There is the mean looking little goblin man with a tear drop tat that I keep trying to speak to. Well ok, to be fair, I thought he said hello first, when all he really did was look me in the eye and mean mug me as he walked by. And I didn't do anything to this man, I promise I didn't. But I think I'm going to keep seeing him around as some sort or karmatic (is that a word?) punishment for me doing something to someone in my past. Just now I waved at goblin man as I was trying to get a snack because I have not been doing so great either on WW nor snack rationing so I needed a chip. I truly believe he grunted at me. What may have been my saving grace is there were 2 guys walking up so I really coulda been waving to the other guy. I mean I wasn't but you know, HE don't know that LOL
well ok not EVERYTHING but at least the stuff I think is important!
Wednesday, July 21, 2021
you put the corn in the puddin and the puddin in the bowl!!
You know how everyone gained weight during Covid? Not me!! I actually lost weight because I had nothing to get in my way of eating right and exercising. At one point I did a 100 days where I made sure I exercised every single day for a 100 days. But to say I'm stagnant is an understatement. I have maintained, but if I'm really being honest, I've gained and it is freaking me out. I still eat pretty well and I do need my ration of chips but I have not exercised. Exercise I have found is the key for me. I can't seem to do it just with food. Probably also, my ass is getting older and my body just needs a shake up more often than I have been shaking it up. But, I'll get there. There is a young lady I follow on IG and she lost 126 pounds. She looks amazing! I also follow Black Women Losing Weight and they have a daily phot of someone who has lost lots of weight. I am so glad for that motivation.
I'd like to file this under 'Shit that only happens to me!' Boom so check it (I never start like that but it felt right)... I'm at my favorite store which now currently is the Aldi's! I do all the shopping I need to do, doesn't matter it's the 3rd time I'd been in the same week I needed more stuff. I load my groceries in the trunk put my key as I normally do in the gap and then proceed to shut the trunk WITH THE KEY in the gap area. I stood there in shock for a sec and then was like WELL SHIT!! Now this is bad because I'm locked out, it's hot, and my phone is on the inside of the car because since the start of covid, I don't take my phone in stores with me. It was my justification to not get extra germs on me. Actually, for a while there all I was taking in the store was my car key and 1 card... well that is until I lost my card at the Whole Foods and had to cancel it and get a new card 😕 but that's another story, even though that is really all there is to the story... I took it in, most likely dropped it, called the bank immediately, and had to get another card. So back to Aldi. I stood there more pissed than anything because I don't have my State Farm card so I don't know the number for roadside assistance and then SHIT AGAIN... I don't know anyone's number so even if I get a phone, who the hell am I gonna call? So I decided to go back into the store and ask for help because what choice do I have? I ask the 1st cashier I see who then has to ask her manager who looks over at me like I stole something. I'm standing there looking pitiful as hell and then she finally come over, attempts to look up the number and then hands me her phone. I doesn't even occur to me to be concerned about the germs, I just take the phone and look up what I need to look up. Now the systems in place now demand that you do everything online but you can't really do things online when you are borrowing someone's phone. I finally get through to a customer service rep, and it takes a while to get through all of the information but we do, only for her to tell me to look for a text which is majorly frustrating but I just say thank you. At this point I'm trying to decide if I am going to stand inside or go outside. It's an overcast day but it is quite warm but after standing inside for a bit, I go outside. A nice lady asked if I was ok. I explained the situation and she offered to drive me home and I considered for about 2.3 seconds, but I couldn't think of where my extra key was in the house. So I stood there and then decided that I needed to sit; not sure where cause I was tired and it was hot and there was no where to sit. Anyways, I went to go stand by my car. The customer service rep told me lock outs usually are pretty quick, but I didn't know if that meant 20 minutes or 2 hours. So I'm standing by my car and was thirsty as hell and then decided to go into the Dollar Store to get a drink, because thankfully, even though I didn't have my key nor my phone, I did have my debit card. I ended up getting a water and a strawberry lemonade (which was disgustingly sweet) and hang out by my car again. I don't know what made me go to the driver side door but I do and DAMMIT, it was unlocked!! I stand there like WHAT THE ENTIRE FUCK!!!! I get in, unlock the trunk and get my key. Then I'm thinking was it open the whole time?!?! Did I just imagine being locked out? Did I just go through this whole rigmarole for nothing?!?! At what point did my door unlock?? Cause I banged on the trunk. WHY DOES THIS SHIT ONLY HAPPEN TO ME!?!? After I finish laughing at myself about this dumb situation I drive off, slightly embarrassed but for what I don't know because even if I see the cashier again, she probably won't recognize me because I still where my mask. I'm still chuckling at myself because that was one for the books!
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