This week has been one for the books! SO I went to church Sunday and that was good! Came home threw some wings on the grill cooked some greens. My sister stopped by to visit with me and my mom. Monday I laid in bed with the full expectation to get up, clean up my room which always seems to be in a state of dishelvelment (hmmm that's not a word, but lets push on) and as I attempted to get up, I just couldn't! I am still not sure why but my bed said STAY HERE and that is what I pretty much did. I ate a few tums and that really never helped. All I ate all day was a yogurt, some watermelon and popcorn not nearly enough but that's all I could do. I wanted a glass of wine but my stomach said JUST TRY ME AND SEE HOW THAT WORKS OUT!!! So I didn't. Tuesday I wanted to do all the things I had intended to do Monday but the roommate seemed to require a level of care ALL DAY that I did not anticipate so my day was basically shot. Tuesday night I hopped in the shower and turned it to my normal spot and it didn't warm up. I mean it was 90 degrees so a cool shower was really ok. Wednesday, I wake up a little after 6AM and today FINALLY I am rearing to go. I cleaned and threw away so much from my bathroom. I got products OFF my counter and under the sink in an organized manor. I didn't realize how many feminine, hair care, cleaning products and just shit in general I had. Not sure what I did next probably just turned on the shower for my mom and it was COLD. HOLE UP!!! Why is this not heating up??!? I don't hear it boiling the water (or you know whatever it does). I run downstairs to check the heater because maybe I can just light the pilot. And then yeah uuummm me lighting the pilot probably not a good idea. Can I even light the pilot? So then I do a calling frenzy to everyone who has a house to see who they knew that wouldn't rip a sista off. I hate being in the vulnerable state of being a woman. Let's face it if it is a yellow pages company they get one whiff that I have no idea what I'm doing and the price goes up. Oh yeah and thanks GGG for getting back to me... OH WAIT she didn't (yep I just called you out!!! LOL). I called the guy that redid my 1st floor bathroom and he came within an hour. He tells me all I needed was a part! Oh great a part!! No new heater which is good cause a chick is not employed at the current moment so yeah that would not be in the budget. I call the 800 number and wouldn't you know it the parts depart closed a 1/2 hour before! But Mandy or Susie or whatever here name was still was able to help me out I got the part ordered. I had wanted Miss Shirley's but it was already to late so Coldstone it was!! I get to the store and see 2 ladies killing their waffle cone bowls and me being me I had to ask what they had. I prematurely did a happy dance because there were only 2 people in line and I coulda swore the man said 'yeah because Obama texted me' and I'm trying to not be in the convo even though I totally am, but hey WHERE are all the little Coldstone kids?!? So the little girl comes from the back. She goes to my church so I kinda expect a greeting, yep that was asking for to much! I finally say after she is putzing around, Where are all the people? She said the manager was in the back talking to the other people. So people are consistently coming in and she is still the onliest one. Finally a little dude comes out cleans his spot and is ready for me. I place some ridiculous order in the biggest size also with the waffle cone bowl, cause hell, why not?!?! I give him a 20 for my evil $6.66 ice cream treat and he says, so you wanted change back?!!? LITTLE BOY **smh** YOU TRIED IT!! And your cute, but NO!! Give me my damn change. Literally 2 seconds after I walk outside the heavens opened and the rain cometh and with great force and wind. I'm not sure how I thought I was going to manage a bowl full of drippy ice cream AND a stick shift and I honestly did not do a great job. Ice cream was everywhere!! On my hands, on my shirt, on my steering wheel, on my feet... wait how did it get on my feet? I navigate home slurping and trying to enjoy but I really didn't cause I was being hella greedy and after trying to not keep getting messy I didn't want any more. I get home thinking SURELY the roommate would want some but she was like NOPE she didn't want any, so to the freezer it went. I must say though day 2 Coldstone is just as good and I did enjoy it Thursday night. Thursday