Why is it when I wear
my flip flops folks want to congregate in the hallways and silently judged
me!?! #paranoid
Why do I feel silently judged on just about EVERY aspect
of my life?!? Maybe because I silently
judge everyone else ON everything!! LOL
to the English dude whose pants are just a hair away from being too tight who
flirts with the lady on 4… yeah buddy WE all know! To all the married men whose
shirts are winkled as hell, you clearly don’t have a 1940’s wife cause she
wouldn’t let you leave the house looking as you do!! Judge not lest ye be judge
is in the Bible. But sometimes it’s so
hard to not see the flaws in others.
This is something I am working on
Just leave my papers on the printer. No really!!!
DON’T TOUCH THEM!! I remembered what I printed and I will get up and get
them when I need them. This fool all the
way on the other end of the floor picked up my stuff yesterday and I’m standing
at the printer like I know I printed it, well wait did I hit print? Maybe I
didn’t hit print. So I schlep back to my
desk print it AGAIN and he comes up like OOOOH is this yours?!? Yes mofo IT IS!! So now you made me kill yet
another tree!! And then I find out I only needed 5 of the 42 pages that I
printed. Thank LBJ for front and back
If I’ve said it once I’ve said it 1000… courtesy flushing
is your friend
Someone made a roast beef sandwich that looked so good
last week. It’s still in the frig at
work now. I KNEW I shoulda stole it last
week!! (It’s still in there, this is week 3) Incidentally someone stole my
orange juice! It had my name on it and
err thang!!!
You gotta love customer service. So last week I was on the phone and on hold
for about 45 minutes with the good people of Comcast trying to get my service
upgraded and more importantly get a phone line for the house. So after I’m told all the costs associated
and that I will need to do a self -install because having a tech come out would
be an extra $40 bucks, I call this morning and they say OH no, you don’t need
any additional equipment just plug in your phone O_O !!! You’re kidding
right?!? I busted out laughing like WAIT
WHAT?!?! SO I’m now on hold again
because the lady is trying to get me squared away… her words not mine even
though I do use that term often!!
The reason for me getting a phone line is that my mom is
coming to live with me! This is actually
a very good thing. She is getting older
and her being all the way in Pittsburgh has been a bit stressful for me and the
sibs. SO because my house has a 1st
floor bedroom and bathroom, it just works out.
Plus, my brother who has a much bigger house has a much bigger
family. All of the activity of his
family and community is just a bit too much for my mom. And my sister has too many steps in her house,
so it just works out for her to come with me.
Plus I’m kinda excited!! I have a
great relationship with my mom, always have.
It makes me so sad to hear people say they don’t speak to their mom, or
they don’t really fool with their mother’s.
It just doesn’t compute.
…I’m still on hold.
Apparently, Customer service Rep David jacked up my account so Cust
service rep Charlee is helping me out!
I’m thinking a few months of free service will do the trick!!
Ok so I should have posted this last week right after
that line. So I call Comcast Monday only
to be told that I do in fact need to modem that the first guy told me I
needed. This is actually via the live
agent chat, because when I called they disconnected me and I was on my lil
prepaid phone so I just opted for the chat.
Long story short, I called Verizon, they turned the phone on
yesterday. It really was that simple
although the whole modem nonsense with Comcast was a bit too much on top of
just EVERYTHING else that is going on now.
So I went to Pittsburgh, picked up my mom, and she is
happily living with me. Well I hope she’s
happy!! Sunday my sister and I… oh wait
this needs a new paragraph.
Let me start by saying there is no shame in my game
trying to meet that special someone online.
A lot of people look down on it and there is still somewhat of a stigma
attached to it. To me it’s just another
resource. If I don’t go anywhere or do
anything outside of work, how really am I supposed to meet Mr. Right (or right
now for that matter)? So I had ‘met’
this guy who after the 2nd call I knew Yeah this just aint gonna
work buddy!! So we are talking and he decided to brush his teeth… BRUSH HIS
TEETH while on the phone with me and then proceeded to ask me if I thought it
was rude. I said Yes that was rude. I mean just call me back later. Oh wait let me back up, his first call was at
11:55 PM, uuuhhh that’s booty call time
and you aint getting no booty so why do you think it’s ok to call me for the
first time that late? And then he called
at about noon the next day. Buddy I’m at
work, let me call you back in about an hour when I’m free. So I call him back and shenanigans ensued. I don’t know what I said or what made him
jump to the conclusion that I was hurt in the past and that I needed to give a
brotha a chance OH and that I’m uptight and some other really kinda mean things,
and if I was a chick lacking in self-esteem I might have thought he was a
godsend. BUT NO!! I know myself very
well and you talking to me for 10 minutes does not mean you know me so… just
lose my number we don’t really have to do this.
Go ahead and get the hint when I reject your calls and don’t call back!
Fast forward to this past Sunday… I am
shopping with my sister at the supermarket trying to get stuff for the house
for me and my mom. I see this guy sorta
talking to himself, but it’s the store and don’t make much of it and go on my
way. I went down and aisle and he
follows me and says HEY BEAUTIFUL! And I’m
like what da hell do you want?!?! But
then I get a good look at him and he’s kinda cute so OKAY… HEY!! So he says
something and I’m like yeah ok Sure! Why
not, online aint working so why not?! This is the traditional way to meet people,
right? We exchange numbers, he tells me
his name, a flicker of recognition but I’m like hmmm… He texts me later and
attached his picture which I always think is odd, I just met you I know what
you look like, but whatever that’s what folks do in this day and age. I look at the pic and I’m like OH SHIT that’s
the teeth brushing dude!! REALLY why
couldn’t this be some other guy? Why did
he have to attach his silly looking pic, OF which he does not look the same in
person (thankfully). Why does shit like
this only seem to happen to me?!? It’s a
curse that my little baby cousin whom shall remain nameless put on me!! I’m sure of it!! So I text him back and say you don’t remember
meeting me online and then brushing your teeth in my ear? He calls and it’s that same voice that I recalled
was on the other end. So when I told him
about the teeth incident he was like, WELL is that all?!? He said he had a
really bad memory, and for maybe about a minute I was going to give him a
chance, start fresh. So t next day he
texts me again, calls me again, asks for me to send him a pic, I say I’m at
work and it would be later. So what does
this fool do? He texts yet again, and calls and then texts saying oh you must
not be interested all within the span of a few hours. O_O I know I have dodged a bullet. He seemed a little too… what’s the word
CRAZY!! And aint nobody got time for
that!! Yeah only me… **smh**
This whole older parent living with me thing is taking
some getting used to. Monday I was dead
tired so tired that I couldn’t even get a quick lil nap. I just laid in the bed. I did eventually go to sleep at 9:30. Tuesday was much better! Today is Wednesday
and there was no lunch meat, why? because that chick ate it all in 2 days (LOL)
so what to fix for lunch, cause you gotta have lunch. Oh wait the chicken and a salad and some
fruit. I’ll just cut up this cantaloupe
real quick, apparently TOO quick because I almost sliced my thumb off **LOUD
SIGH** These injuries to my left hand
are taking it’s toll. I wrapped the dish
towel around it (cause I couldn’t find the duct tape!!). Came into work, it was
still bleeding. Thank LBJ for the first aid kit at work!!