I really am a church kinda chick. I think it helps in your relationship with not only little baby Jesus, but grown up Jesus as well. this year I just have not been making it like I should. I work 50eleven jobs and I KNOW that shouldn't matter, but when I get home at 3 in the morning after having stood on concrete for 10 hours, my body says CHICK KEEP YOUR BUTT IN THIS BED!! So I do.
Since we have established my heathanistic ways as of late when I do actually go to church I notice everything. It was youth Sunday, thank God for that cause when I see the men's choir up there behind the pulpit, I'm like UGH not the men!! I never have really like mens choirs, they just always seem like they need just 2 more rehearsals and then they might get the song right. AND then they keep handing the mic to this one dude who does not hit the right note for the entire song. And then I feel bad because he is praising the Lord and I shouldn't judge yadda yadda yadda, but DAMN can't they give it to someone who can sing?!?! So ok youth Sunday. The youth sing and usher. So i come in to the little girl who is supposed to be ushering but she is singing at the top of her little lungs... dag I can't even remember the song... and not directing me which way to go. She has downs syndrome so her song is pure and innocent and off key and sincere. I know she has a special place in heaven where as God might be directing me to the janitor closet. So I sit down about 3 rows from the band and BOY is it loud!! The cutie pie drummer is drumming himself silly (see how I am already distracted) the guitar and bass player are doing there thing... and hold up so now we got 2 keyboards and an organ. Where the heck did the 2nd keyboard come from and that new dude playing?? Maybe he ain't so new since I ain't been in a while. The little kids start to sing and why is my eye zoomed in on the 2 littlest girls who are clapping to their own little beat. I don't know why this makes me chuckle. I am also thinking of my nieces who often times have their own beat when they sing and dance.
The message was actually very good. He spoke on obedience (which I know I have not been) and doing things the right way (which I strive to do). So the invitational song. Now the dude who usually plays the main keyboard is on the mic singing and I had to look away cause he looked like Cephus of Cephus and Reesie... In Living Color. I am trying so hard to stay focused. His eyebrows kept lifting up every time he sang a new word... so it was like he was surprised the whole song.
The whole time I am sitting next to a married couple and they are holding hands... IN CHURCH. I thought this was a kinda weird, but maybe it helps them bond to each other and again, who am I to judge?!? He did drift off to sleep a few times, so maybe that's her way of keeping him up! LOL
The only other thing I noticed were hair do's and don'ts. There's always an abundance of weave, some good some bad. And the jherri curls which I always wanna be like you do know it's 2010!?!? And afro's from the older dudes who refuse to cut their hair. Although, they might be I got it AND I'm flaunting it!!
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