I was just listening to an inane lunch time conversation between a newlywed woman and a unmarried and as far as I know never married woman. It was silly because some of the things the new husband is doing sounded like stuff that should have been taken care of before the nuptials. You should really REALLY know the person you are going to marry so the little things they do shouldn’t be the start of WW3. Now I’m an unmarried chick myself so I don’t offer advice to folks in relationships I know nothing about. I mostly just listen when they vent and keep it to myself if I think they are doing something that to me doesn’t make sense to me. But there are an array of things I do know about and as I’ve said before and I’ll say it again just like assholes, everyone’s got an opinion. But that doesn’t mean that folks what to hear what you have to say and sometimes they are even in a space to hear what you have to say. It may not sink in until the next week, month whatever. One time I was given some advice and I turned to my friend, who thankfully still is my friend, and said BUT I DIDN’T ASK YOU!! She looked so hurt and said it was very rude of me to say because after all she was just trying to help. And I apologized for being rude, but then after I thought about it, it still stood that I DIDN’T ask her. She volunteered to take on my issue, whatever it was, because I honestly can’t remember what it was but all I really needed was for a sounding board, someone to just listen. Sometimes people feel like if you tell them something they should try and solve it or help you out and that is not the case. OR they go on and on with their opinion because naturally their opinion makes more sense than mine. And that is exactly what is getting on my last good nerve here lately. I’m entitled to my opinion just like you! So please don’t tell me that I should think or say something other different from what I already think or say because it’s MY opinion. One real strong opinion I have right now is that people over 70 should take the bus to the DMV and turn in their driver’s license because they shouldn’t drive. That’s what I think, that’s the way I feel, it is a generalization and it’s MY opinion. I said this to my co-worker whose parents are over 70 and still driving and she said ‘Well my mother drives really good so you can’t say that.’ To which I said I ABSOLUTELY can say that because we are in America and I can say what I want and that’s my opinion. I thank Little Baby Jesus my mother who just recently turned 70 gave up driving about a year or so ago (who now can’t even drive if she wanted to cause she went and broke her shoulder). She wasn’t seeing well at all and it was just a bad situation when she drove. ALL of my grandparent drove HORRIBLY when they were alive and had to schlep me around to various school, church or whatever activities. My father’s mother would literally drive down the middle of the road because that was the only way she could see. My mother’s mother would do U-turns in her big ass red LTD as me and my cousins sat nervously in the back as traffic going both ways had to stop because instead of just driving around the block, this old woman felt the need to do a U-Turn in the middle of Bennett St. (for my Pittsburgh people… for everyone else it’s a 2 lane residential street NOT MUCH ROOM!!). My grandfather would just drive about 15-20 miles per hour no matter the speed limit. But he left at least 2 hour ahead of time so he was always on-time. There is a certain 76 year old who shall remain nameless, but let’s just say when I rode with her to my cousin’s bridal shower, I was afraid!! Whew I digressed… LOL
I intended to do a year in review blog but as the days in December came to a close and just the events of the end of the year, things just got away from me. All in all I’m glad 2012 is over, it wasn’t a horrible year but it also wasn’t the best either.
· I started off the year at a job I know I had to get the heck up outta there. After I requested (well not really a request more like a notice of when I was going on vacation) time off which was 4 months in advance. Not 4 weeks, or 4 days, 4 FREAKING MONTHS, my manager who had decided that she too was taking time off at the same time felt the need to give me a hard time. I know what pissed her off was when she asked me if I could move it I said NO I already bought tickets and paid for the hotel. She was HEATED!! She sent about a 2 page email about how company policy was this and that and that I have to be mindful of the part-time person who was there and that in the future to not buy tickets or may reservations until it was approved. Yeah that bitch was crazy!! She really didn’t know me!! And I already knew I needed to go, but that was the final confirmation!! This vacation wasn’t even a real vacation, it was 2 days close to the Memorial day holiday so I could go to Texas for my family reunion. What was HILARIOUS is I had interview about a month before the ‘vacation’ and knew I was going to be giving notice. To start working at a place where the stress was not due to the whims of 1 person was/is HEAVAN!! I know I complain about regular work stuff here, but this is CAKE compared to what I put up with.
