Friday, April 26, 2013

quick and dirty random...

I don’t know why the resurgence in color contacts, but ummm… NO!  ***Loud SIGH***
The traffic circle is your friend!!  Just yield DON’T STOP… just yield!! And while we’re on the subject of traffic you ever drive behind someone who YOU KNOW is about to do some dumb shit so you try your best to keep your distance?!?!  SO last night I was behind this little Honda who keep bobbing and weaving and I KNEW she was about to do something DUMB!!  So I gave her  space, and the fool behind be was all on my bumper to which I fussed at him saying YOU can stay right on my bumper I aint going any faster cause this fool in front of me is about to do something stupid!!  Sure enough she started driving over the double yellow line and oncoming traffic blew their horns. I was just praying she turned and got out of my way.  So she did and I’m glad I was far enough away because it was a turn signal-less turn where I’m not even sure if that was the way she intended to go it was so fast.  AND speaking or turn signals…they too are your friend.

If you don’t listen to me WHY on earth do I keep talking to you?  
People who are in shape and don’t have boobs need to realize that while I am on a quest to be in shape I’m not quite there AND I have boobs.  BIG ONES!  SO yeah I need the remedial version of whatever move you just did. And please stop asking me to jump unless you find & purchase me a good sports bra which is damn near impossible for the size I need.  Just lighten the hell up ALRIGHT?!?!
Just cause I wrote something in FB doesn’t mean I remember what the heck I said so refresh my memory I want to laugh again too!!

This place I work is HELLARIOUS!!  So I usually I am a pretty friendly person and I speak to everyone.  Literally just now I say Hey to someone who doesn’t even see me he sees the chick behind me and says HEY to her.  And per my usual I wave and go Oh ok I’m not even here and start laughing!  They both looked at me like I’m a freak but its ok I know when to laugh at myself and others!!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

there really is no better word than random...

I feel horrible, I didn’t realize that people died in the bombing in Boston.  I guess mid-day my co-worker said ‘there were bombs at the race in Boston’ and I said Oh OK!  And really didn’t think much about it.  Almost just like my reaction on 9-11 when the towers were bombed and fell, I was like Oh ok… hmm yeah I gotta get this work finished.   I can be really clueless sometimes and not in a ‘I don’t care’ kinda way, but really in a sometimes I have NO CLUE as to the magnitude of the current situation!!  And all that is to say that this morning all the news was about the bombing and the runners and raw footage and people calling in saying they were 5 seconds or minutes away from actually being in the line of fire was just too much.  I even flipped on ESPN and well ok so that’s a sports network and it was about a marathon, so I get why they were covering it.   SO I get in the car to get my butt to work, and I need to hear a song, but all the stations I listen to are covering the Boston bombings as well… except DIEZ SIETE PUNTA NUEVE!!  Which is 107.9 the Spanish station which is always ALWAYS good for a song or 2 to get me energized in the morning.  I can understand maybe about 60% of what they are singing about… which is usually love, and I’m good!

