stupid curls on the sides of her head. I
need to tapper them. Her features are just hard and I cannot figure out what
she needs, you know cause I’m such an expert.
There is little boy I keep trying not to stare at cause
him so pretty. I don’t think we are on
the same team and that is a horrible stereotype to think just cause he’s pretty
he has to be the gay, and you know not that anything is wrong with that. He’s also very young. OR maybe I’m just getting older and every man
looks extra young these days. Dudes in
my age range are not very appealing to me.
This is an ongoing conversation I’m having with a few girlfriends. Do we look that good or do these men just
look that bad?!?
I got my hair braided last week for this past
weekend. Even though I can get my hair
together on any given day, trying to think about doing it on vacation is just
too much. And then the 1st
curly fro I see I’m like AAWWW MAN… I coulda did that!! So I got it cornrowed up into this bun
thing. It is in the vicinity of the
picture I showed the lady who braided it, so that’s always good. But I’ve been scratching up under it and it
trying to pat it back down into place.
So really it’s a toupee!! She stuck a bazillion pins straight and bobby
and I have been taking them out. Slowly
but surely my lil toupee is gonna fall right on off!!
Young lady, I know you wanna rock the lashes, but you
have to blend them. You can’t just go to
the walgreens, slap them things on and think your good!! NO ma’am!! BLEND with
some mascara…
So if you know you are going to be like a LONG ass time
in the bathroom doing lots of things you need to do of a bodily excretion
nature, wouldn’t you try to find a bathroom a little further from your
desk? I mean I WOULD!! It is pretty obvious when you go, but I
‘found’ that the bathroom in the basement is quite private and if I lock my
computer and take my phone (or notebook… you know whatever works) it looks like
I am actually doing work and not going to take a dump. LOL
See just PETTY!!
So I have been writing myself silly and then I think my
job done turned something off so I can’t get to the blogger site. At first they turned off anything that had a
zip drive. And they shut everything down
that had an ssn… even your own. SO I
guess I need to stop trying to access the site because eI feel like my name is
being pinged somewhere LOL
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