Monday, November 10, 2014

randomness at its finest...

Today is Music Monday! I don’t know if this happens for you, but I can be minding my own business and just hear a song that just takes me where I need to be.  And that happened to me just this morning.  I am on my way to work all late and hungry cause I had to make sure the roommate was good to go and this song comes on the radio.  I instantly know its Tank because his voice has a certain something that sets him apart from others.  It was his title song to his new cd Stronger.  And I was like YES!!  I need to get this cd right now… well not right now cause I’m still driving but I need this cd in my life!  His first single ‘You’re my Star’ has this retro feel to it and I really wasn’t feeling it until I saw the video and being the video vixen I am in my mind it made wanna get up, get in shape and go try out for the next video shoot happening in the good Baltimore a la the old Aunt Viv when she still had it but then decided she didn’t really want it.  So now I am listing to the CD on the youtube and I am happy about my purchase on the amazon and did anyone else know that prime went from 79 to 99 bucks!??!   I know these are run ons but stay with me!  So this cd is H O T N E S S!!  This is his 6the cd and I‘m wondering if I need to revisit 1-5?  I know he wrote some song for Jamie Foxx and I bought his dumb 1st cd and was greatly disappointed.  Except for Unpredictable because it had Ludacris on it and doesn’t he always make any corny song better?!  HE DOES!! Ok back to Tank… I totally missed him at the Essence the year I went because I was on my grind tryna get to the super lounges. I saw sexy Ty!!! But I missed the other T and G.  I don’t really know what happened with the whole TGT thing.  I wasn’t really here for it but you know 3 sexy mens I should have been, right?  I think r&b is inundated with sameness.  Singers sound the same, songs sound the same.  Producers who work with different artists do the same thing.  I like my independent people for just that reason, they try different things.  So I keep Eric Robeson, Anthony David and the like around for some plain old good music!  I’m going back through some of his old stuff… while I appreciate the shirtlessness, I think I’ll stick with this one.

The roommate is home!  She had a temporary stay at the good assisted living because she fell and fractured her ankle in August.  It was a good break for the both of us.  I am getting myself back into the swing of things, namely buying groceries and cooking.  I have a bad habit of eating out too much probably a good reason my ass, boobs, and belly won’t get any smaller. 

I’ve had a few epiphanies recently.  1.) I need to stop blaming outside things for me being unsettled.  It’s no one else’s fault but my own for not getting my shit together.  2.) Everyone is not in the same season at the same time. What I am going through might not be what you are going through and even if you have some sound advice for me, I might not be in the space to hear it.  It goes both ways.  3.) and this is an extension of 2… we all have different fears and re-naming it to make it sound like it’s not a fear doesn’t make it any less of a fear.  Take these however you need to take it.

Now I am on to Tevin Campbell… what happened to him? The Wikipedia page said he is working on a new CD. I used to sing at the top of my lungs to him driving to and from the good VSU!! There were several tapes (HA TAPES!!!) the red Renault had a tape deck LOL I did a lot of singing and praying between Petersburg and DC  cause once I hit 495 I had to concentrate.

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