Friday, January 6, 2012

doing swell in 2012!!!

It is only January 4, 2012 only a mere 4 days into the New Year and I already feel like ANGRY BLACK CHICK!! I don’t know what it is actually I do know what it is and I need to correctify myself real quick!! This is a new year and all the dumb shit that was in the past needs to stay in the past. One good thing… well if you can call it good, is I just had my root canal; here’s why it was good. I have been in pain since at least late summer. Not having insurance is a bitch, but not having a doctor that will work with a sista is even worse!! These folks have been working with me and so appreciate it! It was just a load off my shoulders to not have to pay before services were rendered nor seeing that stupid sign “all services must be paid at time of visit” You don’t know how much that stresses a chick out. So like if the doctor does a good job then great the services are paid but if he (or she shame on me for the gender assumption) does a BAD job you done already paid for it so what you gonna do?!? I found it really hilarious that no one (or at least that’s what they had told me) got raises but I got 6 separate emails this morning about folks who got promotions. Now to the defense of ‘the Firm’ these may have been non monetary promotions, but COME ON who are we fooling here!?!?

It is now January 6 and I have had a few days to reflect, calm down do some woosai’ing so you know all and all things are good. ESPECIALLY also, because it is Friday. It just occurred to me that I either need to write a book or come up with a comic strip like Scott Adams because the people I work with currently and the folks I have worked with in the past are a constant source of me SMH and LOL. I mean some of the moronic things people say to me on a daily basis I have to think to myself 1. Are you serious? 2. Did you mean to say that out loud? Because I really think you had meant to think about what you had just said to me so go sit down and think about it before you re-ask that dumb ass question you just asked me!!! I mean I could really do this. I can draw! I am being spoon fed the dialog as previously stated, DAILY. And trust, there have been many MANY jems in the past too. Hole up… looking at my receipt from lunch. did I just get charged 50cent for ice or the tomato?!?!? Now I’m feeling some kinda way about this!! which is why I usually carry my already on a tight budget butt to subway cause I can get lots of tomatoes AND I know exactly how much it will all be!! I’m feeling bamboozled right now! and I digress… da hell was I talkinabout?!? OH yeah co-workers **LOUD SIGH** and you know what let me just end this part of the blog by saying TLBJIF (thank little baby Jesus it’s Friday)!!!!

why is it when I go to take any form of medication my cup which I had thought was full, always turns out to be ½ a swallow; and then I got some nasty drug on my tongue as I have to go run to the sink to get more water…that makes me mad!! And I know why not check the cup before I put the pill in my mouth. Because dammit that makes too much sense!!! I just did something real ghetto… I just a big bit outta my wings. Now there WILL be chix grease on a variety of things including my keyboard and the random papers on my desk. That was such a pet peeve of my mothers. Back in the day she was on the scholarship committee for my church and someone submitted something with grease stains on it. She would flip out if I had a grease stain on homework or something I needed to turn in. I mean I guess it does look bad and unprofessional. But now what’s funny is everything my mother touches seems to be greasy I always want to be like what have you been eating and/or touching!?!? All of her reading glasses be greasy then her drinking glasses be greasy. I really do not know

So it’s a new year for the past few years I have refused to make an out loud (or silent for that matter) resolution. And not that I have any dramatic declarations to make but ok see what had happened is I tried on a t-shirt last week and the spare tire just sat there like yep I’m here to stay bitch!!! And I was like WHOA where did that come from?!?? Keep in mind I have never been a small chick but having rather large well endowedness my stomach was usually covered. But now that the belly is running neck and neck with the ‘girlz’ it is time to really get it together!! So I will pull from my already vast library. I got Hip Hop Abs, Slim in 6 (although I think I lent that to someone), Turbo Jam, Windsor Pilates, 10 Minute Trainer and….OH most recently Firm Express. So yeah I got the having the DVDs covered. Now I gotta get the actually DOING the DVD’s covered. I was thinking about the gym thing but unless the people there look like that dark chocolate cutie patootie Dolvitt on the Biggest Loser I am not really interested! So we’ll see. That other stuff? Well I have this little reminder on my home computer that I will be a millionaire in 2012. I’m not really sure how that’s gonna work out, but I’ll keep you posted!!

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