so last night was the premiere for the 3rd season and I really have to question why I sat there and tried to catch up with season 2 AND stay tuned for season 3... it's just a MESS!!
so here's a quick recap/breakdown. I was really trying to think of any of these women that I would actually like to be friends with and really NONE of them except maybe Kandi and I have a small degree of separation (you know the whole 6 degree of separation thing!?!?) to her but that's a story for another day. I will say she held her own when Ne Ne had the gall to say to her the she owed her an apology. Whew that woman is a mess and a 1/2. She is just sooooo confrontational and then think NOTHING of it once she has been all up in someones face. I guess she does now know who her father is cause that man looked just like her son... or rather the other way around. It's just kinda sad, I mean I know who my mother and father are. I guess they explained why Lisa is no longer on the show cause she 'moved away'. But she did move but to another part of Atlanta I thought. I hope she is able to get pregnant though.
Onto Kim... LAWD i don't even know what to say about her. It must be nice to change wigs EVERYDAY. I mean COME ON who does that?!?! Even the fabulous stylist in his heels... WHEW he looked a mess... was like REALLY BITCH COME ON!!! And then her daughter who was like talking and eating so food was all falling out her mouth and Kim was like 'don't kiss any boy' and I was like NO little boy is gonna want to kiss her with all that gunk coming out her mouf!! YEAH I SAID IT M O U F!!!! And then her whole lesbian thing. Yeah I have no words for that but media whore does come to mind.
Kandi who I might actually like as a person for real. I was sad to hear about her fiance being killed, but she is onto some new dude who has VERY NICE TEETH!! Well I mean she has nice teeth so I guess she can't be paired up with no yuck mouth. He's a Raven... Really Bruh... there aint no one in ALLLLL if the Baltimore metropolitan area that you want to date so you gotta go to Atlanta?!?!? Yeah whudeva. Dag I can't even remember his name.
Sheree who I never really liked... and I'm sure she is losing SO much sleep knowing some chick in Baltimore don't like her
I will say this. I don't know if it's a Southern thing or they really just don't know how to use the king's English with correct verb noun pronoun etc usage. They just be jacking some words up!! I mean, my grandmother who was from a small ass town in Mississippi... she spoke VERY WELL so it can't be a Southern thing. And that new housewife WHO ACTUALLY IS A WIFE seems to be able to formulate coherent sentences. SO maybe NeNe, Sheree Kim and that Dwight dude just can't fucking talk!!. HE said something and I had to rewind my DVR and to make sure I heard what I thought I heard. To many wif instead of with of done and did instead of does. I am a stickler for nice teeth and correct language usage. Now this here blog might have you scratching ya head cause I do make up some words regularly and I know my conjugation can use some help most days... but if you are claiming to be SOCIETY and creme de la creme THEN TALK LIKE IT!! Dats alls I'm saying!!
Reality shows in general are just making me so disgruntled, frustrated and any other word that might help to describe my state of disgust. They just aren't REAL. I'm not sure if they ever were. At least the competition shows were entertaining at some point but for real, after Fantasia won (although that season I voted for both her and Jennifer Hudson who's husband looks very Jonathan-esque (Terry MacMillan)yeah go google him... but she does look good from the weight watchers) well no wait I did watch the season Elliot Yamin was on... dag who won that year, but I pretty much stopped when he didn't win. And I never was a Dancing With the Stars fan cause they aint really stars. I WAS a big Amazing Race fan but got mad at them when some whiny ass couple won (glad when the black couple won... not cause they were black but more cause of their situation). Project Runway COMPLETELY robbed Kara Suan and Korto Momolu on their respective seasons ( I still think that was racial). ANTM was just more of the same each cycle. I want a nice little fake TV show about fake people like Wysteria lane!!
But the shows supposedly about people's REAL LIFE... it's not really real.
Is it really real SON!?!?!?
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