I am so done for the day! I always start with gusto, but the nature of what I do mean s looking at data and numbers and data… yeah that’s how it is. And my eyes have crossed several times. I really could use a lil nap and then I might could do more work. OR I might sleep the rest of the night. I think we as Americans got it wrong and we should adopt the whole siesta thing ASAP. When I open Chickiness Corporation, there will be pods for folks to take a lil nap.
SO I have to turn my screen. Thank LBJ I got 2 now. I don’t think the little boy I sit diagonally realizes how much he picks at his face. It is quite disturbing… and GROSS!! I can see him out of the corn of my eye. I want to yell STOP PICKING YOUR DAMN FACE!! Surprisingly as light skineded as he is, it doesn’t seem to get red.
It doesn’t look like many of my co-workers washed today. Not because it smells bad or anything, but don’t you look at some people and just know no water has hit them in a few days?!? I mean it’s Monday we should all be so fresh and so clean… but not so much.
SO I went to a few events this weekend and had a great time. But I never actually go there expecting to meet anyone WHY because at 41 the men my circle of friends/sorors/acquaintances are married or attached and/or have kids and are just old! I guess I should change my thought because thoughts do become things. I need to think up a man just like in Weird Science LOL I just did a little cyber stalking of a random guy I work with and OF COURSE he is married with a kid! Men I need for you to not flirt with me if you don’t have a ring on. And even when you DO have a ring on, don’t flirt then either…
Please tell me I am not the onliest weirdo who lets out a loud ass poot… (cause ladies don’t fart) and just start laughing?!?! It’s usually in the bathroom so that’s the place you supposed to release all your air, so why is it so funny to me?!? This is such an overshare but I feel like I can talk to you (Dear Kitty… LMAO)!! I also, if I’m by myself, say GOOD ONE!! Cause you gotta encourage yourself!
I am in dire need of a yoga or stretching class. I have been so stiff today. Every time I get up I gotta stretch it out. I really need hot yoga to relax my muscles. Maybe I’ll do that exercise blender on the
YouTube to see if I can stretch it out.
I have to stop assuming people know what I think they know instead of knowing what they know. I’m making too many assumptions.
I have to stop scheduling meetings after lunch… zzzzz And the person who I’m meeting with today has a lil accent so I really have to pay attention.
Ladies I need for you to stop trying to do what Rhianna and Lupita and hell even Cameron Diaz do with their fashion choices. They are starahs so they get a little leeway when they mix patterns and do strange color combinations. YOU on the other hand work in corporate America and when you put on mix matched clothing it looks like you got dressed in the dark. This is NOT the Devil Wears Prada! That’s all…
You are a security guard WHY are you so shady and funny acking?!?! There are a few security guards and I’m not knocking the job; astonishingly that is one job I have not done, but they are so shady, or it just could be my janky ass mood. And then you got the creepy one who if you turn back to look he is looking all yucky and stakeryish.
If this little girl does not lower her damn voice I think I might have to strangle her. It will be justifiable homicide!! Am I the onliest one that hears her? Did I take ALL the crazy pills?
When I come up with a name for folks that is really all I see. So we got The Situation Jr. (cause he’s so little but looks like that Jersey Shore dude) then we have Oompa Loompa, cause the side curlie bang thingy she has make her look like… well an oompa loompa; now we got Working Girl like from the movie (not cause she looks like a prostitute), this woman’s hair is stuck in the 80’s. She has a HARD bang and she needs some layers to soften her up. And lastly The secret of Nimh… cause she this chick is so mousy. LAWD I am so petty!!
I always get a little nervous before a training class. Not because I don’t know what I’m doing, but because there is always the unknown. What the heck are these people gonna ask me AM I prepared
enough?!? So a little theme music is needed. Last week it was Superwoman by Alicia Keys. Today it’s Hate on me!! By Jill Scott. I am harnessing her words!!! LOL