SO it tickles me when folks say OH YOU SHOULD PUT THAT IN YOUR BLOG!  And I say yeah OK I should!  But then I’m thinking, ‘Do you REALLY want my spin on things?!  It might not turn out the way you thought I would have written it’.  For instance, a few weeks ago at Easter time, I was a complete and utter scatter brain.  When we go to Pittsburgh, my sister and I swap driving to each other’s houses as the starting point.  So it was my turn to drive to her house.  I had my music, which I never really did get a chance to listen to… wait I did for about an hour LOL, I had my water, I had my clothes, my cat had fresh kitty litter and water, and I was ret to go.  Oh let me back up, so the plan was for her to call me when she was 20 minutes from her house, because she had to do some running around,  so that I could be on my way.  And we were to leave at 7-7:30 AM.  So a little after 7 I was still in the bed and she said oh are you on your way?  Me: Uhh no!!  Where was my 20 minute call?  Her: OH well… LONG STORY…I’m calling you now! Me: Well give me a minute and I’ll be there.  Her: A MINUTE or a ½ hour or hour? Me: 45 minutes.  Her: Ok well Baby J (LOL) is still getting dressed and I need to get something to eat. Me: ok fine go get some breakfast don’t worry about me I’ll be there in a few.   So after this dialogue I get up, shower, pack, pack up the car and go.  I get to her house in sunny Silver Spring and put my stuff in her car and scrounge around for my purse.  OH SHIT!!  Where is my purse?!?!  Oh shit!!  I am never EVER gonna hear the end of this… DAMN DAMN DAMN!!!  So ummm sister we have to go back to Baltimore I forgot my purse!!  She gave me a death glare!  WE HAVE TO BE ON THE ROAD NOW!!  AND IT’S ALREADY 8 O’CLOCK!!!  So the deal she gave me was that I couldn’t talk about OR make a face when she sang along to her aptly names playlist on her iPod, ‘Sing Along Songs’.  Now I can try my best not to say anything, but faces WILL be made!! NOW let me just say that often (many) times when I get to her house she is still putzing around.  Oh I gotta go get this, Oh yeah I gotta stop and get gas, OH blah blah blah… And even when coming to my house LATE it’s always, OH I had to stop and get the baby some food, Oh I had to get an oil change… yadda yadda yadda.  AND I am usually the sweetest sister, I say Oh no problem, we can just get on the road now (2 hours late) OR Don’t worry about it sister, we’ll make good time. OR yeah let’s drive 10 miles out of the way to get cheap gas.  OR Oh you didn’t get any food for me… NO NO don’t worry I can wait til we get to Breezewood, that’s not my stomach grumbling LMBAO!!!  I know she will get a kick out of my side of the story!!

I have some video of the weekend that once I figure out how to edit I will add.

So the other night the Fix my Life show was on where Iyanla Tried to help DMX fix his sad sad life.  I know addiction is a disease but I have no sympathy for the tears those that are still not trying to get on the right path.  This show is for ratings, but I really think Iyanla is trying to help these people get past or over a very painful thing that may be blocking their life.  But you have to be ready and willing.  I really don't think he was so it didn't work for him.  My heart goes out to him and his family ESPECIALLY his kids who didn't ask to be in this world.

I have been on a real Rahsaan Patterson kick!  I really like him as an artist but when a song comes on my lil iPod my hands are up and I am singing my head off much to the chagrin of anyone near me!!  Their problem, not mine!! LOL  He answered me on twitter a few weeks ago and I got real star struck (which is per my usual).  I could probaly meet someone like Beyonce and think nothing of it (no I'm lying I would be geeked to meet her) but the reality is I probably would be more likely to meet someone like a Rahsaan Patterson or a Ledisi.  Which brings me to my next thought.  Here lately l listen to a few podcasts and subscribed to a few people on the YouTube.  And they randomly talk about the Beyonce Stans.  Now what I thought they were saying was Beyonce FANS... But not. So rapper Eminem did a song a while back about a very overzealous maniacal fan named Stan.  So a STAN is any fan for any celebrity or athlete teetering on the edge of crazy because they 'love' the person so much.  And of course I saw the video this morning, which I had seen before but I'm like WHOA Stan dies at the end?!?!  Nah, I'm good I don't want to be no Stan.  So... damn I forgot my train of thought SURPRISE!! OH so apparantly Keri Hilson, and now Keisha Cole have shot themselves in the foot by saying anything against Beyonce and I just think it's funny how folks will GO IN on anyone who dare not like or say anything against Miss B.  OR Mrs. Carter... she is married now WITH a baby (had sex with Jay Z an err thang)!  And thought train is gone again... moving on

Adult sexting is not cute O_o and that is all I have to say about THAT!!

I have tilled the earth actually I have a video for that too... but more importantly it is lunch time and I am HUNGRY!!