It is the end of the month but the sentiment is the same Happy year of our Lord and savior two thousand twenty one! We got us a new year to make something of ourselves, or do something different, or do the same damn thing we been doing, or just do you boo boo!!
I'm currently watching The Resident and as much as I love Morris Chestnut, I freaking hate his character on this show, with a BIG passion. HE. IS. THEEEE. WORST. What I do like **spoiler alert** are Mina and Theo (not his name on the show but Malcolm Jamal Warner will for always and ever be Theo) finally, Finally, FINALLY getting together. I mean that secks has to be HOT!!! mmm... Anywhooo
One of the very few resolutions I made this year was to blog more! Someone randomly said, 'oh you only blogged twice last year' and I thought about it and blogging once a month is not too much to ask. I gotta give the people what they want!! And I love thinking what the 'people' want and need is one of my random ass blogs. My opinion of myself is ridiculous! LOL
I'm sure I made other resolutions, but the fact that I made it out of 2020 unscathed is nothing short of a miracle!! I mean we are still in the midst of a global pandemic and so many people that look like me are not making it. I am still up in the air about the vaccine. My black doctor told me the science is there and we should trust it, my (her) black nurse was on the fence but, she's an essential worker, so she is getting it. My elderly... oh wait I'm sorry because she is not a senior citizen... my fly ass aunt just got it the shot, my nephew who is a top secret essential person in the government (wait I said too much... disregard what you just read!!!), and others have gotten the vaccine. I am still a little nervous about it. I'm just keeping it for real for real! And as much as I want it to go away, it just isn't going away fast enough! I thought for sure by now we would be getting back to a normal that looked like normal prior to March 2020. Alas, we are not. The highlight of my week is going to Aldi's and even then, it is a deliberate shopping experience. I have the store mapped in my head so it is a real in and out situation. Even today, I had to go to Sam's club to pick up a prescription. I mapped it out in my head. The goal was: get a basket, head to the back, get chicken, water, loop around to the pharmacy, pay for everything there and leave. In actuality, I only made 2 pit stops. I got a basket, got kitty litter, chicken, water Kleenex, looked for a big ass thing of Lawry's but all they had was Morton's Seasoned Salt (eww), got my prescription after flirting with the dude in front of me (he flirted first and really how much flirtation can go on without knowing if he had all his teeth?!?!? and then I gotta remember, I got a whole ass man who would think my coy flirts were a sure sign I was leaving him LOL) I got the pharmacy lady to let me buy everything there, thankfully there was no line, and I high tailed it outta there!! I was on my DON'T GET IN MY WAY mode for sure! Don't try and sell me nothing extra. Don't be walking all slow in front of me. I got shit to do! Lingering in the Sam's club is not one of those things.
This show is in Atlanta, WHY aren't there more black folks on this show?!?! Almost like Designing Women back in the 80's. They only had the 1 black man, who I just goggled, he died in 2014 : O and speaking of people who died... Cicely Tyson an American treasure passed away yesterday. She was 96 years old! What an amazingly long and fabulous life and career she had! She was still working as of last year!!! That is just amazing.
So maybe late November I started having the worst hot flashes! I was 46 ( I have since had a birthday, I'm a whole ass 47 now) and this is a little young to be in full blown menopause but for sure perimenopausal. It was just unbearable! I would turn on my electric blanket in my bed, get warm and then 2 minutes later threw all of my blankets and comforter off because my ass was hot! I would turn on my fan and let it blow on all parts of my body even if the temperature was 25 degrees. I. WAS. HOT. It has gotten better in the last 2 weeks but I really thought I was gonna die!! I mean I would just be sitting there and need to just fan myself because I would start sweating. The crazy part is, I KNEW it was coming! Since about age 8 watching my mother just sweat for no good reason. She wore dress shields so as not to sweat through her blouses and dresses. I remember running around church looking for paper towel because her flashes were severe. She would drive fast with the windows down to relieve herself of being hot. I was there for it all, so I knew! Fast forward to watching my sister strip down and sit in front of a fan because she was flashing! I knew! And then lets not forget the book club ladies who asked me to turn down my heat when I hosted book club because... FLASH! So I knew it was coming!! I just was not prepared with the vengeance with which it came!!! It has settled down a bit, but I have my fans (electric and manual) ready cause I never know.
Ugh... maybe I shouldn't have drunk a jumbo glass of wine when I have a committee meeting in about 10 minutes!
Meeting went off without a hitch. I actually sounded like I knew what I was talking about LOL.