ok so it's been a minute and we all know I have some much to just LET OUT!! And don't feel bad if you can't keep up. It's OK it's all random.
so here goes...
If what you have on looks like something you would wear to the club, then it is probably not a good idea to wear to church. Now don't get me wrong the Lord wants you to come as you are. But I am still of the very old fashion mindset that you give the Lord your best! Not that tight outfit that you have to constantly pull down; and in the case of men, pants you gotta pull up.
I really don't have a problem with weaves per se, but if you gonna rock it ROCK IT!! And if you can't afford the upkeep then go get a wig or something. It was the same woman at church who had some bad weave in her hair AND some extensions in the baby (little girl had to be about 3 or 4) in like every other braid... it was just bad and I wanted to just say NO!!!
I am officially the last person to see Titanic. AND OMG WHAT A GOOD MOVIE!! I mean I heard all the comedians at the time it came out say yeah it's 3 hours long and you know the outcome, yadda yadda yadda. And I really never wanted to carve out 3 hours of my life to watch it. But for some recent restless night I started watching it and then my trusty DVR did the rest. It was on like TBS or TNT one of those stations. What is always so fascinating to me is that people have been having sex, and falling in love, and having their heart broken, FOREVER. Just cause she's a little old lady does not mean she didn't get her swerve on back in the day. There was this segment on the news where some random woman had passed away and the son was saying how all his mother did was take care of him and she didn't date or anything. And I thought THAT'S WHAT YOU THINK!!! She might not have let you see it, and she very well may not have done anything, but I certainly think parents (especially mothers) have a way of making you think the only 1 time they ever had sex was when they had you. And if you have sibling then add that amount of times and that's it. I still cant figure out why the little old lady threw the necklace overboard though.
OH I also just saw Social Network, about the dude(s) who started Facebook. I was really feeling inadequate as a human being to know that this guy had this thought and created this THING that is now a global phenomenon. I mean I don't even know anyone who even goes on Myspace anymore and I never even heard of the other social network they were talking about. But I do know everyone and thing has a Facebook page AND a twitter page. I keep trying to understand the twitter, and I joined but I just can't figure it out so I just leave it alone. What it also makes me think is that we are just to reliant on the internet, and just too connected. My touch screen phone stopped allowing me to touch it and just froze one day so I had to go to the Verizon store (which was a bad customer service experience yet again) to get a new phone. The little dude with the swoopy hair tried to convince me to just get the phone online. Which not that I needed it right away, but then I would still have to come to the store again to transfer my numbers and I just did not feel like havin to do that. So I just bought the phone and am now STILL waiting for my 50 buck rebate. wait what was my point? OH YEAH my point is that I just wanted a phone to call and text and maybe take a picture. I don't need to check email, tweet, or even write my blog, I just wanted a phone to use as a PHONE!! I understand and can appreciate the convenience of all those extras, but I just don't want to be that plugged in. Everyone is going out to get an iPhone or iPad or a 4G phone and I think all this technology makes it that much harder for people to communicate in person. OH and if you are under... well I used to say 16, but now I'll say 13 or 14 because times, they are a changing; ok so if you are under 13 WHY does you little ass need a phone?!?! And then I see kids walking around texting each other and I want to say put those damn phones away and TALK to each other!!! That's my 2 cents on an already tense subject.
I abhor bad customer service ABHOR IT!! So today I am in Pier One. There are 3 cashiers standing there and the 1 helping the lady ahead of me goes to get something for the lady. So I say 'is this the only cash register open?' and the lady says 'oh I'm sorry she had to go get something for me.' So I say 'oh you're fine, don't worry about it'. Now the 1 cashier was taping up some big glass object but the other 1 was doing random shit behind the counter and they both look at me like I am clearly speaking a regional dialect of some crazy language. So the cashier finishes up and then proceeds to ignore me, so the dude cashier is like 'OH I can help you!' And then I say 'so I guess when I asked the question you didn't hear me?' and then he is like 'oohh uuhh uhhh' I'm like WHATEVER just ring it up. Now I know you're thinking I must have been getting something major to be this annoyed?!?! WELL it was!! I finally found a funnel small enough so I can fill up my flask and it was a whooping 50 cents (LMBAO) yeah I know. I KNOW!! So he rings up my purchase (which come to a whooping 53 cents) and then had the gall to ask if I wanted a bag; HELL YES I WANT A BAG!!! If I was a scrupless person I would stuck that thing in my pocket and kept it moving, but I have a conscience and going to jail for me has to be worth it; 53 cents aint worth it.
I gave blood on Saturday and am feeling some kinda way about looking up the lil dude who took my blood on Facebook. First of all I KNEW he was young, but he was 'nephew young' and I just can't go there, but he did smell good!! But what's bad is he looked like a guy I dated which probably why I thought he was cute and it's also a reason I kept looking at this other guy at church who is SO very married and that is so NOT my thing. I'm not sure what the moral of this story is : /
Stink bugs do stink and I am NOT looking forward to a season of those SOB's invading my house.
I'm really glad my cat decided to like the different version of Meow Mix that I recently bought her. She is now eating it like it is the most delicious thing in the world. I think after our talk... that is me telling her she needs to go ahead and like the damn food cause mommy can't afford no new food, she got the hint and got on board!
Someone needs to tell Oprah a few crest white strips are not a bad idea. Her teeth are looking a lil yellowy. When Winona Judd was on her show, her teeth were EXTRA white against her orange skin and bright fluorescent red hair. Speaking of which I need to go put my dose of strips on...