WHEW I dodged a bullet!!! I am not a tremendous fan of potlucks. But sometimes you are part of an office where that is the norm so I just try to fit in. That was the case late last year early this year (during one of a bazillion temp gigs) when the sun could be shining and my co-workers would decide to do a pot luck. The good thing there was they had GOOD stuff like ham! Who doesn’t like ham?!?! I mean you know except for veggie-only type people. So it was easy for me to go with the flow there because it was worth it. BUT… when I question the hygienic capacity of my co-workers then a potluck or ANY food they bring in is questionable. Like I remember one time (at band camp) I was temping… or wait maybe I was full time OH YEAH I was (hah IMAGINE THAT?!?)anyways… it was right after halloween and we had already had a few potlucks and had eaten this woman’s food, but then this fool says “The pumpkins I carved as jack-o-laterns got all moldy so I can’t use them to make my pies” eeeeeeerrrrkkkk SAY WHAT?!?!? Let me clarify…the pumpkin(s) you used to put outside of your house and had been sitting there for God know how many days or weeks; you were going to bring into the house and RE CUT to make a pie? I had previously ignored the fact that she had a house full of pets because you can be clean and have pets. But her hygienic capacity or HC came into question and from then on I ate NOTHING she cooked or even stood to close to. So this week co-worker (I won’t call her tweedle) says “Oh I made lasagna and I’ll bring it in for all of us to eat”. I tried to keep my face neutral but all the while I’m thinking ‘LAWD how do I get out of this, I do not want to offend her but I aint eating her food’ even though my lips were saying ‘Yeah I like lasagna; bring it on in!’ I do try to be PC but it can be a challenge sometimes… MOSTtimes here lately. So of course I bring my lunch in everyday and she mentioned it yesterday and I was like ‘Oh I forgot, I brought my chicken maybe tomorrow’ So tomorrow is today and I bring in my chili and so she goes to the temp (in this case NOT me cause I am full time baby!! with the good (actually not really all that good… but I aint complaining cause folks are still jobless and health insurance-less so you know)) benefits… ‘there are 3 pieces left, why don’t you take it home to your family? Oh wait do you want some (to me)?’ Nope I’m good!! thanks but (HELL) no thanks!! The reason why her HC is in question are way too many reasons to list and they may make it seem like I am paranoid and/or crazy which I very well may be... I’ll be dat! I am just glad our ‘Holiday’ dinner is at a restaurant. Don’t get it twisted though I know what goes on in the restaurant industry. So sending up a prayer of thanksgiving and blessing to the hands that prepared is always always ALWAYS important.
I am feeling some kinda way about Heavy D passing away. He was the epitome of Happy Rap! You know where the hip hop artist actually rapped AND danced!! He wasn’t talking about bling, or material things or anything negative, Heavy D just wanted Love… and sex I suspect! But he was classy about it. I remember seeing Heavy D and ALL the Boyz in concert about a month or so before his dancer ‘Touble’ T-Roy died at the good Civic Arena in Pittsburgh… or should I say the now defunct Civic Arena… which then makes me think about the 1st concert I went to at was it the Stanley?!?! hmm can’t remember with DeBarge (well 3 of them cause Bunny was pregnant and El was sick or something) and Luther Vandross… who is also dead : / Lawd I digress). Back to T-Roy..that was pretty horrific the fact that it was an accident from a stage prop. Heavy D was only 44 which is a little too close for comfort as I approach 38. I mean I know when it’s you time it’s your time and the bottom line is YOU’RE GONNA DIE! But this just makes me want to take better care of myself and enjoy life more. I really think he enjoyed life. If I sit here for a minute I can connect to him within 6 degrees… yep there it is!! Gotta connect the dots in my head. Actually I was shocked to hear Andy Rooney just died. He was like 115… but he too seemed to have lived a good life. And not that you have to have been a celebrity or lived an extra long life because I’m sure there a lot of miserable celebs. Well hell there are miserable regular folks which is why I try to find something good to look forward to every day. Too much negativity can turn toxic. I am a full fledge card carrying member of the theories in ‘The Secret’! Thoughts do become things!
• Keep your thoughts positive because your thoughts become your words. Keep your words positive because your words become your behaviors. Keep your behaviors positive because your behaviors become your habits. Keep your habits positive because your habits become your values. Keep your values positive because your values become your destiny. – Gandhi
See even Ghandi knew!!
I do not appreciate the fact that I know all too well what a dead rodent smells like in an office. This is going to be a long winter if these critters keep coming into the ceiling area and dying in the walls and vents. NOT A GOOD THING!!
I’m not sure why I don’t feel the effects of my workout until 2 days later. I get up and my legs start to crack and stiffen… Epsom salt take me away!!!
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