Wednesday, September 28, 2011


ok so i got a request for the faithful 5 + 1 readers... if you write it they will come!! Field of Dreams was on the other night. I really like baseball movies... not real sure why but ANYWHO...

Co worker
• You really have decided that you don’t like this person(s)
• you avoid contact as much as possible to keep the peace
• do only work related stuff
• the second you stop working at the job... you have already forgotten their name
• whatever you know about them you really don’t want to know but you do and you live with it

Work Friend
• you genuinely like this person(s)
• you do lunch with them
• they may not have been to your house but the next event you have they might actually get an invite
• they know something about you that is personal (and vice versa)
• they might become a ‘friend’ friend
• you talk about co-workers with your work friend
• There are inside joke that only work friend knows about….
o Delicate Genius (which by the way she is NOT)
o LITERALLY (not everything is literal.. but saying every syllable of this word is hellarious!!)
o Midge the Pidge
o And who could forget… Cheese Trays are FUN!!

the indent does not work from word to the blogger...

Monday, September 26, 2011

jibber jabber...

so i've been thinking lately. Not too often and not to hard mind you! but there is truly a difference between a co-worker and a work friend. a co-worker is someone you work with and really don't care if they had a good weekend or bad NOR do you want to share that you had a kick ass weekend! where the most gangster thing you did probably could have gotten you fired from your temp bartending job... but HEY you did it anyway!! a co-worker is someone who you question every dumb ass move they make because they are not really your friend they dont have your back and you most definitely don't have there's which is why I am happily under the bus by my lonesome and the view from under there is not so bad... maybe I can lay low under there. That's what I've been thinking

so... I've noticed I start alot of my sentences with so. I need to check myself before I wreck myself!!

Chris, we still would make a kick ass Amazing Race team!! All the teams are so predictable.

so i like saying kick ass!!

My cat's ass is on my leg. She likes to be really REALLY close. me, I could use a little space!!

nope I just like saying ass!!

Nick Lachey looks like he really works out... yummy!!

why do hole in the wall greasy spoons put those big ass plants in the windows that nobody takes care of?!? how about just washing the windows? And why is the food soo good. My little pizza I had today I'm sure clogged several arteries! and my cherry coke... LOVE the cherry coke!!

that's enough jibber jabber... and the champagne is gone :)

Thursday, September 8, 2011

general pet peevery

**LOUD SIGH**... I have tried over my many years of living and working to ignore what other people say and do that seems to NOT go with the flow of how I live and/or work. But it has gotten to a point I gotta get it off my chest!! I CANT TAKE NO MO!!!

ok so remember back before the new newer monitors, whenever someone touched the screen would leave what seemed like a lasting fingerprint no matter how much Windex you used?!!? That used to get on my last nerve. And I had a few co-workers who knew this about me and would do it on purpose just to see me have a fit. It used to be a HUGE pet peeve, but I have since let that go.

Another one was people picking up my stuff off the printer. Now I know when you share a printer or fax machine it may seem courteous top get my document and bring it to me. But I used to HATE for people to touch 'my stuff'. There was an order and a process to everything I did, which again... I have let it go.

SO NOW... there are in fact a few things that just rub my feathers the wrong way and I know one day this tweedle (that would be my name for this woman I work with... think Alice and Wonderland.. and not Dee... but Dumb and Dumber!!) this chick is going to catch me on an ABC (that would be angry black chick) day and she is going to turn redder than she usually is. WHEW I already feel better and I haven't even listed the violations...

*I know it's lunch time, but go ahead and either wash that dirty dish or DON'T leave it on the counter with all the lunch remnants. OH and go ahead and clean out the sink while your at it cause the rice you had yesterday is still right where you left it in the sink.

*Once in a while say something positive. Like WOW isn't today a beautiful day!! OR Don't the plants we have in this office circulate some great fresh air?!? Let's try that instead of I hate the rain... and your boss brought all these plants in here. OOOOhhhhh and for those of you who don't know me... I AM the boss of me, so that day I said back to her Well I am the boss of me and I don't recall buying all these plants. She just did a blank stare looking like the seagulls in Finding Nemo (you know the ones that sit around waiting for a fish saying MINE... MINE... MINE...) LAWD I forgot how funny that scene was.

*It's ok to run out of stuff like say coffee and paper. I need to express how small my office is. There are 5 people. 1 comes in once every 3 weeks or so. 1 travels quite a bit so in any given week she is there maybe 3 days. And then we have the temp who is there part time. And then random folks from the New York officeevery so often. SO on any given day there are MAYBE 3 people in the office. Please explain to me why we need 10 boxes of the K-cup coffee when only 1 of the 3 people drink that mess (I hate the Kuerig... I don't know why I just do)? And WHY do we have a full box of paper that was just delivered (even though that did mean the cute UPS driver came that day) when we already had a good 10 reams of paper in various places throughout the office. Now at some point or another I have had part time jobs where I have needed to utilize the copier and 'extra' paper to market my side hustle. And I could appreciate it if that was why this chick buys so much freaking paper BUT THAT'S NOT THE REASON. She buys it because she can and wants to make sure we use up all of our monthly allotted supply budget of frivolous stuff. So when I asked her to get me some splenda, that fool got my the smallest box imaginable. It's funny but sort of ridiculous. Ok so this one was a vent more than a peeve.

*If I write something on a post-it, send it to you as an email, AND explain it to you in person and you still don't get it, IT'S REALLY NOT ME!!! This would be New Tweedle (aka the temp). Some days I just have to shake my head and explain the shit 10 times. Other days I say FIGURE IT OUT!!! Like today I said 'well what do YOU think?' Here again... blank stare. But she actually did figure it out so you know that's always good.

I know I need to relax, relate, and praise Little baby Jesus this is my release. I can't keep it bottle up inside or else I would burst. And there would be to many fragments of a random chick everywhere