I read the book and then I went to go see The Help, actually it was a book club book. And I thought it was a good book and the movie, as with any movie based off a book, some things were missed but all in all it was a pretty good movie (no movie could be as bad as Eat, Pray, Love and I had such high hopes for Julia Roberts). I think Viola should have won the Oscar because how many more does Meryl Streep need? Well actually she should have won the Oscar for the supporting role a few years ago for Doubt, which also starred Meryl. That was the role Oprah wanted to get but the director smartly gave it to Viola Davis. So anyways this weekend I watched it again with my mother and sister. Now we are a big bunch of cry babies. We all cry at pretty much the drop of a hat. We were trying to figure out where my mom would shed her first tear. And actually she kept it together right up until the end. Because she lived through that era of having to ‘know her place’ seeing actors portray it did not really affect her in the same way. For me it feels like a travesty, like HOW DARE they speak that way her, or DO THAT to her!!! All the while claiming to be a good Christian. And I see it through a post civil rights era eyes. Not post racist society even though we got Barrack in office mind you, but in my lifetime I didn’t have to sit at the back of the bus, or blatantly did not get a job because of the color of my skin, or have to fight to vote. Don’t get me wrong racism is absolutely still alive and well, but it’s more undercover, well at least sometimes. After I really thought about it, my grandmother who was basically a single mother was just as stuck as these women in this movie. She had 2 little girls and could have just as easily stayed in Mississippi and remained a domestic but she had dreams, goals and plans for her kids. Like many during that time they had to leave the south or chose to leave the south for a better opportunity. She ended up still cleaning for a living but she made a hell of a lot more money and got a pension, sent both her daughters to college and a few of her sister’s sons to college so it all really did work out for the better! It was never an option for any of us to not go to college. In fact when I was messing around with my college applications my mother’s favorite threat was that she was going to go to Pitt and enroll me there or go fill at an application at Giant Eagle (the local supermarket). All of the grandkids went to college and even the one who didn’t still went to a trade school so he still has a good job making plenty of money! We may not be all living up to our full potential (me probably the most and honestly I’m just in a little holding pattern right now, I’ll get it together) but not having a degree has never been an excuse. I work with a few vendors who even today in 2012 say they were never a good reader or speller and I always want to ask them, what did your parents plan for you? Or what did YOU plan for you? Why in the heck can’t you spell good when we have a free school system in the USA? How come you didn’t even finish high school? Or ok so you didn’t but you can go get a GED!? and it’s still FREE. My grandmother’s initial plan was to go to Detroit. We have a lot family that ended up in Chicago, but no one seemed to make it Detroit. We are glad she made a pit stop (ha I made a funny!!) in Pittsburgh AND we are glad she went back to go get her kids because a lot of folks went up north and never came back for their kids. The part in the book and movie where the maid Yule May asked for $75 still makes me wonder why she thought it was ok to ask her employer for the money. But the kicker is that all the good white folks were putting on a benefit to help starving kids in Africa when the black folks right in their own city needed food and help and better wages. It was almost as if Hilly didn’t even believe her maids kids were smart enough or good enough to go to college so why even bother helping them? It was foolish for Yule May not necessarily to steal the ring (cause they probably didn’t even realize the ring was gone) but to try to pawn it in the same city. I don’t condone theft, but I may have had to go to New Orleans or some other big city to pawn it. 75 bucks might as well have been a million dollars
so clearly me having a proper lunch today is not happening. It amazes me that I do not put forth much effort but stuff still gets done. But let me go to the kitchen and heat up my sad little lean cuisine and everybody has a damn question about something they coulda waited 10 more minutes. I am reading an important article in the Citypaper about amateur porn so ok maybe I do need to go back to work because who needs to be reading about regular people making $90k in a year!?!? ME That’s who!! I need to flash a boob and get paid for it!! Although even though my mother doesn’t even own a computer I am still scared she might find out! She told me I couldn’t be a prostitute, but I need to ask her stance on boob flashin!
More days than I care to admit, I need to crawl up under my desk a take a lil nap. And today would be one of those days!! I went to sleep early and slept through the night, but I’m just tired today. I’m already anticipating the weekend!
It used to be the main tweedle (thought she was smart but really kinda wasn’t), lesser tweedle (dumb and she knew it; she gave 8 weeks notice resignation at a company where when you give notice they pretty much escort you out) and then the temp who they (it’s THEY because when I was asked to give my opinion about hiring her I was basically supposed to agree to what redneck manager (because she literally has red on her neck in the form of a neck tattoo and she likes hockey, nascar and rides a motor cycle soo uuhhh I’m not being racist) had already decided; but now 8 months later it’s OOOOH yeah maybe that wasn’t a good decision to hire her… mmm hmmmm) made permanent became new tweedle. And since now both the main and the lesser are gone new tweedle became just THE tweedle. The new co-worked who replaced the main tweedle, started out as new girl who I was going to transition her to be tat girl(who has all the dr. suess tats on her : / yeah she is special) but no she has proven herself to be a tweedle and she is now officially a tweedle too!! It’s hard keeping up with my thought processes but it makes sense trust me!!
I am freaking STARVING!! That lil lean cuisine is gone! Thank God I took out some chicken this morning. I might bake a few wings and foreman a few. I’m now eating some dry ass popcorn, one of those single serve and that gonna have to tide me over because I am trying to avoid the mc-doubles. Whatever happened to natural? I was all for less butter or whatever, but I do not like all the lo-cal popcorn which is exactly what I’m eating; 100 calorie Pop. Give me ALL the cals and some flavor along with it. Better yet I need to get some whole kernels and pop it my damn self!!
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