Wednesday, March 15, 2017

frustrated musings of a 40 something black chick

I don't think people really understand how much I truly love supplies!  I mean I get orgasmic when there are ample supplies.  I'm at a new desk. And there are a lot here. When as a joke a friend gave me one of those holders with a variety of post-its and a calendar. The joke was on her cause I LOVED IT!!  SO when the receptionist said I could have the box of random envelopes that I did in fact need on her desk I was glowing.

I need to back up... so I started a temp job a few weeks ago.  You know I stay with a job, but this last stint when I had over 6 months off which really wasn't a vacation even though a lot of folks think it was, had to end.  Money was getting low and we all know I needs all of my coinage.  I registered with Office Team because since I got to Baltimore, they have always been able to get me into pretty good companies quickly and this time was no different. I'm working at a place that has very few black folks at least as far as I can see. One thing that is cool is everyone has the option to have a standing desk.  I am standing now!  I wonder, does this burn more calories?  At the other place I worked you had to request it and it took the facilities  guys ½ a day of loud work to get folks set up.  I wonder how big of an undertaking it was for this place? And now I sit…it’s just nice to have the option.

Today was a hell of a day to try and get into the office.  Normally the snow does not bother me and I will jump out there and attack anything.  BUT this shit right here was ICE and it had frozen solid.  So I apologize to the mail person for not being able to shovel a nice path for you.  I apologize to myself for not mustering up the gumption to do more than look out of the front door yesterday.  I truly did not know it was going to be as bad as it was.  I got up early this morning and got my shovel and the ice was like NAH SIS!!! So I started my car and attempted to just drive out and my tires were like... TRY AGIAN BABE!! So I went back in the house made coffee, cooked breakfast and tried to decide what my next step was gonna be.  I then poured some salt around my tires and prayed to get a little sun.  Checked Uber and that thing said $36 American dollars for what I know would have normally been like 10 due to high demand.  Then I checked the bus schedule because I really need to have a plan B and C at this point.  I then get myself changed (I had on sweats up to this point) and decide I am going to schlep to the bus stop up the street and just do that.  BUT FIRST let me try the car again.  OH and how about I use that garden shovel to see if I can break up some of this ice.  I got some traction and my lil hooptie made it over the ice!!  THANK YOU LITTLE BABY JESUS!!  The roads really were not that bad even when I got into the city, well downtown. I was so busy cleaning and watching TV and taking naps that I just didn't feel like being bothered with the snow.  AND WHY is it snowing so late in the season anyways?  I didn't have to fight with my neighbors or the renters or even the caregivers.  Everything has just been great.  And then this damn nor'easter comes along and fucks it all up!!AND IT'S COLD!!  It was 20 degrees when I left and the high I think is like 28 so how is it supposed to melt with it being that freaking cold?!?!? I'm not even gonna say I better have my spot because it is a given. 

My Sam's club experience was less than stellar a few days ago.  I ordered a few things (literally 3) online for a club pick-up waited longer than 2 days so I guess they put that shit back, so that part is MY fault but here is my issue.  I came into the store asked for the club pick-up and the one who checks the receipts says with a grunt good luck with that.  I'm like Well can you call someone and she does.  About 10 minutes later I ask another cashier if she could check on my club pick-up.  She acts like she never heard of such a concept SO I SAY... WHO IS YOUR MANAGER AND YOUR REGIONAL DIRECTOR!!! and then mumble this is some bullshit!  The manager... ok, I'ma try to be nice but you know, no guarantees.  It is the first thing in the morning so I'm not sure why all of your makeup has found it's way into the creases of your face.  As she is walking I start fussing but my tone is not mean it's more frustrated.  So she says, well can you wait until I get to you **BLANK STARE** UM ok sure... she gets to me. I say the reason I did online pick-up is because you are consistently out of the product I buy all the time.  She doesn't ask my name she doesn't ask me if I'm ok, she just says, Well the person scheduled for club-pick up is not due until 9am.  To which I'm like well how is that MY problem?  And further more, if I have to wait until 9 AM does it state that on the website when I placed my order, which it did not. There are a few cashier milling about so I'm like can you at least check? So then she continues to be snippy WELL THAT IS WHAT I'M gonna do!! OK... Meanwhile someone said they saw Jamal or Jemarcus who knows at this point, but he is the club pick up dude so she proceeds to call him over the loud speaker thing.  STILL she hasn't asked for my name or anything.  At this point I'm like I got the receipt on Thursday and then she was like OH WELL THEN IT probably was put back.  Jemario finally gets to the front and says the same think it was probably put back, but I was like BUT was it ever pulled?  I am extremely frustrated and angry at this point and another 20 minutes have passed.  I tell her it's already paid for and she says well no it's not it still has to run through the system.  And I'm like you let me stand her for this long and I coulda got my items and been out of here by now.  Some random man is complaining about the danishes and I'm looking at him like SIR IT's FREE!!!  Why are you complaining THE SHIT IS FREE!!!  I look at her and say what is the store number, what is your regional managers, name and what is your name because this is unacceptable.  All that needed to happen was she could have asked me my name, saw that the order was not pulled (or put back) and then GOT IT  for me, because that is good customer service.  I was so mad when I left, I felt my pressure raise.  When she finally asked if she could just pull the items, I was like no, I need to leave NOW!.  This was just such a missed opportunity for good customer service!  I just put a complaint on the site... probably nothing will happen because when I worked retail, the manager only responded to the positive stuff.  This aint positive and I aint happy!!!

And then.. I go the the McDonald's and wait in line for ANOTHER 20 minutes.  I order the #2 she says do you just want the sandwich. NO which is why I just said the #2 COMBO with a small coffee, which totally should have been upgraded to a large for free and GOD forbid I ask for ketchup which aint even Heinz, but at least it's not hunt's so, there's that!!