morning I jump up and plan on not leaving the house because I need my part and I need my hot water. UPS came at 9:15 I call my dude at about 9:30 and around 3 he calls to tell me he forgot all about me. Yeah THANKS I feel so special now. As we are on the phone he is asking me if I have pliers? Wait HOLE UP you are coming to my house to install a part and you aint coming with tools?!?! How does that even work?? I mean I know I do, but I am stereotypical chick when it comes to tools. I have the basics but having an actual tool box, yeah not so much. So I scramble around still pissed that he even bothered coming to my house ill prepared. I find needle nose plier, which I actually need for a project I'm about to do, which also are not the type of pliers he needs and he says oh well I guess I need to go home and get my tools. YOU THINK!!??!! Don't get me wrong I really like this guy and I would absolutely use him again and recommend him, but let's not be so cool that you treat me any kinda way. You're not doing this for free! This is business, so come prepared! So he comes back fiddles around LEAVES midway to go get his wife (I wish I was making this up) comes back and fixes it! I hear the water boiling and after about 20 minutes I had hot water!! FRIDAY! So I finally find a fabric store that I think is the same store that used to be around the corner from my house. I am still needing to reupholster the chair I bought a few months ago and this project has taken on a life of it's own because I just can't seem to find what I want. I go to this really high end store where the 'cheap' fabric is 44 AMERICAN dollars per yard. Yeah I only wanted to spend about 50 bucks so I ask a few questions and exit stage left. I spot a Dollar Store. I have a weakness for this store because well everything is a DOLLAR!! I get all the things I need along with a few snacks and head to the front. Can I mention that this particular shopping center had an overabundance of geriatrics driving and all through out the stores. I side step one older lady who seemed to stop to look at everything. I mean hey, a good buy is a good buy!! I get to the front and this is when I knew my Dollar Store experience was going to shift into overdrive. So the cashier had a look of getting over an addiction. I'm about 85% it was something hard. So she looks at the 3 ladies in front of me while she is checking out a little boy and says 'I'm gonna get you guys outta here real fast!' Just do your job!! Is what I immediately think and then she proceeds to sell the little boy highlighters for military families. The lady behind me literally has 2 items and she is saying OH THIS IS TO MUCH!!! I am still trying to put on a happy face because I'm not in a rush, but I do need to get outta there. The 1st of 3 ladies in front of me must have bought several of the highlighters and/or supplies so this throw Jala (here name was Jala) into a tizzy of gratefulness. 'OH THANK YOU!! Our Country thanks you!! So do you want to put your name on the supplies because some people like to be recognized but you know others don't so you know it's your call.' ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?!?!? The lady is like NO. She is trying to get outta there!! The next lady buys supplies and the woman again goes into OH THANK YOU!! YOU GUYS ARE GREAT!! At this point the crazy haired chick from the back silently opens a new line and starts getting folks out and I'm like WHEN did that just happen?? The lady behind me jumps in that line but my stuff of course is on the belt and I am pissed. My turn FINALLY!! So the cashier proceeds to say 'OH I'm gonna get everything in one bag! These envelopes you are buying must be important to you but even though I'm folding it, it won't hurt them.' OK FINE!! 'Here, you can take the candy bar, I know you probably want that haa haa haaa?!?!' NO JUST PUT IT IN THE BAG! 'See I got everything in the bag OH WAIT do you wan the Pepsi, it's hot out there. OH YOU WANNA BUY HIGHLIGHTERS TOO!?? OH THANK YOU!! you can just put them in the box behind you.' OK THANKS! and then she squirts some hand sanitizer, rubs it on her hands AND THEN her face!!! DA HELL?!?!? So as she is doing alla this the receipt pops up. I grab it and my bag and high tail it outta there!!! The lady who jumped line was leaving at the same time and we were both like Yeah that was WAY to much at the Dollar store!!! We both chuckle.
That was my week!!
