It’s Monday and you know what that means?!?! It means the weekend is over. My glorious lounging around all day is done and won’t be back until next Saturday or if I play hooky but my check is already looking like a joke so that aint happening!! This day has been sorta ok. My team has officially gotten on my last nerve though mainly because when I ask them things the answer is I am too busy to help you. And it’s not really that but yeah it kinda actually is. Here’s the thing I usually always check with folks to make sure they understand why I need to meet with them and I don’t arbitrarily send meeting requests because I do understand that time is precious. SO when I would do that what these people would say is… OH just send me a meeting request **blank stare** I stopped doing that and I just send the meeting request and what happens?!?!? They decline my meeting, or they act like they never got the request in the 1st place. The one little girl I was within an inch of me calling her a damn liar to her face. I wanted to be like bitch (why is bitch not in my spell check when I just misspelled it bithc?!? NO I didn’t meant batch, botch NOR bath) YES you did get the request so stop playing with me. But you really can’t say that in good ole corporate America AND I’m a lowly contractor and they would probably escort me out that same hour and I needs my job. I was the one who scrambled that day to make sure she got what she needed for an already started meeting that she was ill prepared for. And then there is the decline. I need information from YOU not the other person who you are telling me to talk to. I need it from your role on the team. Today was probably not my day because when I got all this shiggidy, my response was ‘Ok, thanks!’ I sent that out more times than I care to admit. And then finally when I ask a direct question and you say OH yeah Jane Doe is out of the office but I’ll come over to show you after my meetings and I know you forgot about me. Well that’s ok because I really stopped working at about 1:30. I been catching up on my Awesomely Luvvie and looking randomly at Instagram and Facebook. I sit in the middle of cube nation and I really feel silently judged by the 2 folks I sit next to. Thankfully they said we were moving in June even though my contract is up at the end of June but hopefully they will extend my contract because I really need to buy a car and that’s a whole nuther thing cause what do I buy?!? I don’t like the grill on the new Camry and even though in my mind I’m balling, I am balling enough to get an Acura ILX or TSX? Probably not. Or am I just being cheap!?!? And as much as I want to buy a new car I probably would have to go the used/preowned route for a higher end car and then I be remembering the Jetta from hell that I had back when my dad was still alive and it just STOPPED!! And I called him doing the ugly cry like I NEED MONEY CAUSE MY CAR STOPPED AND I DON’T HAVE ANY MONEY!!!! I sat in the VW dealership somewhere in Bowie or damn where was I?!?!? and just cried and the sales dude was trying to comfort me but then he said something dumb like oh we’ll buy your car for $5000 and I’m sure I owed like $10,000 so I cried more and so me and my used car experience has not been good. I lost my train of thought… then I went to the Toyota dealership and I was like just sell me a car, and they did! My little blue Corolla 5 speed that has been great since 2003! But, now my lil corolla is starting to squeak. I just put about $400 in the last month and it really might outlive me! That’s what I need to do just go into a dealership and be like sell me a car!!! But dealers are so skeevy and the pressure!! I went into the Honda dealership just to look at the Crosstour and they were like what can we sell you today!? NOTHING buddy just let me see the car. It was ALLA way in the back and my butt was outta breathe LOL And then there’s the whole matter of my credit. It used to be so good but I really don’t know the number anymore. Although I don’t have anything outstanding (praise LBJ!!).
When I was a kid i used to remember going to other peoples homes and wondering where all their paper was. So like when you walked into my now nonexistent house on Blackadore St back in the day, we had this big dark green desk that had a whole lot of stuff. It was only cleaned I think at Christmas and when anyone(well non family) was coming over. It had bills, receipts, tax info, warranties whatever shit you needed it was there. And now as an adult I am perpetuating the cycle. I have so much paper. And when I go to peoples homes even now I think where is all your paper? I said to myself yesterday that it would probably take me a full day to file and organize all of the paper I currently have. I can't even really blame my mother. don't get me wrong, there is quite a bit of her stuff as well, but I just can't seem to get a handle on it.