Wednesday, February 2, 2011

WTF?!?! (why the face?)

...i totally forgot i wrote this one last week...

LOL from the Modern Family dad who was pretty clueless about what WTF truly stood for and right now I really don’t mean it in a malicious way, but sometimes dropping a good old fashion F bomb is good for the soul!!

Them Houswives of the ATL variety
For the past I don’t know how many weeks I just shake my head at the antics that those women. Mostly I’m like REALLY did she just say that/do that _______ insert whatever in the blank. So here is my run down for the finale.
Phaedra – What professional woman do you know that wears 3 different shades of polish on her fingernails? She had gold rimmed RED shoes… who wears that to an office? AND all the glittery eye shadow… COME ON REALLY?!?!? Other than that bith her husband and baby are beautiful. Although a little discrepancy in the whole age thing. If she was in law school and he was in high school.. then it’s more than a 4 yr age gap. BUT I aint mad at her for being the semi-cougar that she is!! LOL She does seem to have her head screwed on right even though she says some pretty WAAAAAY out there stuff.
Kim – What was wrong with her old boobs?? No Kim as a matter of fact you can not sing NOR are you a good performer, but hey whatever. Even when Kroy met her that first time, he doesn’t appear all that bright, but then neither does she, so I guess they are a match.
Sheree – It must be nice to have money to throw around so that one day you’re a fashion designer and the next you’re an actress. I thought a passion was something you put your ALL into not just something you do on a whim. I don’t think she is all that great of an actress.
Cynthia – As much as I feel all warm and fuzzy about Peter, he just didn’t seem like he was all that concerned about keeping Cynthia in the loop of what was going on financially. And I don’t think Cynthia is a dumb woman but I think she made some dumb decisions. Did her daughter have on lashes?? She is already a cute little girl, but the key words here are LITTLE GIRL. Maybe it was just me and what I had thought I saw. That dress was different. I guess I am more of a traditionalist with wanting a white or off white… hell even a champagne colored dress. But I liked it. AND why was Kim hating on her for not having flowers. It seemed like a great event.
NeNe – I just don’t like her, but she was really more of a regular person when she was dealing with her son and her husband. I just don’t get how she feel she can say anything she wants but if anyone says something to her she’s ready to beat them down. Oh and that 2 tone hair is the WORST!! And I know that Diane person is her friend, but Bravo must not like her to much cause they didn’t let her say much of anything.
Kandi – the onliest thing I have to say about her is that horrible comb over purple hair she rocked the WHOLE season. Kim has that wig dude (more on him later). Sheree has Lawrence(more on him later too). I need for Kandi’s stylist to step up. She seems like she has good business sense I’m glad she didn’t let the whole tardy for the party thing get to her too much.
The gays – I am as gay friendly as they come… well you know without actually being gay NOT THAT ANYTHING IS WRONG WITH THAT!! LOL But these ATL men who wear heals and make-up; whew I can’t take it. I actually do like Lawrence. He is a GREAT singer and performer and I really hope his song does well. I can never remember kim’s wig stylist dude’s name, but he is a man trapped in a man’s body. There aint a thing feminine about him EXCEPT the heels and purses. But he works it. And then there is Dwight… **loud sigh** I just need a little verb tense agreement once in a while cause he can kill a word!! I was a little indifferent to him this season. I didn’t like the way NeNe was all up in his face but he really tried to not knock her ghetto butt out!!
The extra random folks – Sweetie - she has to be a special kinda somebody to put up with the general tom foolery that she has to. What was funny is when they went on the weeklong tour kim’s kids seemed more upset that Sweetie was leaving. In general though she always looks hoochiefied with the short shorts and extra black makeup. I do wonder how old she is. Andy Cohen who is not actually on the show but his reunion shows and watch what happens shows are always so funny. It’s almost like he expects them to say something that they otherwise wouldn’t. Like I think he expected Phaedra to fess up to her pregnancy… LIE. She lied and she stuck to her lie. Or maybe he thought NeNe was going to apologize for how she acts just ingeneral. OHHHH and he always asks if Kim is gonna take off her wig. He’s just so cute and keeps a straight face when he asks his questions.
Shit does not take a ½ hour or a day. Some projects take FOREVER and then you are in pain when you’re done. For some reason I always think I can just bust out a project in a day, by myself, without all the proper tools. I don’t know why, but something in me says HELL YEAH I CAN DO IT!! My most recent project was tiling my little powder room floor. I had the tile, thin set and grout, went to Lowes on 2 separate occasions and had a wet tile saw, and the bucket-o-stuff (like nipper and spacers) to help me finish. Now what I had not factored in was taking up the actual vinyl floor. I wish I knew the dimensions but trust me it’s small. I had started drinking my red wine and though I would take maybe MAYBE an hour. So 3 hours later I was still not done. My cat kept peaking in like ‘Hey what you doing in there?’ The next day the goal was to start laying the tile at 1 in the afternoon. But I don’t think I got out the bed until 11 and 1 came and went and I am still on the floor trying to take up this damn vinyl. At one point I went to get my iron to help melt whatever glue so it would come up easier. So long story short made even longer (LOL) all day Saturday and then it was finally done… well the taking up of the vinyl NOT the actual tile laying. So thank LBJ for a snow day so I was able to actually lay the tile. The onliest thing left is I still need a new toilet so I really only tiled about 93% of the bathroom. Yeah that’s a pretty big thing to need in a bathroom.

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