My other exciting adventure was riding the Orange Circulator on the 4th of July. So I have a friend who has a friend with a sweet condo in the Inner Harbor. We went there to watch the fireworks. It made sense to park and take the free bus that Baltimore City has, 'The Circulator.' So after parking the '03 Corolla on Baltimore Street making sure to not leave anything of interest in sight except for my Bible I hop out and wait for the bus. I thought for a good 2 seconds if I needed to pay Pookie an nem to watch my car, but it is an '03 AND a stick shift so who really is gonna steal that?!?! And I'm really not that fearful that someone will steal my car. The man standing there is fussing about his bus not coming and I say well did the circulator come? He said OH the free bus come every 10 minutes so you good! He had about 5 teeth which is GOOD for the city!! the bus does come and I wish the man well and say your bus is coming soon! I have a little cooler thing that has the evening libations. I plop down right before the steps in a 2 seater and the bus pulls off. The first stop... oh that would be right outside the methadone clinic near St Clair Junction!! **SMH** Everyone seemed to be coupled up. A white couple who either just got their dose or maybe just shot up the real thing get on and sit near the front. A black couple who look extra clean (he had on his ALL white outfit, she had on some dumb shirt but her weave was tight!) get on. And then an interracial couple gets on. Now I am all for love who you love no matter the color and it doesn't really bother me (I mean let's be honest some times it does bother me, but not often and not in this case), but in this case they just didn't look like they were 'together'. She looked real put together. She had her little designer shades and designer handbag until upon closer inspection I noticed they were knock offs, but hey NO SHADE!! She still looked good and put together. He didn't look bad, but he was tatted up and didn't seem like he was with her; and then he opened his mouth and had fronts and bottoms. But he sat on her hand and she says 'You can sit on my hand any time baby' LAWD!! Sometimes I wish I made this up because it would truly make more sense! It just would. Meanwhile Addict couple are doing some hard core nodding, but in true heroine fashion neither one of them fell!! That is so amazing to me!! White outfit dude says HEY to the put together white lady. They are sitting across from each other diagonally. Fronts dude says nothing, and Weave chick says nothing, but the other 2 are carrying on a real familiar conversation. Not familiar like they dated but familiar like they know each others family and then my brain goes into overdrive. WHY is white lady so comfortable on this bus around so many black folk?!? It still perplexes me. All I got is that she was a bartender probably somewhere in the hood. OHHHHH I failed to mention at the Methadone clinic, the driver got off the bus for a few minutes. just as he got back on the bus the weed head from across the street ran onto the bus and his lingering odor followed. WHEW was it strong! So put together lady is talking about her daughter who was gonna go to York to go to school and then she decided to stay in Bawlmer but the mama wanted her to experience the world. In YORK?!?! Yeah ok whatever. At this point the addicts have been nodding back and forth and then the woman decides it's time to get off. An entire family of Asian people get on the bus. We're talking mother, father, kids, aunts, grandmother teenagers... A BIG ASS FAMILY!! After that a black family get on not nearly as big as the Asian family, it was only a mother and about 4 kids. The one with the short fro decided to sit next to me. The one with the red weave who combed her hair profusely and the curly weave sister sat in the front. I get it you want long hair, but just make it a little more believable or just better... I don't know. Next are 2 black oh wait I'm not being PC African American ladies get one clearly annoyed by the amount of people of the little bus. Weed dude gets off. Scent STILL lingering. They both do a double take and a whiff and look at each other. Then it's getting close to my stop, but what do I do!?!? OH I STAY ON THE BUS!!! Cause I thought it was gonna get closer to the Whole Food yet it never did. So by the time I get off Bebe's kids who were loud and all kinds of wrong and I don't even remember when they got on got off too. I chuckled at the fact that ONLY ME could screw up the free bus and have to walk 5 miles to my destination (ok 5 blocks but same difference!!).
Incidentally... one of the snacks I bought Hot Tamales are now the roommates favorite!! She kept reaching out her hand saying 'just 2 more!' I never know with her!! The ice cream I thought she would like she wanted no part. the Hot Tamales that I bought FOR ME she has informed me that the next time I go tot he Dollar store, she needs her own box!!