· I went to the Dominican Republic… oh no wait that was 2011. I guess I had such a good time it felt like last summer!! No I went to Rehoboth Beach with my sister, mom, nephew and his friend. Um…. The highlight of that was…**thinking real hard** uuuhhhh… getting out of Baltimore for the weekend? That’s bad how about Cracker Barrel, Fins, and the Royal Treat all restaurants. OH and the caramel corn… still food. And that’s about it!!
· Went to Pittsburgh for the wedding of the Century which I have talked about before. My cousin recently asked if we had a good time. I had a FREAKING AMAZING time!! Nothing like a good open bar!! IT was just a good time with family and some friends!
· I went to Ft Lauderdale. It was supposed to be a solo trip to counteract the time I had at Rehoboth but then why travel alone when my friends can travel with me. I stayed at my cousin’s house. She is the hostess with the mostess!! And her crazy husband who made sure all of my chardonnay needs were met. We went to the spa, went to the beach, ate at Primanti Bros which was right at the beach OH yeah and the comedy show!! Sheryl Underwood is hilarious and the little guy before her, whose name I can’t remember was funny too!! This vacay was food and relaxation just what the doctor ordered. Well not my actual doctor who said I was healthy-ISH and that I needed to get my blood pressure and weight under control
· I joined a gym… well a 60 day program at a gym. And my instincts were right, maybe more of a self-fulfilling prophecy, but I am not a gym person. After the trainer pissed me off I stopped going. OH and I did not drop 1 oz let alone a lb!! And I don’t believe that crap about gaining muscle. At least not in this case. I did start doing Bikram yoga, which is the HOT yoga, but that will be a 2013 highlight!
· My mom fell and had to get her shoulder replaced which is probably why I couldn’t get the blog together at the end of the year. She is doing well, but still kept her and my siblings in prayer!
· Christmas and New Years were very uneventful. But I’m so glad to welcome 2013!!
So each year I avoid making resolution because as much as I want to think I will stick to them, I don’t. For a while I would say my resolution was to be a better me. Now ain’t that some fraken nackle BS!?!? This year as my doctor ordered I have got to get my weight and BP under control. I’m not sure if I thought yoga was going to be easy, because it really is not!! I’m doing the hot yoga so the room is heated to get your bones and muscles relaxed I guess to get into the various poses. But last night what I learned is, DON’T EAT before you go. I got a little nauseous toward the end. Well really toward the middle. And then I make my own modifications as I see fit because the girls prevent me from putting my chin on the floor. I look at all the little boobed women and think yeah ok chin on the floor, you’re a size nothing!! And then legs on are bent when I lay on the floor because of my massive booty!! LMAO!! My modifications are because the goal is to get flexible, I am certainly not there yet.
So this one vlog I watch Kid Fury had some resolutions which I thought were hilarious (doing a quick thesaurus check… need to start using comical or amusing). His first one was ‘stop being so damn dramatic’ which he further states that he has to have a conference with himself and says ‘SELF sis, calm your tits and get glad you’re overreacting like fuck!!’ WHO SAYS THAT!?!? I fell out when I heard that! I put it on my FB as a status update to calm my tits and get glad and people were like HUH?!?! What tits? What are you talking about? This was after a nice jumbo glass of wine so there were no holds barred that night! He lists a few more but the other most comical one was ‘tell people when they are ashy’! Again… whew. He says it so matter-of-factly. I just love my black gay men that keep me up on things that relate to pop culture. He also did a vlog on the whole Chic-Fil-A fiasco and how people protested and did kiss ins, which I didn’t even know. Now I must admit, when I initially heard that the CEO of Chic-Fil-A was not feeling gays and them wanting to marry and what have you, I took it upon myself to do a little silent boycott. And then after a few months I said to myself Chick you aint gay and this is not your fight go get you a chicken sandwich! And I did. There are plenty of people who don’t like black folks, women, short people, big boobed people, people have an opinion and a stance on everything. If I based my life on everything someone else said or did out of hate, I couldn’t live my life. Now I get not wanting to support a restaurant because they whole heartedly do not believe in what you believe in, but that dude is not the 1st nor will he be the last to say something that someone didn’t like. This is America he can say what he wants!
Turning 39
Is GREAT!! Right??? So I’ll keep saying it until I believe it. I am glad that I am blessed to see 1 more year. And I need to make to most of this year because I still have some silly notions about turning 40 which are MY THING!! And as Stuart Smalley says... that's O-Kay!! Everyone has their own thing about whatever age they turn that freaks them out. One thing I do need to do for sure is update my passport. I have nothing planned, but I need to go ahead and be proactive!